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About Dietbowers

  • Birthday 01/15/1960

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    royal mail

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    walking the streets
  • Interests
    speedway,american football,cricket,shove`happenny

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  1. Yes,only to gauge how long you can stay in the pub before the meeting starts...
  2. Think you`ll find it was the JD`s you were drinking that were affecting your eyes....
  3. Same here,we enjoyed it,and a big thumbs up to my mate the Sump for sorting the troubles out in the bar otherwise a lot of money in beer sales would`ve been lost... Good to meet up with everybody,though I think I need a drying out period...
  4. Swears like a trooper as well,and lets it rip big time on occasions..
  5. Not much chance of that young Najjer,Starman can`t represent himself with any great authority...
  6. It`s been quite educational,and very amusing at the same time,not often can we say that about most topics on the BSF thses days... Now,if only Starman can learn something from it,then its all been worthwhile...
  7. The youngsters are probably googling 78`s as I type...
  8. You`d be surprised how many 78`s spin king has in his record collection...
  9. Hope they do,I`m not doing anything for the next hour or so..
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