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  1. What’s the point? Because people paid £19 to watch decent racing and the Monarchs “no1” scored 3 points tonight. Edinburgh had no incentive to pay the money for a decent guest booking. So instead, they did it on the cheap and the fans lost out (as usual).
  2. I was gonna head down to watch this tonight but R/R at no.1 is such a cop out. Only serves to short change the fans.
  3. Which one? The Black Solicitors Network or the British Society for Neuroendocrinology?
  4. I was planning to go to Lynn tonight as I’ve never seen the track. However, it’s an 8 hour round trip. Looking at the line up, I’m not so sure. It’s a similar travel time to Ipswich (which I’ve also never been to) so I may head there instead. Ipswich or Lynn? Which one?
  5. I might be passing through the Scunthorpe area on May 19th. The Scunny website shows the 19th as reserved for the BSN semi final. Is there any update on this?
  6. Poole won’t be getting my £30 odd quid tonight and I presume many others are in the same position. Silly situation really and a stain on the league as a whole. The sport needs independent governance, quickly, before it dies out.
  7. Does anyone know how I buy tickets in a specific block rather than having to select a category and being allocated tickets at the opposite end of the stadium than desired?
  8. Thanks very much for putting this together - so kind. Is there any way I can save it or will it be online forever?
  9. I got an email from BSN with details of 6 meetings in August (including 1 x Premiership pairs). The email says the monthly pass must be purchased by 31 July. I went to sign up for the month of august on the website but there’s conflicting information: The website says I’m signing up for a rolling monthly contract and the monthly pass doesn’t include Premiership pairs. Can I sign up for the month of August alone? Does the monthly pass include the Premiership pairs?
  10. Can anyone link me to a map showing where the speedway clubs / stadiums are located in Poland please?
  11. The announcer said MPT had withdrawn and told the crowd there wouldn’t be a break after heat 7 so you’ve got 4 minutes to grab a bite to eat, at which point the track staff disappeared and came back with drinks. Maybe not a formal tea break but at the point it is known MPT couldn’t take part in the re-run, get the two minutes on and get going - we’ve already been waiting half an hour and don’t need another 5/10 minutes.
  12. Some excellent racing and lots of drama - I’m glad I wasn’t sat in the referee’s box! Clever by Danny King to lay his bike down in heat 15 when the Gladiators were in a winning position. King’s limp magically disappeared as soon as he got back to the pits. Overall, an enjoyable meeting but it took too long between heats with so many riders taking two on the trot. R/R, reserve swaps and tac subs might be beneficial to teams but they’re not beneficial to fans if it means a rider races two heats in a row and fans are twiddling their thumbs. More thought needs to go into getting the riders out and keeping the meeting flowing. Why didn’t the track staff have their tea break whilst MPT was sat on the track for 30 minutes rather than after it was announced he had withdrawn? I know the MPT incident added an extra half hour or so but you’re not going to retain fans (particularly kids) if the meeting takes 2.5+ hours to complete.
  13. I’d like to know the answer to this too! Anyone know when Premiership speedway will be shown on Sky / BT / whoever has the rights this year?
  14. Anyone travelling from the bristol / bath area today? Willing to split travel costs or drive if anyone wants a lift?...
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