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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. Tv matches are fitted around advertising , 4 races massive gap . the people at home either listen to pearson and tatum to fill the gaps or go out and make tea .mow the lawn , while those at the stadium are left waiting for the next set of 4 races to be rushed through ,
  2. Vardy terrific referee . as long as your face fits , been behind most of the worst refereeeing and idiotic decisions ever in speedway .
  3. leicester haven't got a promoter to re-arrange it .. they are currently running around like a headless chicken n (for a change lol.)
  4. Think I'll give this one a miss . but will definitley be there for the last ever Leicester vs Coventry in August
  5. prague GPs are always bonkola . but prem speedway is usually pretty good
  6. what rollers ? the bay city rollers The ref has the benefit of knowing when he's pushed the button . have they no hand eye co-ordination
  7. geting pulled back everytime you make a decent start ,dont do your confidence much good
  8. WTF is Durno on . every time somebody made a good start calling it back . the tapes don't go up as fast in the middle .but that dont mean anyones jumped the start
  9. Whats it got to do with hemsley ? hes not a promoter until at least after his appeal .in fact I dont know how they can do a deal between promoters because Leicester haven't got one
  10. footy doesn't start till 8 . up till then it's just the drivel from pundits . should be able to fit both in i should think I'm not bothered who wins this . but it looks like probably 1 of the best meetings anyone is going to see in the NL this year . good luck to both teams . and lets hope it's a cracker and incident free for all the lads
  11. If the Bees share a track with Leicester I'll eat your rose tinted specs , bees are finished so you can have any day you like . I personally think the elite league is finished as well We've been down this route before . I know it's what a lot of fans would like to see . and I would be all for it myself if it were not for the BSPA's track record of sacrificing weaker clubs who are just about keeping themselves afloat in the current premier league to ensure the future of a few of the chosen ..
  12. are they dropping back to prem then? because 2017 elite is 1 racenight and that is not Saturday
  13. I would guess , a lot of the money paid by english clubs . winds up paying to maintain bikes for poland denmark and sweden , then the money they earn in those countries looks good because its all straight in the pocket. and back down the airport to jump on a flight here paid for by the english clubs
  14. I already have High Blood pressure . a can of monster would likely give me a heart attack
  15. SCB/BSPA obey matt fords law to the letter .they never make new rules without his permission
  16. But we all know that Shooey was worl number 3 in 1990 , Todd wiltshire was 4th
  17. I dont think SCB was being ageist , more just descriptive , if he had said just some Black guy playing the blues wouldn't automatically be racist .. Speedway needs a Barry Sheene . and getting former addicts back would help as well . you may be able to stay clean for years , but all it takes is some Pusher to get you within a sniff of methanol and Castrol R , and your'e addicted again , speedway more addictive than crack cocaine
  18. I think because Stoke have a meeting At 2.30
  19. The council are still waiting for the football pitches and BMX track to be provided . plus any new owner would have to remove all the spoil that Hemsley dumped where they were supposed to be sited . £35 a load went a long way towards the cost of building the track , but hey lets not tarnish st davids crown with any facts him not financing the whole place
  20. The MDL to me is the best place to train the riders of the future , it has everything kids need learning to be part of a team actual racing . with all the constraints of real league racing , time allowance .tapes exclusions etc . they dont get paid .so it costs the promoters nothing . it's taken 5 years to see the riders coming through from MDL , and quite a few lads have made the step from mdl to Nl then onto PL ,or ftr in the elite league . the MDL has been succesfull in creating many new british riders , Inspite of rahther than with the help of the BSPA , who have always put every possible obstacle in the way of the MDL organisers . instead of talking waffle about this scheme or that scheme . the BSPA want to take up the ball of the MDL and run with it , the framework for training youngsters has been set up by by many dedicated volunteers . and proved itself most succesful . british speedway needs to embrace and enhance it , instead of dreaming up pie in the sky new schemes that invariably wind up either costing future prospects a fortune . or of being out of reach because their face dont fit , or cannot spend their weekday afternoons at kings lynn for training .
  21. Much better . In the second year of MDL Sean Wilson told us that he had more blown up second halfer engines in his workshop than pro riders engines .because running 3 races in 10 minutes overheated them with no time to cool between runs . not only do the engines overheat but so do the riders .by the time the kids go for their 3rd race in 10 minutes they are physically exhausted and not properly capable of being in control . its not a lot of fun travelling hundreds of miles and waiting all evening to have your races rushed through in 10 minutes because the referee or the trackstaff want to get off home . and with no time to make any adjustments to anything it's a bit of a lottery whether your setup is right as well . so dad's opportunity to learn his part is non existent . In my experience leicester has been one of the better places . they at least do their best to see that all races are completed . and still grade the track while the waffling goes on to give the kids a decent surface . unlike many other places who randomly cancel races or even whole meetings on a whim .
  22. I think the fine reflects the fact that this is not the first time Hemsley has fell foul of the BSPA , but it is the first time they have had anything concrete and public enough to take action . looking at the bigger picture . these 2 sets of stubborn goats .could see Leicester close because of their silly king of the playground ego's . the bspa are the absolute masters of shooting themselves and the supporters in the foot . and they would rather see leicester close down (thereby getting their hands on the bond) than work to find a solution where another team is not lost yet the problems are pushed aside . the bspa killed milton keynes . and were half way to killing off Coventry and Peterborough ( well they still can be blamed for killing off the former and will by me for sure )
  23. Oh I see , just Like the old school bully who cannot ever admit to being wrong .. initially I was a little bothered that you were twisting everything i said , and in some instances projecting your own view of what my posts actually said . also making up complete packs of lies and attributing them to me , however in the subsequent years I have seen your modus operandi applied to several other posters ,and now realise that your complete lack of integrity ( especailly fabricating the contents of PMS and posting them publicly ) was not personal since you have done the same sort of thing many times with other posters over the and rather than be offended by your attacks .It's far better to show you a little sympathy . anyway having said my piece I'll just go back to ignoring anything you post and not responding to it ,for another 5 years
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