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    Budapest, Hungary

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  1. Zarnovica line-up (Štartovná listina): 1 Robert Lambert, Veľká Británia 2 Peter Ljung, Švédsko 3 Dan Bewley, Veľká Británia 4 Matic Ivačič, Slovinsko 5 Rasmus Jensen, Dánsko 6 Daniele Tessari, Taliansko 7 Luke Becker, USA 8 Jan Kvěch, Česká republika 9 Erik Bachhuber, Nemecko 10 Daniil Kolodinskis, Lotyšsko 11 Jacob Thorssell, Švédsko 12 Eduard Krčmář, Česká republika 13 Martin Vaculík, Slovensko 14 Tero Aarnio, Fínsko 15 Max Ruml, USA 16. Dimitri Bergé, Francúzsko Náhradníci 17 Jakub Valkovič, Slovensko 18 Patrik Búri, Slovensko
  2. The final in Nagyhalász is cancelled. https://nagyhalaszspeedwayring.hu/a-jarvanyugyi-helyzetre-valo-tekintettel-elmarad-az-u21-europa-bajnoki-donto-nagyhalaszban/ (organisers' webpage in Hungarian)
  3. Any news about this new Dutch league? I haven't found anything on www.knmv.nl.
  4. According to Forssa MS's homepage the first meeting in Varkaus is SIIRRETTY! Do you have any fresh info about when and where it will take place?
  5. That's the same. The track is in a backyard of a farm and is called Vinsvoll. Drammen is the nearest town.
  6. From Kristiansand: http://www.rundbane.com/bilder-2011/2011.05.29.Stevne-i-Kristiansand/heatoppsett.jpg
  7. Finnish fixtures are top(ic) secret.
  8. Any news on this year's Finnish fixtures?
  9. Hello there in the Ukraine, would anybody tell me whether the Kubok Ukraini meeting in Chernomorsk on next weekend is still on? I'm planning a trip there. Thanks.
  10. It's every time up to the team managers. In fact number 7 and 15 are reserves.
  11. Didn't you forget something? What about the Hungarians?
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