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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. My main hope is that there's a Swindon team for him to be in.in 5 years
  2. team manager picks the guests , they also choose when and who goes for the double tactical .. say no more .
  3. Milton Keynes ,had complaints from miles away , the other side of the A5 , eventually the council turned up to a meeting with noise meters . as the weather was awful the promoter asked both teams to hold off warming up as the event was doubtful , the ref arrived ,meeting off , councillers packed up and left , not forgetting of course that elfield park was a designated noisy sports area on the local plan , any way next day more noise complaints , result was the complaints were seen as a vendetta and 25 year planning permission granted ,winner for speedway until the BSPA killed Milton Keynes ,by fining them for late starts poor track etc instead of helping terry cheney who was obviously out oif his depth , within a year the whole place was gone , well done BSPA/SCB
  4. I have recently been on Holiday to Bulgaria , I was wearing one of my many speedway T'shirts . a Bulgarian shopkeeper started a conversation with me about speedway and how it was amazingly popular in Bulgaria a quick search of the net reveals that there are still 11 tracks there and alll but 1 are just left derelict , as recently as 2015 an opoen meeting was run at Shumen ,with a 5,500 attendance ,oddly after that it seems to become a dead trail ,, I couldn't help but think .If only the FIM were as switched on to speedway as footballs governing body are to their sport with a little help Bugaria could become another European speedway nation ...
  5. Correct . anyone can learn to speak and write English correctly ,(except me of course ) what you cannot learn from textbooks or school . is slang and regional dialect etc , thats where tremmors cloak has a great big tear in it ,,,
  6. I don't think he would HAVE he could HAVE taken 1 of their rides and Wouldn't HAVE done any worse Correct , and if we had given a couple of Poles British passports we could have won the whole thing . but the Poles wouldn't have wanted to ride for GB , just like the Australian didn't .so it's really immaterial what may have happened
  7. Not long to wait , TBH , I been getting a bit bored with BSF lately , so a nice little holiday will come in handy , if you get your wish and it becomes world chump , on your first post extolling his virtues I shall more than earn my holiday ,
  8. why ? did they not move out of the way . what goes around comes around , he will have plenty more hospital visits to come ,because he may well get away with it here but the poles wont have it
  9. you see whatever you want to see , I see a reckless idiot , and if anybody got a world title because they deserved it Nigel Boocock would have had 10 . but they are not handed out to people who Sidney the Robin thinks deserves them , they are for the people who can stay out of hospital long enough to score the most points !!
  10. no thanks .we dont need any lessons on how to be a bully and a bigheaded mardy arse , we need lessons form the Poles of how bully the likes of Doyle back ,but keep out of the hospital unlike him don't count me in your common ground , we have chucked far too many resources training journeymen Aussies and other assorted foreigners , instead of concentrating on our own lads , I'm not 1 bit dissapointed that lads who have made it to their level against the odds couldn't hack it against teams and fans whose country actually support its own riders in preference to foreigners
  11. give it a rest ,he Tai love in .is starting to make you look a right saddo
  12. Dont even bother Steve . this guy is a Woffinden apologist , probably as big a plonker as woffinden himself
  13. Very pleased to see Bomber at his best , he really had the bit between his teeth and deserved more points , Steve Worrall took a couple to settle but looked like he belonged by the end , dont know what happened with Cook and Lambert ,but I very much doubt either of them gave less than 100% , we didn't get a medal which would have been nice .but we made the final and deserved to be there . I was proud to see 4 lads who obviously wanted to be there and ride for their country . never even gave Woffinden a minutes thought well done team GB , upward and onward ...
  14. Do the Aussies have the option ,to go straight to Poland ,Sweden or Denmark ,as soon as they step off the plane ?? serious question this . because if they don't I might suggest that that is reason they are here rather than any loyalty towards the UK ,
  15. SWC is just like Eurovision , nearest neighbours helping each other out , probably a deal done before a wheel was turned , shame the Ruskies couldn't help Latvia to the silver ,
  16. thank goodness Perry couldn't be seen by the rest of Europe , saved british sports broadcasting and speedway being embarrassed by her airheaded incompetence
  17. I used to think they were ok .but the last couple of gps I have turned the sound off . not so much Tatum ,but Pearson does my head in .probably because his tongue is down Wofifnden and Doyles trousers , 2 riders I absolutely detest .. jaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyysssssssssooooooooonnnnnnn Doyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyllllllllllllllle ................................................ Mute button
  18. you never know your luck , he may just revert to being an Aussie ,especially if he doesn't make the top 8 in the GP and needs a wildcard , fingers crossed ,
  19. more than likely Gospeed have been paid , the sky money used to be paid at the beginning of the season , Gospeed took their share and the 50p they didn't take got shared between the clubs
  20. Hope not . I hope it's all over at race 20 and the Aussies have been thrashed ,
  21. well done and thanks , they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks , but you proved that wrong
  22. Fine by me . Ill be there so I won't have to hear it Thats because nobody wants to pay £100 for a total borefest , and a lot would rather watch on tv ,
  23. I don't doubt that for a minute there's a few on here i would like to see independent of their breath
  24. I do understand very well thanks , the SCB are puppets of the BSPA, they are no more independent than my right bollock is of my left
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