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Everything posted by sian01

  1. Any news on the march 11th meeting seems to have gone quite over Bristol
  2. And people accuse the Aces of not paying for riders!!!!
  3. Can you actually see the aces letting him riding for someone else in the elite league on his bargain average then come back to us on a higher one. Just because he not in aces declared 1-7 means that he is for use by you. Use one of your other assest which you have!!
  4. Richie is an Aces assest wont be going to either team
  5. Anybody know what the latest is about bring back speedway to the bristol area, Though somewhere on avonmouth was mentioned but seemed to go quiet
  6. I really hope he is back on here now and will give the new aces forum a rest for a bit otherwise might have to ban him again!!
  7. so who has exactly signed besides schlein, klindt, smith
  8. should be an easy win for the aussie team as they include 3 blunsdon regulars...... plus holder and woodward of the elite league
  9. tony rickardson you are the weakest link goodbye and good ridance
  10. Think you will find that it is also the annual price rise for travel inn, use them a lot on business and they are going up from 3/3/6.
  11. edward Kennett now replaces the injured Kenneth Bjerre in this meeting
  12. under the general speedway section but it is usually ian charles who does the buxton photos also does belle vue as well
  13. crump had no where to go the 2nd time and he though the ref might exclued some one else, trick got away with it in his 1st ride, adams should have come off when trick took him out in his 2nd ride!!!! this ref is a ..r
  14. Well the ref has just decided the whole world championship tonite with crap decisions surely he should now be removed from the fim list
  15. Trick would still have been beaten by the world champion no matter what gate he came off he was pants on saturday and the best man won!!!!
  16. KB to win this one no problem can only see lindback, lindgren and risager as his main rivals
  18. Has to be the one and only Alan Wilkinson knocked off a Leicester rider with his arm whilst stood on the track as the rider can round then big fight. Also storming the ref's box at kings lynn when he was upset with the ref
  19. shovlar your post just show what an ar** you are
  20. final won by adams from ulamek then dorbuck and gollob
  21. TAFFY OWEN Steve Waplington Emil Sova Mike Hiftle Gote Nordin
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