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Everything posted by RPNY

  1. Riders often say they know where others are on the track just through hearing them. I think it's quite naive to think Nikki hd no clue AJ was there. Maybe I am wrong, but this is not an isolated incident is it?
  2. I know NP creates a fair amount of controversy/debate, but my GENUINE worry is that he's going to seriously injur or do even worse (I don't even want to type it) to one of the other riders. It can't be coincidence that it's always him either taking someone off, crashing, trying to start a fight after the race (I really don't like Crump but what Nikki did after the race in Cardiff was pathetic & totally unwarranted) moaning at the ref, saying that the other riders 'jumped' off the bike, which according to Nikki they all do. As for the incident with AJ, well I saw it a mile off & him saying he didn't see him is total BS. To then say AJ laid the bike down, when AJ has no history at all of that kind of behavoiur is a terrible thing to say. To not even say I hope he's ok is even worse.
  3. 5000 my backside surely! i would have though the grandstand alone holds that? Its at least double that capacity I think. Jepsen Jensen racing, if you dont mind, please dont reply to any topics I start in the future dude. You seem to just want to wind people up and that's not why I come on here. Nothing personal sir...
  4. I just read that as the new stadium in Manchester is unlikely to be finished in time, the SWC final is going elsewhere, with possibly Prague being a host venue next year. Couldnt we keep it in the UK and use Coventry? Good stadium, middle of the country and (lets face it they want us to be competitve) a lot of the GB team have good expereince of the track. Although at the moment I don't think even that would help us. It does baffle me at times that Coventry never stage any big meetings anymore. Maybe because I remeber as a kid traveling up there for Test Matches, British/Overseas finals, NLRCs etc... Its a great track (when prep's properly) good stadium and perfectly located. Why isnt it used more?
  5. I personally would love to see the days of Sunday at Coventry return but because of Poland that wont happen anytime soon. That aside, I'd like to see it staged on a Saturday (allowing more people a chance to go) and at more Neutral track. Brum, Leic, P'boro, Sheff, somewhere fairly middle of the country and with good facils. They really should push for a big sponsorship and make a real 'event' of it. Seeing as we're not going to have a world champion anytime soon, might as well make the most of our national championship... Just had a conversation with my father about that. I remeber sitting on the steps at coventry in 1985 as a wee lad (no seats left!) and the quality of line up was unreal. How times have changed!
  6. Now I know this is a bit of a moan up, but after seeing on the KW website that the team GB and Czech suits are quite similar, I wish each nation were given better guidlines on how to colour code their team suits. I say this because although hardcore fans can distinguish and of course there is the use of helemt colours, the new or casual fan wont be able to tell the difference from say Poland and Denmark with their colour clashes. Seems little point in having team suits to me if you can't easily tell who's who... Same goes for the EL too.
  7. Yes but it does at least mean a 'form' rider goes to Cardiff. I do kind of see where you're coming from but I do also like the fact that the Wild Card slot makes the British Final a bit more worthwhile again. Man I used to love those British Finals in 80s/90s at a packed Brandon.
  8. I was watching the Lezno GP on stream and just before the telecast started, it was interesting hearing NP say to Tatum that there definatly not as many people here this year (obv didnt realise people could here them..) How much lower was Parken this year? Lower then 20k?
  9. Edwin Starr still the best entertainment they had!
  10. Darcy Ward? I know theres some controversy with him this year but as he's riding in the leagues will they offer him a go as a Wild Card? NB Im not saying he should, just asking if he is one of the options...
  11. Is the world cup 4 riders and a res (Like the Prem League 4TT) Or just 4 riders?
  12. Will we be able to buy the live stream from the SGP Website for this? Live in the states really want to see the first NZGP!!! Kind regards all, Russ
  13. On that note did anyone find out what the REAL reasons the 2nd (of supposedly 3y contracted) German GP in 2008 wans canceled? I was so pssed off standing there in bright sunshine out side a stadium that had a roof!! I wrote to BSI, alas was sent a reply that may as well been written in mandarin for all the sense it made!
