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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. Machine examiners have the equipment to check they are fitted correctly , makes no difference they don't do anything anyway . other than keep someones bank balance healthy
  2. you are/were a rider then I take it . and never objected to paying 3 times as much as something is worth for something that has no purpose . now explain to me the benefit of a dirt deflector and then show me any example of those benefits . shale still flies over the fence and advertisng banners , riders still get filled in and meetings still get rained off because the track is unsafe . you show me an example of something worthwhile and I'll show you an example of the harm they have caused , Oh by the way can you explain why after exhaustive testing before product placement , air fences are no longer used on the straights , then post something about the speedway mafia , and see what happens . then you'll understand
  3. Brandon Bees , long before they were Coventry bees , and dont forget when they started there was already a Coventry team
  4. I quite like the American Idea of naming teams with historic events or traditions specific to their area , Pittsburg steelers, colorado avalanche . Coventry Blitz anyone ? could be a good one that , suits all round , historic connection and something to be offended about aswell , win win
  5. This post says far more about you than it says about me ,
  6. It's universally recognised as a symbol of many things . in your case a symbol of something to be offended about , in mine it's a symbol of a speedway team in Somerset ,
  7. Agree with that , Briggs now has the secret police . checking his pension scheme at meetings . claiming that copies at 1/3 rd of the price are inferior and dangerous , if you cut a piece of 4 mm Pvc from a large strip from a flexible door for forklifts , how can that be dangerous it;s exactly the same stuff as his just doesnt cost £45 and doesnt have his name on ?
  8. Briggs and few other old boys , have been leeching off speedway for years . bit of a difference here Marcel Gerhard is not a member of the old boys club ,so his engine will have to stand or fall on it's own merit rather than be forced onto the sport by the" Authorities "
  9. Direct competition with rugby and football at 3 pm on satrurdays Perhaps DH should ASK to rejoin the premier league , with the sky deal hanging in the balance ,I think he may get a bit more help even if they only thought he was considering it seriously
  10. DH should ask to rejoin the premier league , I bet that would sharpen a few reflexes
  11. I read this week about a footballer who was apprentice at a club , decided he didnt like it and quit after 18 months , he then decided he did want to be a footballer but with another club ,and is now being prevented from doing so until a significant fee is paid in compensation to the club who initially trained him because he had, had to sign a compensation clause in his contract ,as all players do when starting out ..I think it's time speedway did the same with non EU riders , Not only would it put some much needed cash into the coffers when the likes of Hancock, Crump Woffinden decide to turn their backs after training in the UK ,but it may also enforce a little loyalty from those who still want to milk British Speedway at their and Polands convenience .
  12. Don't hold your breath if your promotion is not part of the Clique , Then you'll more likely get a kick in the teeth from the Bspa than any help or indeed sympathy . Their past track record reads like that of a petulant schoolkid and I have seen nothing in recent times that makes me think anything has changed
  13. Change of race night is looking like the only option for Leicester
  14. As far as I'm aware all NL riders are British ( apart from one or two who have found a loophole ) so those riders who are losing out on team places because management and supporters wish to give their team places away , to the next great white hope grasstracker or Mx rider who fancy a go at speedway . are getting kicked in the teeth and are British . The MDL is the place for untried riders from outside speedway , lets see how many will want to ride when they have to travel the country and actually prove their ability and dedication and finance their travel and racing themselves , the middle order of national league is littered with journeymen MX and grasstrackers who turned their hand to speedway and have got no further . none of them are ever going to make it , but every single one of them will forget speedway when they have had enough and go back to paying out to take part in their original choice of sport sport Sean Wilson had Pink Leathers for a couple of seasons , Sean the Prawn .I have a set of them
  15. Yep .Kevin Lives In Germany and rides Longtrack and grasstrack
  16. It's the same game In Poland Sweden and Denmark , except in the percetion of councils governemnts etc . if its what the people want the Authorities in those countries provide it and offer assistance as they do equally with other sports , if it's not Football in the Uk the only authority interest is in preventing it , I make an exception of course in the case of the new Belle Vue , where i hope the flagship new facility ma just inspire some other cities councils to be a bit more even handed
  17. Sounds likje your'e not a fan of the Gerhard Lord Skid , from what iv'e seen of them they are as good as a stock GM or Jawa , and can only get better as riders find better setups . Judging them using Chris Harris as an indicator is not really a fair yardstick as his ground crew are not exactly top of their field . lets see what happens when a Craig Cummins type sets one up for his rider
  18. El Oddia Racism is 2 way street , There is such a thing as anti white racism you know , or is it a forum rule not to mention that ? I assume you troll the forums looking for any of my posts that could be construed by an anti white racist as being racist , and where the F*** you get the Homophobic Idea from I have no idea , Hope you trolled the post twehre I said |I dont care what you or anyone else thinks to my posts . . Oh by the way The Doctor sent me a PM saying you were gay and that he hates black people then blocked me , now i know theres no way to prove or disprove that , so you'll just have to accept it as a fact Liar
  19. Is there much room at the stadium to allow Camping , Caravans , Camper buses etc to stay overnight ? or even for a couple of nights , Might attract one or two to make a bit of a short break from a trip , could even bring a few Bob in for the club from ground rent
  20. Glad you have realised that . Now clear off and take your Likers with you , Then the rest of us can carry on debating what we like , without Racism Hypocrisy and Bullying from you
  21. Nor me Gem . developers can put a house on a piece of land the size of postage stamp and that is what they will do with every last bit of Brandon , Double lucky then
  22. I must admit to being envious of your trips to battersea funfair . always wanted to see it but sadly never did
  23. GM's and Jawas are like Inkjet printers. lose a bit on the initial purchase make a fortune out of replacement parts .
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