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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. Problem is these days , if a track closes it's gone forever , so they can't be left to lay fallow until better times as they once were , close a track these days and within weeks the bulldozers are in and its a housing estate , even if that doesnt happen any attempt to re-open will be met with a wall of nimbyism
  2. I'm not so sure , You only have to look at the money you see arriving at a Pl meeting to see how much is being paid , how many riders have 4 £500 helemts a brand new van 2 bikes , the latest phone ipad and gadgets , most of them have a house and no job , they ain't having all that off £200 a night
  3. Hope the Night goes well . what happens if Nicki can't make it ?.Place taken by someone who has not opted out of the UK again this year I suppose .Oh well every cloud as they Say
  4. Silverbees comments are more interesting than most meetings .
  5. They are all using the same methods to pay people more . they agree a pay cap knowing full well they wont stick to it ,but hoping someone else will ,
  6. There have been lots of different pay caps in all leagues over the years and No club has ever broken the rules and found a way to pay more , Wake up and take your Blue and White glasses off you are making yourself look a fool
  7. Well that all started well enough then the Bees just fell apart . upside if there is one is we wont be the focus of Fords cheating this year , that honour will be reserved for the first team to beat Poole home and away
  8. having no assets means riders would be free to blackmail clubs , If you dont pay them what they feel they are worth after taking a risk and helping them to develop , they will simply go to another club that will , I would like to see None E.U riders become assets of British Speedway , when they decide not to ride here anymore after being brought on by British Speedway , they or the Polish /Swedish/ Danish team that wishes to employ them should pay a compensation fee to British Speedway Poland, Sweden ,Denmark should also pay loan fees for these riders even when they are still riding in the U.K . If these foreigners dont Like it the answer is simple .go straight to Poland ,Sweden Denmark , and miss th uk out in the first place .
  9. Dole Bludgers have more money than working folk and get their bills paid as well . not being able to afford to go to footy would be against their human rights
  10. Good for David Gordon , I'd love see some of the perennial hangers on turned away in fact I'd rather watch that than the speedway . Take it . have bought a ticket or are not going then ..
  11. Thats because half the yobs who follow footy teams are on the dole , 24-7 leisure time .they could still fill stadiums Monday morning Is the stadium finished ? so pleased to see it sold out . hope it's a great night for all who got in soon enough to get a ticket , and hope not too many real supporters Missed out to make room for the inevitable hundreds of hangers on ..
  12. Pretty sure someone would give you assistance from the bottom carpark if you asked , and you can access the disabled / riders carpark from the other end of that road .no need to go under the bridge
  13. we might have to be part of any agreement to take asylum seekers and non EU Migrants . personally I think if we leave to avoid being inundated by immigration .we should refuse any agreement on free movement .unless they would accpet a deal for the core countiries of Europe , spain italy frnace belgium holland and germany .
  14. I think they would be better off looking for somewhere for permanent storage of whatever they can drag out of the path of Sandhu's ( spit ) bulldozers , than looking for a new place for a track . there is a hope of finding somewhere to store the relics !!
  15. I hope his star hasn't waned too much in the time he;s been absent , personally I think he's past his sellby but i hope I'm wrong . did he withhold his services something to do with being Blocked from European champuionship ?
  16. I think Most of the english lads like a bit of dirt ,something to race on .since poor starting seems to be a brtish disease ,they need a decent track to catch up
  17. depends what nationality the rider is , danes like em slick . poles like them deep and grippy and swedes like em wide flat and sandy they have used sawdust succesfully many times at kings lynn , and the track curators worth their salt , have no longterm problems with it ,
  18. how did Coventry City get out of the £30.000.000 it owed the council ? and get back in there in the first place
  19. I would aliken Posting anything other than happy clapper on a leicester thread. to treading on a landmine
  20. I dont know what weather you actually watch . but I live 12 miles from BP as the crow flies and my back garden has been underwater for most of this winter
  21. As soon as I saw Matt Ford was for it .I knew there would be a plan for Poole to benefit in some way ..
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