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Everything posted by Dietbowers

  1. Can`t be bothered to change my captain,I`ll stick with Jason Crump please.
  2. Well,lets hope those Coventry women don`t start throwing their knickers at you,there`ll be an eclipse over the midlands if they do I`ll get me coat
  3. My daughter still loves Wuffy. Nice to see some Welsh support at Peterborough last night
  4. Thanks for the updates,lets hope both riders are okay.
  5. Congratulations to Mr. Gollob for tonight,it`s his to lose from here on in.
  6. Haven`t seen anywhere to nominate our captains for this weekends GP yet.
  7. Anderson`s improving,he beat Wato around our place last Saturday night
  8. Aye,there`s normally as many pullouts for this meeting as there is in Catholic mixed school
  9. Will you be doing the weekend? And my phone died last Sunday just after you rang,bloody thing,took all night then to charge it back up That comes in handy when I don`t want to talk to the Mrs though
  10. September 4th is the latest date in the saga,well,so my daughter tells me 19.00pm start time.
  11. Forgot to do this captain thingy before the last GP,holiday fever took over Anyway,Crump for captain for this GP please.
  12. Just like to post that this thread is more interesting than the actual meeting. And relax....
  13. Difficult to tell what the crowd would`ve been tonight given the weather. Had to take off my glasses,wipe them(twice) to see you agreeing with Tsunami
  14. Agreed,but I doubt billybikespeedway will ever forget or forgive
  15. And people were`nt happy about it even with that amount of time given to them
  16. Um,er,there`s a strange light coming from the sky
  17. Yep,they`ll go a long way towards drying the track out if it rains
  18. I`m about 2 miles away from the stadium,it`s not raining,but it`s very grey and windy.
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