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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. I think we should get a young rider an Australian with British entitlement would be ok , someone with a youngish outlook towards , Tattoos, piercings and clothing . then fast track him through the national league , premier league , into team Gb and give him the British selection for the GPs. then he will become popular with the younger generation and have them flocking to British tracks to see him in action . the only worry though is that having had all he can get from British speedway and it's supporters , he will then get so big for his boots that he will want to change the whole way the sport is run to suit his schedule , and when that doesn't happen turn his back and ride in another country ,
  2. Football TMW = no expense spared , Sky would bring whatever is required ,including overpaid washed up ex footballer pundits to broadcast the illusion . your question as to how showing lower league football is achieved seems to have sidetracked into a debate about running a football team at Beaumont Park somehow . I very much doubt that even if it were possible it would greatly enhance finances commensurate with the inconvenience it would cause . there are far better ways of using the stadium in off peak times that would better serve that purpose
  3. I like reading threads such as this , It gives an insight into the thoughts of those not actually involved in the lower orders of speedway , quite often throws up some surprises as people who are only looking in see things quite differently to how they really are .
  4. Theres nothing worth watching in a football match so it doesn't matter if you cant see the bag of wind sometimes .
  5. No he wouldn't because he wouldn't have been there , so the 20.000 would have been wasted . which part of he left Leicester because they wouldn't dance to his tune do you fail to understand ?
  6. Good plan not to pay for him as it turns out , since he was always going to dump the Saturday track when they wouldn't change their race night and dance to his tune , well done Hemsley about time somebody showed the bloody Aussies that British speedway is not run purely for their benefit .
  7. I hope they go bust again . so do the developers galliard homes ,in fact it's probably in the long term plan for to that happen , 5 or even ten years down the line , the stadium gets flattened and the housing complex simply expands inwards to cover it's footprint
  8. Oh right . So that's good news for Wolverhampton speedway as well
  9. I think Parry's are finished this year , I read an article that said the company was being sold .
  10. He's been doing the same for years . you will now be on his list, "Pike" . trying to ridicule everything you post . and scoring points (In his own mind of course ) by liking posts that oppose your points , It's nearly Christmas ,he's old and bitter , but be charitable and allow him the comfort of thinking you take his opinion seriously ,
  11. From the track £8.50 _£9.00 a gallon . from bulk suppliers like builders merchants £20, for 25 litres , About £4 a gallon
  12. Haha , that reminded me of something my ol dad used to say thanks for that , TOC.H lamps and all that
  13. Just likje Tai , has dual nationality , due to 2 british parents who were also Australian citizens , Next stupid question please !!
  14. becuase Tai had two Australian citizens for parents and had the right to choose his nationality for International competition based on his choice for his first international meeting , Just Like brady Kurtz had the choice , All signed for Newport as British , the rode in Aussie Titles as an Aussie Job done , couldnt ride for Newport on 3 had to be assessed as foreign , Wrong
  15. Ask Nick Morris , he managed to ride in the "British" national league , but then decided he was an Aussie and rode for them In the SWC
  16. no I haven't . and dont intend to re-appraise anything I have written because I believe every word of what I wrote
  17. Theres always 1 ,who cant see the point and tries to make something else from what they have read .
  18. If only he wasn't on another planet and could see , that going back to the premier league would get him far more respect from both a business point of view and a supporters point of view , theres no face lost by seeing sense and not carrying on as the elite league whipping boy.
  19. Well done David Hemsley, someone has finally stood up for British speedway and refused to be dictated to .. 3 years ago Jason Doyle would have been happy to ride whatever the racenight . but like so many other Australians who Improve to the point that they qualify for Poland and the GP . Doyle now thinks he's so important that British speedway has to fit in with him , never heard him trying be be the tail that wagged the dog in the previous 10 years when he was a middle of the road premier league rider , earning his bread and butter from British Clubs
  20. we hasve pop up everthingthese days . radio stations . shopping precincts , gift shops. and bingo halls , leicester is the first pop up speedway stadium , a track , pop up stands and portakabins , whats outstanding about that ?
  21. since you have no interest in a persons nationality or whether they are patriotic or not , why are you a frequent poster on this thread which is about Issues of nationality and patriotism . Frankly you have made it quite clear that you have an opinion which you expect to be taken as written in stone , well take that opinion off to another thread and leave this debate to people who are interested in such matters as nationality and patriotism Nicholls has every right to refuse , unlike Tai who has had nothing but benefit , british speedway has done nothing but kick him in the teeth ,
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