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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. Stopped watching when Holder got away with not starting . complete farce . watching corrie instead
  2. Robert wont be enjoying any trophies now or for the foreseeable future . he's a Leicester fan
  3. Quite possibly . but win lose or be robbed . we made it to top 4 , unlike your team
  4. No He's not he's 12,000 miles away playing golf .
  5. Not every team is run by Matt Fraud 5 minutes . or your'e a complete dimwit , choose whichever hat you think fits best
  6. It will all be Stopped in the winter (you should know better ).. Coventry should all get compassionate leave due to the trauma of Losing Garrity , Just long enough for him to be fit ..
  7. Oh yes it's you . Johnny come lately . dont know what happened to the block , but now I know who you are I can see the reason behind your blinkered postings . havent been around speedway long enough to know that Pooles list of cheating goes back so far and is so wide reaching that it's Matt Fraud to 99% of speedway fans
  8. Your'e the one who should be pitied . being so blinkered that you try to defend what is obvious to everyone else ,,
  9. Apparently it's in the rules as an amendment added by Matt Ford after Dakota North scored nothing at Coventry , Nothing to see here folks ,just the normal cheating from Ford which has made our sport a laughing stock over the last few years .
  10. and before you go in ,after you come out , what do you do ? stand outside an office block with a can of beer ?
  11. the beaches have all been closed , dog walkers dont want you on there making a noise , while they are letting their dogs S.H.I.T. all over it
  12. Do you actually go to Cardiff for the GP ? . I would assume not , since almost everyone who goes there would agree, it's about a lot more than the quality of the racing that attracts people back time and time again . it's absolutely ideally situated for a start ,right in the town centre , and the City and council do everything possible to make the event as good as they can , assuming the new Belle Vue has a track that provides great racing , it will be an added bonus to see a GP there , but dont expect it to rival Cardiff because thats not going to happen
  13. I think the new Norton only has exhaust valves , its high pressure direct injection no need for inlets
  14. Gerhard has started again , this engine is very differetn to a Jawa Or GM
  15. Hey ho Bornagain , nice to see you still take an interest
  16. I think it's time the boo boys came out for Doyle , every GP so far wild and recklessly crashing into someone and nmost Elite league matches the same , far worse then Nicki Pedersen because it's all deliberate , Boooooooooooooooo Doyle
  17. Above everything else the rules should be obeyed by ALL teams , having been on the wrong end of 1 rule for one and 1 rule for another I can see why he has reported Somerset , If Somerset want to use the assets of a championship challenging National league team for a meaningless fixture filler , they should ask permission of that team , . Yes it's because the SCB have shown that they cannot be trusted to take a realisitc view of the situation and act in a reasonable manner , I quote you what happens when you take the official protest routes by pointing out the Coventry vs Poole Sky Tv farce , would anyone in their right minds expect to see fair play after that ??
  18. Shame that the weather meant things were a little rushed , took the shine off the showpiece MDL meeting a bit , as with all other meetings these days, there had to be a ludicrous decision by the referee to complete the occasion .. Big well done to Jack Parkinson-Blackburn ,certainly one to watch there ,and well done to all the riders on a fine display ,
  19. Look like they pull like a steam train off the turns , but run out of steam at the end of the straight
  20. One I share wholeheartedly , The recent decline in attendances has been entirely down to the GPs , I cannot think of a single benefit to British speedway from the GPs . but an absolute shedload of downsides , when the Gp started in 1995 all but 2 of the 23 riders in that series rode for teams in the UK , and the 6 meeting series was easily accomodated without too much disruption to the domestic calendar , once BSI realised they had been given a goose that laid golden eggs , they quickly expanded the series and therefore their opportunity to profit from a Product that was earning it's living from other sources , the British promoters and supporters , world championship affairs were once an opportunity for British speedway to earn a much needed cash boost from , but now world championship is poison to speedway . we should have cut the GP riders loose when BSI's ambitions became apparent instead of Kowtowing to them . if we had rid ourselves of the GP riders in 2000 , and kept a regular race night maybe we would not have lost as much support as we have now
  21. That has to be someone making a joke . Seriously Rob Shuttleworth . your'e avin a laugh . ey up he's avin a laugh
  22. you could be right . Bees will be better without Andersen and Robson . . it looks like a close one though Robins by 4 is my guess That's just saved me £17 .
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