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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. I would think Blackburn should be good for at least 9 ,in calculations . so it sort of levels things a little
  2. A bit like the scenario at Reading then really ,they wanted the land for development , and it stood idle for years after they bulldozed the stadium , good luck with it anyway , this time round you may attract some of the former Newport Support ,which would help with finances
  3. Theres plenty of room for 100 houses where the new stadium was supposed to go , let them crack on building there and leave Brandon alone , No problem finding a developer who will build Coventry's quota , he has offices in a speedway stadium just down the road and is keen to help out with any new development . Tata can supply the 3,000 workers for its new factories from the 50,000 it's made redundant in the steel industry
  4. Horton should keep quiet unless he has firm knowledge of it as a fact , this petition has started a bandwagon rolling and rumours will only lead to the brakes being put on that , the battle to save the place permananently has begun ,with some very good people leading it , now is not the time to be deflected from that path by a few rumours , of maybe an extra year or so , the fight against greedy sandhu must continue unabated
  5. Why did the dragons lose their home in the first place ?
  6. he's not on his own at leicester though Gem , although he's the only one who comes on here spitting bile . the worst ones are the ones who never knew speedway existed before leicester re-opened but think putting on a Lions scarf gives them the right to spit bile on the strength of hearsay
  7. If there was a new stadium being built and it was just a case of keeping a team together until it's completion ,then I think a lot of Bees would travel to leicester , but on a basis of riding there while a new place was found ,I think we have all seen the example of Cradley at Stoke .and no one would bother . Leicester may have done a bit better with their foray into NL speedway ,if they had got someone who knew about speedway as the manager instead of the arrogant know all they used , I know of at least 100 people who stayed away from their NL matches because they didnt include any local riders , at the time there were 3 local lads all well known to the lions supporters more than capable of doing a decent job in the NL , but despite them being highly recommended , mr know it all . used lads who already had team places from anywhere except Leicestershire
  8. Dont write him off yet . big fast track where gating is not all that important should suit Bomber , I'm not really bothered who wins but I'd like to see him put on a good show , and I hope the track lives up to expectations and provides some top class racing
  9. I agree but its not just about the Speedway its about a multi sports stadium that will never be replaced
  10. Not a snowballs of ever getting a new place , once Brandon is gone thats the end of the Bees ,
  11. On a map Coventry and leicester are only 25 miles apart . in reality they are worlds and decades apart
  12. More likely trying to get the people who already support both to still come , after they have spent all their money buying flags and football shirts and drinking all weekend
  13. If she takes over officially , thats the end of Leicester speedway
  14. Myself and my boy used to go to Somerset regularly on fridays for him to ride in the second half , Oh dear bank holiday fridays ,I can still rmemeber the smell of boiling engines and other peoples burned fuel as we sat in traffic jams . one Fri we were a bit late leaving ,arrived at the stadium at 9.40 did 2 second half races and left again at 10.05
  15. 63 secs by a NL rider probably means about 60 for elite , on a 374 Meter track thats mighty fast
  16. After reading the comments of another poster , re quite a few Belle Vue colts having practised there already .i would give the Colts the edge . whatever the outcome I hope the racing is good , better than good ,even great as befits the opening of a flagship track and stadium . lets hope all the lads enjoy themselves making history and all have a safe night ,
  17. Dont worry there'll be plenty of room . nobody from Leicester will have any money left after a weekend of drunken stupidity .
  18. There was a good crowd in Wolves on monday ,and the racing was good as well .problem is if you were inspired by the sights and sounds ,and encouraged someone else to come and sample it , what the chances of it being the same next week ?
  19. You Missed out Thick . I have had him blocked since 2010 , and have told him more than once that is the case ,but he still keeps commenting on my posts , I have no idea what he says unless someone quotes him . but I dont need to see because without doubt , it will be some sort of abuse , Just Block him .tell him you have ,and then when you see he has replied to your post ,just have a little chuckle and think " Thick Twatt" never gets the message!
  20. how much does it cost to get a basketball and some trainers serviced every 30 minutes , and of course I bet the shorts and vests they wear cost a bloody fortune , only to be expected that they will charge £11 when they have fly players in and out to be able to field a competitive team . and of course ,with it being a game involving a ball and running around .they wont get any help with rents from the council or grants from the sports council , must be hard balancing the books of a netball team . when you consider all their costs and the lack of any outside finance .
  21. I've already been . but sadly on the day I went they were all out of rose tinted , so I had to have ones that can only see reality
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