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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. desperation , a situation that a good few Elite league clubs will find themselves in before this season is out
  2. Speedway , where your word is your bond . and means absolutely F.A
  3. Foreign based training has been proven to work succesfully, The Australians have been doing it for years , bring a few raw beginners each year to the UK get them trained up by British speedway .
  4. Sandhu had the pay HMRC the money the partner he swore he didnt have owed , and with that became the sole owner ,and confrimed Liar Cant imagine Wolverhampton is an option , ladbrokes chucked cradley out for a year because they only wanted speedway 1 night a week , so unlkely to go for 3 nights a week , geographically B.ham is nearest Works fine sharing with Wolves
  5. yes you do . captains have certain duties to carry out on behalf of the SCB , other than riding duties .
  6. you have missed out the maybes and if's , I see Sandhu is no longer keeping to his promise to see the bees in a new home, theres a surprise . I hope Steve Rees has deep pockets ,because I cant see mick horton being able to finance it
  7. where do you find the latest Add ons to get live tv . and access to sports and film channels
  8. Surely they dont Just fall off ?, I thought the fixing was strong enough for them to create an impact point and cause the helmet to fail and cause injury to the rider ,not just fall off . well I suppose the dangerous bit is back to the old problem of the self tappers . rivets or nuts and bolts then . because something as flimsily held as they are according to your experience ,would'nt cause any damage in the event of an accident so it must be the mounting point thats dangerous , all the technology that goes into them and they still can't find a safe alternative to screws ,rivets and nuts and bolts , Typical .
  9. I've never seen one .Have you ? I know self tap screws damage the helmets but they seem to be keeping to go pros in place !!
  10. you know what Humphrey you're right , drilling holes and putting self tap screws or worse still nut's and bolts or pop rivets in a helmet is madness , you would expect a company like Go Pro who sell millions of units , to have come up with a simple self adhesive mount , that has automatic release under excess stress . you should get in touch I bet they would welcome your Knowledgable Input and take it on board
  11. odd question I know . but can you do a U turn on the straight with the roller , or do you have to do a full lap for each pass ?
  12. I did have the whole of team Viking round more than once Well he might If you buy it for him . come to think of it , I better save some of the used stuff for the mower and strimmer ,before he uses it in the chain oiler .
  13. When my son was about 4 and had his first Bike a little technomoto .I suggested to my wife remodelling the garden . I drew a plan with an oval raised border and a nice wide shale path round the outside . the plan was looking like getting approved by her indoors , until the boy saw the drawing and blurted out , Mum dad's building me a speedway track !!
  14. certain times of year , early and late when the evenings are damp the smell seems to be more prevelant . but I think there maybe some truth in what you say . In an envirnment where you are subject to regular and large lungfulls ,a degree of immunity does occur
  15. Notro Damus , signals the end of your engine years before it happens
  16. I have seen people using Smith and allen .castor . in fact i think Cov Comp sell it on their spares van . no doubt it's every bit as good as castrol . but I'm not convinced enough to risk finding out , there are quite a few others make racing castor , Beeline, rock oil , Putoline , and redline to name just a few , all are similarly priced . something for half of that price arouses my suspicion I'm afraid
  17. Notro would not work these days . for it to be effective over methanol the exhaust volume needs to be larger . open pipes no bother . with silencer attached the engine would stifle on back pressure and burned gas
  18. speedway engines only have 1 lubrication . there is no primary and secondary , you put 500 ml of oil in , it gets pumped round the engine then you drain it and chuck it away .or save it and bung it in your mower methanol and castor dont make very good bedfellows since methanol has water in it and turns the castor to cream . and adding R to Meth with affect the burn inside the engine and affect the vaporization process in the carb . resulting in a lack of power . modern engines rely on everything to be timed and metered exactly . the result of messing with anything is usually an expensive bang . you cannot mix synthetic and castor . if you want to change from one to the other you have to strip your engine and clean all traces of whichever .
  19. Agree with Gee Jays comment on the Locked thread . If any British speedway fans have spare cash .I'm sure theres more than enough beleaguered Promotions In the UK that would be glad of a donation,
  20. My son has always used castrol R and still does , when his engines go for service theres very little sign of wear , and no sign whatsoever of clogging . the oil gets thinner as it gets hot . and when it is replaced after 5 races its almost as clean as when it went in . the reason why some riders are using synthetic is the cost , with Castrol R now £15 a litre its an expensive game . Jawas need 500 ml for max 7 races £1.15 a race . Gms have 800ml capacity but still need to be chucked after 7 races , so thats nearer £2 a race .part of the reason for the lack of smell even when an engine is running Castrol R , is that modern engines have much better piston rign to Bore clearance , so all the oil gets scraped back down the bore to recycle . old japs had poor tiolerance so quite a bit of oil remained in bore and got burned . even a fully restored jap or jawa will smoke like a kipper and that smoke is the sweet smell of burning castor
  21. I have been using second hand castrol R in my mower for years , i use it my strimmer and hedge trimmer as well . my mrs said to me your'e a bit obsessive mowing the lawn . I said I dont think I am , she says yes you are ,mowing the lawn 5 times a day is obsessive in anyones book !!
  22. save it . mix old engine oil with it and bung it in your Landrover
  23. Can I have maple syrup with your next load of old waffle please . or strawberry jam if Gospeed have bought the rights to maple syrup for a magic bean .
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