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Everything posted by Warren2

  1. GRW123, a tad confused to be honest you quoted me and then kind of rambled on... I have blamed our promotion you will see that in prev posts. I have said nothing about other teams tapping up our riders, so not sure why you quoted me then mentioned that. Also I know every club has same rules but the point I was making was about fans wanting 3 heat leaders not a Ryan fisher. Being a panthers fan not too worried about the other teams building plans. Not really understanding any of your points.
  2. Can what you are saying, I think many fans would not want Fisher, we would want a third heat leader from top 20 but the farcial rules mean we settle for someone around 6pts.
  3. Hi Hans fan, Friendly intent in this question but what suggests that Larsen or Hougaard is obvious? , they can still fit into their teams from last season. Also hope Buzz is included. 1 Bjerre 8.18 2 Nobby 5.5 3 Buzz 6.55 4 ? 5 Sundstrom 7.87 6 Hougaard 4.98 - If your theory is right 7 Lawson 3.38
  4. To summarise.. Cough up a fortune BEFORE we tell you our team Scooby, I find this interesting if it was me I would be going in a different direction if he will not commit to UK..
  5. Wll panthers have released all their season ticket and admission details.... Hopefully before 2014 they will release news of a 2nd signing
  6. Courtesy of the Peterborough Evening Telegraph - Panthers co-promoter Trevor Swales confirmed the club still expect to have their 2013 team completed by the end of the current year. Swedish star Linus Sundstrom is the only rider to be named as a definite starter so far. Swales said: “We are still in the process of putting the team together and deliberating over which riders to include. “The fans will be the first to know once it has been settled, signed and sealed. “We still hope that will happen by the end of the year.” http://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/sport/speedway/panthers-hope-to-have-that-friday-feeling-again-1-4549626
  7. Jury is out on this 1, this time last year I saw many posters not wanting Bjerre, but this year the majortity seem to... Also Hans wants to stay at Swindon just like Batchelor does, yet Bjerre wants to be at Peterborough.
  8. I would agree as from what you read neither really want to be back at Peterborough, yet Bjerre retweets everytime someone suggests he should be back. Without GP distraction he could really do some damage this season in the red and black...
  9. Hi to you both we were just talking about how our assets where been taken up by other teams, we know we now cannot use them
  10. Each to their own I guess, I would rather have him then some of the names I have seen mentioned. Was just hoping for a team that excites me and keep seeing our assets go elsewhere like Gomolski TNT I hope you only have 3 or 4 correct
  11. Swiderski is a Lakeside hammer... Another boat missed by Panthers
  12. To be honest I would rather the Panthers promotion concerntrated on who will be in red and black in 2013, it seem very obvios NKI will not be.
  13. We will just agree to disagree on this 1 awful comparison IMO. Watched Swidders when he was a Panther would have him back no worries
  14. What the feck has Poland go to do with British League
  15. So Stead is a Star well my other 6 riders in orginal post add upto 36.11 so I have 6.39 to play with, so how about as a guess for full 1-7 of - Bjerre 8.18 Fisher 6.02 Swiderski 6.23 Buczkowski 6.55 Sundstrom 7.87 Gomolski 3.90 Lawson 3.38 42.13
  16. Based on the obvious and available riders.... 1 Bjerre or Anderson 8.18 2 Stead 5.75 3 Swiderski 6.23 4 Buczkowski 6.55 5 Sundstrom 7.87 6 Gomolski 4? 7 Lawson 3.38 41.96
  17. Keep seeing Hougaard's name mentioned, is it a hope or have I missed a suggestion that he is in the frame...
  18. Sundstrom a must for me. I'd like to see Hans return considering we would get first pick. Buczkowski and 1 of the brits that Coventry may not fit in.. just guessing. I remember watching Bomber fly round showground in a panthers jacket, love to see that again.. Hans Kosciuch Sundstrom Buczkowski Harris North a brit reserve
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