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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. New here aren't you . and making friends already ,, bye bye mr 23 posts your'e blocked
  2. Have another watch of the video and tell me it's not . Middlo knew the only way they had a chance was to take Bomber out .
  3. And it was deliberate Referee----- Thought process ? what you on. I'll have some:)
  4. Good job some referees make judgements based on what they see (none of the women are included in that statement ) and not on their expectation , otherwise Nicki Pedersen would get excluded from every race !
  5. Tahts right Phillip . he doesn't owe us a thing .nor do we owe him anything , so no need to put up with his arrogance is there
  6. hope so , probably not until he's had all he can take from our national league claiming to be British though, then shows his true colours and declares himself Australian , Like Nick Morris did ,
  7. who will make up the numbers when Wolverhampton drop out because ladbrokes have dog racing on wed/thurs. and Coventry drop out because no one wants speedway on thursdays at coventry .
  8. I wonder how difficult it has been for Leicester to fit their fixtures in around Doyles schedule , Tail wagging the dog again
  9. Maybe if the Authorities weren't so quick to take sides and start wielding the big stick more of todays disputes would get settled in a similar manner
  10. I think Nicki still has the passion to win , but his bad boy tag is holding him back , anytime he passes anyone they chuck the bike down and he's out , he's not only racing against 3 others but the referee and half the crowd . good on him for keeping going ,because I would have got frustrated at being held back long ago and packed it in ,
  11. Does being an old man entitle you to outbursts of violence with impunity ? If it does where do I get the paperwork ,because I have neighbours who deserve a good thrashing , and If Greg Qualifies as an old man . then I most certainly do . The aussies complaining . thats a howler , grass track boy has knocked as many people off by trying to go through gaps that don't exist and the other one has been involved in controversy In every GP so far ..
  12. Sure have , they can remember when Mullets were fashionable along with throwback war cries and thing it was this week , some of them might even remember when Leicester had a team worthy of being in the top division , Maybe if they could put their long memories aside for a while and stop using them as excuses , they could move onto the 21st century with eyes wide open and see things from a realistic point of view , don't hold your breath though ... Give us an ................. L
  13. you'll wear your rtose tinteds out at this rate Tina , come on fess up you know as well as anyone else Doyle caused to the delays to get the meeting called off because Leicester were getting their arses kicked . I fell sorry for the lions fans meself , because they have to travel again and pay again for the the same result they could have last night ,,
  14. That is exactly what the Pugh's did at Cradley Heath , RBS did with Long Eaton , and what will happen at Coventry , next thing on the cards at Oxford .Mystery fire after someone accidentally leaves the gates open and a few cans of petrol lying around ,,
  15. Middlesbrough and Glasgow did for a few years . got people in the habit alright , of going to speedway only when it was free !! Not beyond the realms of possibility ... Jason Crump
  16. You serious !!!! , because my son has an MX bike and a trials bike both of which coast more than a speedway bike , so he's sort of owed a living from MX and Trials is he ?
  17. This is a direct quote off an NL riders Facebook page . and this is the attitude that speedway riders used to have!! Get work out the way then off to Coventry can't wait to race
  18. with an engine service @ £500 every 30 races . £45 a time for a tyre , clutch plates chains and sprockets oil . it's pretty easy I should think .and once your'e in a team there's no saying Oh Im a bit skint i think Ill leave it this week
  19. more than likely has a signwriter sponsor , who did the van free hoping to get others to have theirs done by him . yes I know the one you mean , In our winter they have a league of their own running dont they , is it the Australian Elite league ? #showshowmuchyouknowaboutspeedway.com.
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