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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. if you want the best rider in the world riding in New Zealand , I'm sure they'll gladly come , provided you give them enough money , meantime we are discussing what happens here in OUR country with OUR speedway , which really is none of your business ,
  2. pawlicki ,sajfutdinov,zmarzlik ,dudek and vaculik .owe us nothing , they came here (or Not ) fully trained and when they decided it wasn't for them went back and raced in their own country . the Aussies owe us for training and for team places that given to a journeymen . there has never been an aussie who has gone straight to Poland , the poles wont have them until they have proved their worth ,and they can't do that in Australian leagues
  3. seems to me it's only Australians who want/need to train here ,and then want to be the tail that wags the dog ,, well Doyle can go swivel along with the rest of them , just leave a note saying than k you for letting me earn a living as a third heat leader in the premier league for all those years , and don't worry Jason you'll still have one supporter who will continue to argue for whats best for YOU , lucky for you your'e not German
  4. too late he's already had his training the obsession is with money nothing else ,
  5. fortunately we have the GP for good viewing , and league speedway in this country and others props it up at it's own expense , shame the leagues can't muster the balls to say , league or GP ? see how many think they can earn a living from GP racing only , when they all come flocking back for their bread and butter , speedway will benefit from not being blackmailed , it all seems pretty simple , and needs doing before speedway gets killed off like road racing has , all the road racing tracks are blackmailed by series like BSB , and riders get creamed off to that and Moto GP , with the tracks left to stage national level meetings and struggle on week by week losing money
  6. who do we think will be in the promo rele meeting , I would think Leicester are the relegation candidates .. I think premiership are happy with 8 , they were bending over backwards to help Coventry until . leicester and belle vue were secure within hours of both teams declaring they would run , the BSPA withdrew Covs license
  7. never seen Woffinden with dreadlocks , got any pictures ?
  8. Havvy was everything we wanted from a world champion , young , stylish , patriotic and diplomatic , not a tramp covered in tattoes who looks like mickey the monkey and is an embarrassment to Britiain
  9. wonder what he'll say when he and his spanners make the wrong choices at another gp .Oh dear graversens magic spell has worn off , who's got the magical fairy dust this month ?
  10. I have nothing more to say to you , my boy has never said a bad word about anyone and certainly not on here because he doesn't come on here . using him and belittling him to score points against me is utterly disgusting . and I wish to have no more to do with people who would do that sort of thing , agree thick as 2 short planks and a vile person , I am mortified that someone as well read and well loved as YOU has had to point that out ..
  11. it's all fashion . a few weeks back every bit of success was credited to Peter Johns , now it's fleming Graversens turn for a day in the sun , it's all hype and nonsense theres only so much can be achieved within the rules and with a 500 cc single cylinder engine every "Tuner" has the same knowledge , over the years we have had otto weiss , then hans Nischler , then lantenhammer , then blomfeldt ,currently it's graversen , next week it will be someone else , fact is engine tuners have reached the limit of what can be achieved with a single cylinder engine , and it doesnt matter which one of the "tuners" builds an engine ,they can only do it to the same limit ,
  12. My son has more integrity than you in the athletes foot between his toes you disgusting piece of filth , leave him out of your pathetic rants , you are not fit to clean his shoes
  13. No I don't ,is it that hard to understand " you dont get world titles because you deserve them" , Doyle was a victim of himself , he injured himself in an accident HE caused by riding without regard for anyones safety including his own , dont forget Kiwis who haven't ridden for 40 years but still fleece speedway for all it's worth.
  14. you dont get world titles because you deserve it thankfully . doyle deserves nothing anymore than any other rider , I would be happy to see any of the other 15 win and i have my fingers and toes crossed for just that .
  15. Speedway Friends ???? how does he get away with that , Karl Fiala is absolutely pathetic in his massively over zealous censorship .so much so that even the most moderate of people don't bother with it .
  16. maybe as a filler at the end of the season August ..lol instead of this farce they could have an inter league cup pf some sort , would be more interesting than this and any team who wanted a filler could be accommodated , last chance saloon for Poole to fiddle their way to a trophy
  17. the current state of the premiership i wouldn't be surprised to see teams actually want to be relegated .out of the mire created by too many foreigners pandering to Polish needs ,. definiitely wouldn't want to see a thriving championship club thrown in to the mire of Premiership and wind up closing because of joining the disaster
  18. personally .I would like to see the end of averages for National League , some sort of restriction is necessary obviously .or cradley heath will be using 7 GP riders , but too many promising kids are sidelined by the numbers game or forced into main tram places before they are ready , and for the same reason some slow burners walk away altogether . .too much pressure on reserves to win matches as well but oh so sweet , little boy blue taking on the worlds best an beating them ,
  19. in the 60's and 70's we won world team cups world pairs and test matches ,without the influence of foreigners
  20. Nope not heard anything .well of course other than what's been going on for ages new stadium not new stadium houses not houses , doesn't look like a very stable situation to me ,and when there's developers sniffing, not even your own box of Lego is safe
  21. It's been going on for years . in the 80's a top rider who was also part of a tuning business had new parts every 4 races , then they were taken out and put in other peoples engines who were then charged for brand new bits
  22. *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************+ had this problem with a tuner from the Northeast, sent him an engine back after paying 400 quid for a service because He forgot to put the oil filter bolt back in , and we started it and all the oil sprayed out , so we sent it back to see if any damage had been done ,it was still running when it went back , and had just had new conrod piston and the bore relined ,+ new ignition system he loaned us an engine while he looked at the other one ,which he subsequently sold to us . messed us about with our own engine for months ,then after more than a few angry phone calls , sent us back a box of scrap , and swore blind that was the engine we sent to him , later on we heard stories of him building engines and supplying new pistons Conrods barrels etc for incredibly low prices , , send an engine to these people make sure all the individual parts are engraved with your name -
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