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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. Agree. he doesn't get paid for not scoring ......... by Leicester . well you do have a red nose . must be from all that wine you drink
  2. well with the old japs and the BSA 3 plate clutches I'm not surprised , the bike I had a look at though was a bit more modern ,and the plates looked like they had, had 20 minutes in the chip pan .
  3. Since January this year , national league teams are not allowed assets , so promoters are not saving anything in the future , and NL teams are not making anything from providing opportunities and training
  4. chainsaw oil gets flicked off the chain the air and the force stretch it out .like the sugar in a candy floss machine and when you are sitting at the start .engine revving full out and clutch plates are apart the strands go in the tiny gaps and contaminate the plates . normal oil is much lower viscosity and the centrifugal force throws it onto the chain guard . but hey what would I know . never been closer to a speedway bike than the keyboard of my computer
  5. I know someone . who used chainsaw oil in the primary chain oiler . kept having problems with contaminated clutches because the centrifugal force flicked the oil onto the clutch plates
  6. to me .on Saturday he made some reasonable starts ,but then after 2 laps seemed to lose the will to keep battling , I have heard other top riders say he doesnt even sit on the bike right at the start , and Im pretty sure someone will have tried to help him before now but does he listen and take heed ?
  7. No idea as to the state of tune , but regardless of there condition the money men are sweating , PJR ,ashtek , etc have probably clubbed together to buy one and had their heads together how to get 1% more out of it .so as to be able to charge extortion for some gold plated screws or something , It's an interesting point though whether it's out of the box . I also wonder If Gerhard has been going to meetings and giving some technical input like he did for a while with Harris, Maybe Freddie is Like Rossi and has the ability to know what works best himself
  8. In the best interest of speedway and More so the paying public , they should just employ the services of some BSF members to sit as a panel and declare a score , everyone knows Poole will win and the only interest must be the possibility of them getting 60 + or even a total whitewash . a pools panel type score would save time and travel for everyone involved .
  9. Can't disagree with you there , team Harris at the moment is full of hangers on and posers , in the past he has had good teams behind him . Brian Andersen for instance , but i sometimes wonder if the old addidge you can drag a horse to water but you cant make it drink applies to Chris ..
  10. I think on his current form and with the bikes going so well , freddie has a Gp Win just around the corner . if he does will it fill Gerhards order books . as Egon Mullers world final win did for GM
  11. Fast freddie broke the 12 year old Kumla track record tonight . with a Gerhard Engine
  12. Easy wolves Win , hopefully they will hit 60
  13. very nice post . there is of course the other side to every story . but I'll leave it to someone else to post that , are you a professional journalist or was that the work of a skilled amateur ?
  14. his allegiance was with the nationallty that would get him on to the world stage , and a wild card into the GPs . surely it's too difficult to see that and understand . and having had those opportunities has chosen to turn his back on the very people who helped him to where he is . theres nothing to embrace .we all got had !!
  15. I think theres more to come from nicki, he puts a brave face on it ,but it must get him down knowing every time he tries to make a pass , somebody is gonna chuck a bike down and the referees will exclude him .
  16. No respect at all ,He was doing as commanded by his paymasters Monster energy ., and by the way I have never said he wasn't british , technically he is , my grievance is the way he used British speedway then turned his back on it ,just when he was in a position to pay a bit back ,
  17. born in Scunthorpe bred In Australia , to argue 100% British is totally moronic when?. after the Australian GP ? oh no sorry he had to be corrected about that by Greg Hancock . and of course he realised the error of his ways and put it right at Warsaw . without any input from his mega bucks sponsors Monster energy , I suppose they wouldn't mind if he showed his ignorance to a few thousand of their customers while wearing a cap and race suit with their logo emblazoned on it ,
  18. He had to come to england to learn to ride ,becuase the Poles won't take take them until they are of a good standard ,it's only the Mugs british speedway who will train them up
  19. then you must watch a repaly of some sort , great advert for speedway fantastic racing , dissapointed at the winner . but Like weatching speedway from 40 years ago at hyde road
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