  14. My opnion for what it's worth (nothing thats why it's free ;-) ) is that life always works in Cycles and at this moment in time, GB have few - if any world class riders. In the 90's the Americans were very domminent and Aussies hardly had any top riders. Look at it now. Who in the 80s would have thought anyone but Denmark would have a chance at world honors... Difficult to blame people for lack of young british talent. Speedway is not a cheap hobby for a kid to get into plus most kids wanna play football, rugby, cricket, basketball, vidoe games, watch tv before trying things like Speedway. Sad, but true. Saying that, there is definately more we could do to have a youth set up like the Scandi's and if you see on youtube the Billy Hamill academy in Cali, you'll see the efoort thats going in there to produce young talent. With regards to seeding Bomber (or another Brit) next year... Difficult one. On his day he can be great. The World Cup he was fantastic, Mallila he was very good. Torun, was disgraceful, I mean shameful. 0 points unacceptable. But when he's on form he does add something to the mix. But if he is seeded and Holta, Niki, Ward someone like that isnt, then I can see how people would be annoyed. But there are no other Brits worthy of a place in the series right now. People mentioning Barker is a little far fetched. Great kid, bags of heart, but would be even further behing then Tai was last year. Tai, seems to be the one who could 'make it' but needs to sort out his motors first. Just doesnt seem to have the speed on the big occasions. I personally believe the qualifying series should be at the start of the year anyway as a lot of 'form' riders miss out. A la Hans Andersan in 2006, Loram 1999, Joe Screen 1995...
  15. Im a Middlo fan but did he really just put a Joker in against Emil??!
  16. Been every year to the Cardiff GP, I still say Edwin Starr singing WAR as the riders came out was the best. That guy could sing.
  17. Category 1(£87) Tickets for Cardiff SGP for sale: Block M6, Row 11, Seats 9-12 Let me know if interested. Regards, TEx
  18. It's the bigger picture that worries me. Look at the U21 World Cup last year, at Rye House, we had a poor team, bad organisation, when there was a chance to really put in a good performance. See our set up to the others that day,it was woeful. And before people say the money isn't there etc, I will tell you now that Team USA Voulenteers - not even the AMA, are putting together a massive effort to get their U21 competitive. It's been 11 (I think) years we've had EL on Sky Sports and I've seen NOTHING in the way of money going into grass roots level speeday. Are you telling me they couldnt have bought 20/30 2nd hand mini bikes from Sweden / Denmark, and then for eg put 4 at Rye House, 4 at Wolves, 4 at Scunthorpe, 4 at Sheffield, 4 at Glasgow etc & brokered a deal with wulfsport for jnr rider clothing/protective gear so that we could have different centres to train and entice youngsters into out sport? Its ridiculous, look at what Billy Hamill's academy is doing on Youtube. BSPA, be ahsmaed.
  19. I just read why he's quit on the SGP website & I have to say I don't blame him at all. The BSPA are becoming more of a joke everyday. Thats's now our National team Manager & 2nd best rider telling us what a disappointment the BSPA have been in recent weeks. We'll be lucky to make the race off in a couple of years it's very sad. And it's not just the World Cup its the thats a let down, because of the lack of talent coming through, the British final is getting poorer & poorer every year, soon we'll be Premier league standard at best compared to the rest of the world. Such a shame.
  20. It wasnt the worst decision & he made it consulting the whole team, can't really argue with that just a shame it didnt work out.
  21. Very true we would struggled had those 3 been riding for their respective nations, but you can only beat the opposition put in front of you. I think all in all, we did well last night. We were never going to win it but we didnt have a great deal of luck. Outside gastes in the 1st 4 heats, the joker gaining us zilch, but we in no way were a disgrace. Bomber was fantasic, Rico was impressive at times as was Tai. Scotty I thought rode his plums off for little reward, just didnt have the speed & poor old Steady didnt really have the chance to get going. Although in Rob's position probably would have made the same decisions. At least we were at the races last night wich is more than we have done for a few years. Seems to be a lot more positive vibes from the GB camp in general. let's hope it continues. More importantly, what a cracking meeting...
  22. getting to the olympic stadium would take me 15 minutes - I would still rather go to Cardiff. I'm sure the stadium will be top notch but the area is a S**** hole!
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