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Everything posted by speedibee

  1. Im not sure I would heap praise on vatcher for JPB , Bewley Brennan , all came from nowhere almost championship ready Bewley for 1 hadn't sat on a speedway bike until the winter of 2015 so how vatcher had any influence on him I fail to see . Hume and Jenkins I have no knowledge of ,however I wouldn't be 1 bit surprised that you have upset someone by attributing their success to Vatcher
  2. Bickley had more than proved himself in other competition as a very capable prospect , Lets perhaps not mention the ones who are qualified by nothing more than their age ,and currently wiping out other riders left right and centre
  3. get some pork roll from tyne brand ,arrogant twit
  4. Is it ? well I'll read no more then , if i had known that this thread cloaked in a title alluding to a massive speedway project ,was about Tai's kid ,I wouldn't have read it in the first place . I seriously thought it was about another load of Woffindens empty promises to be the tail that wagged the British speedway dog , I feel abused having been duped , maybe the O.P could change the title to something more suitable like, Woffindens girlfriend is having a kid ,why would anybody give a Shyt ? Perhaps you could ask him why ,he rode here in September and October after the money dried up in Poland and Sweden ,
  5. There are even more at great ormond street grateful to Jimmy Saville . in Savilles case we are talking Millions of pounds not a few thousands .so I assume that Savilles misdoings are are OK with you then .
  6. yep ,young kids at all costs , never mind lads who have been around for a while learning their craft and waiting for their shot , if it's 15 give it a team place ,great policy will see the sport move forward dramatically , I saw a couple of kids riding battery op motorbikes last week , I told their dads , Get in touch with Vatcher he will have them signed up to a team before their 6th birthday, lets have a national league full of kids whose only qualification is being under 16 , the crowds will flock in .................
  7. Why would anybody think Brum will win . looking at the teams Brum are carrying 3 andR/R stokes only weak link is speight
  8. If you were hoping that \Tai's massive project was going to be anything other than something for himself then I'm afraid you will continue to be dissapointed , British speedway is a pretty sick animal , but i don't think the promoters of it would be prepared to hand it over along with their cheque books for woffinden to do as he pleases with just yet ,,
  9. they probably have the former Cubs manager for this one , and of course he will know better than everybody else , more than likely be a few more changes as well if it is , local lads from Scotland in the team ,
  10. I'll be 100% honest and say ,I would always put my country and the fans that supported me on the way up first , unfortunately there are too many fans and promotions who dont have enough principle to tell him where to get off on his way back down , Woffinden being Australian of course accounts for a large percentage of his selfishness , and spoilt brat attitude , just another carpet bagging Aussie , I@m happy he has done no deal with the BSPA. we dont want him interfering in British speedway ,MDL and Vatchers obsession with under 16s will see a new generation ,without any input (and invariably take out ) from Woffinden
  11. Illegal teams. rule bending , starting to look like the MDL already , no surprise though though
  12. Tai is living in a dream , In his dream he knows better than everybody else , and that he will succeed where many others, far better men than he will ever be (Gundersen ,Pedersen ,Tatum , Mauger , Briggs to name just a few ) have failed ,
  13. And maybe not , what he wants is all his own way in everything , just shows what an arrogant twit he is ,because he thinks he has all the answers and it's his way or no way , we'll t\ke no way thanks Woffinden , Just stay in Poland thinking your'e some celebrity you wont be missed ,
  14. I wonder if this was the reason the BSPA were so set against the SEC ,because of the effect it would have on British leagues . there is of course only so many photographers to go round
  15. Something for himself yep , that would be more likely
  16. avbsobloodylutely not . sod Tai woffinden BSPA wont bow to his demands so he spits the dummy and wont ride for GB , good riddance ,who needs him to train the next generation to be scruffy selfish bigheaded tramps
  17. Davey was never any good in my book , he's Australian . good riddance to another carpet bagger
  18. your'e feeding a troll . leave it , everyone has seen him for exactly the emabarrassment to Leicester speedway he is . responding to him just makes him think his opinion is valid or that anybody cares what he thinks
  19. another washed up Aussie ,who kept getting chance after chance , should have quit 3 years or more back ,then a british rider could have had his team places
  20. Bates seems to prefer foreigners to British riders ,you only have to look at sheffields recent history ,bin Richard hall and give his place to Arthur sissis who is no better ,
  21. some good ideas there . although I dont like the suggestion of giving the start marshal any authority , no names mentioned but the one who does the job at the only end of the M69 currently running speedway . already allows the home team massive libertys not afforded to the away team . given more authority he would have the away riders handicapped in every race .
  22. the people who are struggling with them are the ones who dont know how to set their bikes up properly , no problems whatsoever with them at Wolves last night , and not a single ! destroyed one on the piles left out for NL/ second half lads to take , Hope the SCB take no notice of the whining Aussies and persevere , maybe offer them a course in how to set an engine up themselves rather than simply jump on whatever a ripoff tuner has supplied them with ..
  23. you not going to watch the meeting , just stand in the bar half a mile away ?
  24. start at 7 in the funfair racing go karts by 9 ,always a great day out the away fixture at Belle Vue
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