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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. That bits right Kirrimaar bought a share of what Ochiltrees owned and susequently sold it to Sandhu , Sandhus intention was to drive the Ochiltrees out and build houses , A quest which he was only partially successful in , according to the statements of the time of the split , Sandhu and the Ochiltrees arrived at a point where they could no longer work together , Ochiltrees could not afford to buy Sandhu out so the only option was for him to buy them out . the split was acrimonious and the Ochiltrees left under a cloud , Sandhu later released a statement with details of the fallout and his admission of his intentions when buying Kirimas share in the first place , his plans were thwarted by Rugby councils outright refusal to allow development . and so having no choice in the matter and now being the owner of a speedway stadium he tried to make a success of what he was left with but all along his intention to build houses has never waned despite his press releases to the contrary like the one I have posted a link to .
  2. LInda was the dirving force , Martin was only really interested in his quad buddies and skiing in the winter , they only took on a partner in ther first Place Hans Kirimaar was his name , because they didnt have the cash to improve and move forward . it was kirimaars share that Sandhu bought , Now I had a meeting with Martin Ochiltree .1 Week before the break up to discuss souvenirs and apparel not just for that season but as an ongoing contract . during my discussions with him he certainly seem like a man who was considering his future with the club . If only I had known that peole would have forgotten so quickly ,I would have kepot copies of the prerss statements from both the Ochiltrees and Sandhu neither of which tried to disguise what was an acrimonious split , but TBH It was so momentus I didnt expect long term supporters to forget it themselves The Sandersons were the main shareholders in Midland Sports stadiums , they were as Sandhu is, owners of a hotel group . with investments in other things , over the years charles Ochiltree became a larger and larger shareholder in Coventry and by the time Hans Kirimaar bought in the Ochiltrees owned it all , it was then going to have a daytona style tarmac banked oval built around the outside , but Kirimaar sold out to Sandhu before that even got to the planning stage , http://www.coventrybees.co/news.php?extend.1648 not really on subject , but should make interesting reading for you Gemini , the words of an Honest man
  3. Dont you mean Midland sports stadiums , which Ochiltree was a 10% shareholder in , decided not spend anymore on renovations on Blackbird road , and Charlie Ochiltree , took his share of the sale and bought a larger share in Coventry , I would copy and paste that onto Leicesters website , Dave Burton is well known by the Leicester promotion . don't think he would be on the carpark staff next year if they saw that
  4. The BSPA do . no Saturday Elite league in 2017 , agreed at the conference
  5. your'e right about public funding , Derby opened a £63.000,000 publicly funded cycling velodrome that is currently running at a loss of £500,000 a year and is set to continue doing so for the forseeable future , this however is viewed as acceptable by the sports council and the local council since its a valued asset to the community !! , speedway being a motorsport and worse than that a motorcycle sport always misses out on such grants sadly , and on the few occasions that public funding has come the way of speedway they have largely wound up in fraudulent hands and not been used for their intended purpose , I dont see any time in the future when speedway will be anything other than self financed so someone had better sort out the product pretty quick before Publicly assisted sports swallow it up completely
  6. you would wind up with an Australian type meeting , where the solo's as they call them are only an interval attraction between cars sidecars etc . I would not want to pay to see , short track or drifting either
  7. Sadly Gemini , there are a good few embarassments to Leicester Speedway who make posts like this , the worst of them though for me , are the ones who knew nothing about speedway until beaumont park opened it's gates , but still quote the Ochiltree took away our stadium and other assorted untrue myths , I would like to say it's a small minority of idiots but i'm afraid it's not .
  8. It's commion Knowledge that both Martin and Linda were still running Coventry Speedway ,And were absolutely distrought at being forced out . so your guess is wrong on more than one count ,
  9. there are no teams anymore , even the national league is full of superstars whose only idea of Team is that they all have the same name on ntheir paycheck , as far as the sport goes their team mates wear the same race jacket but helping any other member to score points only tarnishes your superiority
  10. The whole lot of WWF is fake , but it seems to thrive . they say you can't polish a turd but WWF has managed to do it ,
  11. Mr Sandhu certainly is a man of his word , he bought into Coventry Speedway with the intention of pushing the Ochiltrees out and building houses on it , so he's kept to his word , and he told he us he had no partner ,but then had to pay the inland revenue his money laundering partners half of the stadium to the Inland revenue or lose it all , if you are looking to Sandhu to do anything other than make positive noises until he has got his way then sadly you are being fooled . no new site and no protest against him taking the old one for housing I would say the Dishounourable Avtar Sandhu is pretty much getting it all his way ,,
  12. I started going to speedway at about age 5 , always thought that speedway tracks were soft !! That is, the layer of shale on top was about 6 inches deep , and couldn't understand why riders got abrasions and bruises from simple slide offs , that was until I was about 30 , when I pushed my nephew on track at a practise and found out the surface is as hard as concrete .. was it just me or are there others who thought the shale had a bit of "give" in it . I'm pretty sure Phillip and Kelvin make comments with only the best intentions , but both are biased and slightly removed from the reality of speedway from the terraces , Phillip from a Journalistic point of view and Kelvin from a rider / technician point of view , neither will ever know what its like to be a paying spectator and both can only report their perception of sport from other peoples opinions . both have too much experience of speedway from inside to fully take on board what it's like from outside , similar situation occurs with the promoters , their attitude seems to be you can't please all the people all the time ,so just concentrate on losing/spending the least money possible and dont suggest anything that may rock the boat between themselves or the few promoters feasting at the top table , speedway needs people from outside to run it as entertainment with ,even handed regulation and rules , + these people need to be kept away from contact with riders and promoters as much as possible ,(as SCB members were when it was set up ) and most definitely we need to make use of I.T. and the social media . Instead of panicking about losing £2 profit from a programme ,promoters need to be concerning themselves with how to get enough through the gates that the £2 not spent on a programme doesn't matter . speedway has the product and needs to sort the packaging .
  13. When I have won the Lottery and bought my track . I shall give my season ticket holders some free passes to bring guests , hopefully they will be responsible enough to use the free passes wisely and Ill get a return on my investment . I will also ask the supporters clubs for List of addresses of former members , so that I can contact them and bring them back into the fold .. recommend a friend and get a discount on your own season ticket .and Ill offer a discount to visiting teams season ticket holders ..
  14. It's all a bit of a vicious circle IMHO . the rest of the BSPA members do like a whipping boy , and considering they should think that whats good for Leicester , is good also for them , they are less than helpful , the other side of the coin is St David syndrome , he thinks that everyone including the other promotions owe him something for re-opening Leicester , and he doesnt listen to anyones advice such is his arrogance , I don't think a great deal to the people who run speedway in the UK but surely they wont see Leicester Drop out without lending a hand somehow to ensure a competitive team , One thing I give Hemsley credit for is not being held to ransom by Doyle over race night , but I think his reluctance to accept the inevitable will come back to bite him as far as team building goes . who knows this time next week could see an announcement that he has broke the bank and signed Gollob or Sajfutdinov . whatever happens I doubt he will do the sensible thing and apply to rejoin the Premeir league ,
  15. The people who know will take the those who have never been , but the tracks have to provide consistently good racing , because you only get 1 chance with a newbie , and once they have had their preconceptions reinforced you dont get a second , I would never take a newbie to Leicester for example because theres zero chance of them ever wanting more . and most other tracks are so hit and miss that it's virtually impossible to take a guest without winding up with egg on your face .. theres not enough Hype and bluster to substitute for poor content , although it is possible to hype complete crap and fool the masses , just look at wwf, thats proof it can be done .
  16. bit of a theme going there North and Poole both have something in common with their modern counterparts Holder and Doyle . however the worst incident I have ever seen can be attributed to Carl Blackbird , causing a career ending and life threatening injury to Simon Green at Sheffield
  17. Odd How Women all complain about the state of toilets wherever they go . yet I know several people who work in establishments who provide toilets . and each and every one of them say how disgusting the womens toilets are at the end of the evening compared to the mens , maybe if the women weren't such dirty creatures their facilities would be a bit cleaner
  18. Nothing Against either of those things , But I think better bedfellows could be found . Stock cars and bangers to me , means concrete fences and track and equipment damage , besides theres not really room for a pit area . Just for speedway , by the time the fake disabled and minor celebrities have parked ,theres no room for the riders to park their vans , besides the locals would have a field day with noise complaints 30 unsilenced stock cars racing round and round and round and round and round and round yes one thing you can rely on Stead for is spending half the season injured
  19. lesser riders , use his reputation to their advantage , I include two of the most deliberate fencers in than accusation . Holder and Doyle
  20. never hear a rasping GM myself , but I have heard J.A.Ps and 2 valve Jawas with a nice rasp .
  21. Speedway needs to change it's relationship with BSI as well , all british based riders should sign a contract with British speedway that if they opt out to join the GP circus .then Bsi pays a fee to British speedway for their services , get shut of Gospeed they serve no purpose whatsoever other than lining their own pockets ,
  22. Back in the 80,s we had riders like Sean Wilson ,Gary Havelock, Joe Screen, Dave Norris, Dean Barker . Shane Parker , Characters both on and off the track , most of them could be found in the bars after meetings having a laugh and joke with supporters sponsors and each other.handing out stickers to kids or discussing the latest trends with teenagers , today we have mainly foreign riders , who cant get out of stadiums fast enough or dont speak english , either way you are not likely to see them either before or after their 5 minutes on track . last year Jason Doyle the only glimmer of light in a poor Leicester team ,more often than not, had opted not to ride in heat fifteen , and had left the stadium before the parade truck was loaded . Even at national league level theese days the kids get their name on the side of a van and think they are some sort of untouchable superstar , Stop fawning over MX riders as well , Mx is a sport which largely thrives on flash and money and appeals to chav mentality , in recent years NL teams have thrown team places at MX riders in the mistaken belief that that will succesfully make the transition into speedway and become great riders , well sadly having the latest £250 a pair sunglasses 6 matching bikes and a brand new winnibago with your name on the side , 10 mechanics in matching team clothing , counts for very little , in a sport where 2 days with filthy hands in the workshop , skill and talent are whatt it takes to succeed . all I have seen from the current crop of MX wizards is a few mediocre National league riders who think because of all the flash they are something ,which the results sheets say they are not .To go forward , speedway needs to step backwards ,Promoters need To start running their teams for the benefit of their supporters , and not for the benefit of the few top class riders , Sky sports , BSI , and Polish speedway , My son is in a band , just local lads playing to a few souls , with the use of an app which is free , they can stream the gigs live so that people at home can watch on their phones or computers , although most teams could not afford a large screen they could use this app to show rider interviews between races , and show bits of action from the pits to fill the gaps necessary for track preperation .
  23. agree with the prices absolutely , it's no good keep comparing speedway to football as an excuse for trying to sell a £10 sport for £20
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