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Gary Stanworth

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Everything posted by Gary Stanworth

  1. Had 24 hours to think about speedway after last nights farce in Denmark and i have decided thats it, from now on i am putting my money back in the football coffers.So it's goodbye to you all, hope things get better in the future for you, but i doubt it.
  2. Just watched the most boring crap speedway on sky, if this is the speedway world cup you can keep it. Been a speedway follower for 37 years now and that was rubbish, but that is speedway these days, ROLL ON THE FOOTBALL SEASON, R.I.P SPEEDWAY.
  3. Hi Steve , don't want to start an argument with you, but if you were there did you see and hear the state of that bike ?
  4. Hi Steve and Tsunami, were you at Wembley for the 81 world final ? I was and so were several friends, we all saw what happened, can you think of a reason why Ivan told Kenny to go back out on that misfiring bike. We all said it would not last for four laps and look what happened.
  5. Best memory of the late great Crazy jack was at odsal when he fell on the first bend and broke a collarbone. He was sitting on the track waiting for the race to be stopped but it was'nt. A well meaning St Johns man ran onto the track and grabbed Jacks injured arm and tried to pull him up. Jack got up allright and kicked the poor old guy up the backside as they left the track. Great guy, sad loss.
  6. In addition to my last post i can now say after all these years of wondering that i can now understand what was going on in Kenny's head when he finaly lost it. This book clearly sets out the many problems that he had, some of which will come as a surprise to all who know anything about top speedway riders and the way they opperate. I also believe, like many other Halifax fans do that Ivan Mauger cost Kenny the 1981 world title, why ? I well remember seeing Kenny come out on Ivans bike which as he left the pits was misfiring badly. The Halifax fans were all shouting out for him to go back and change it. After doing a practice start he did so but was sent back out by Ivan, Why ? Did Ivan believe Kenny was too young to be world champion ? What if he had gone on to win ? Anybody else remember this incident ?????
  7. My copy of the Carter book arrived on saturday and i have finished it by Thursday. I could not put it down for long. Many happy memories were brought back, along with the tagic ending. There are some startling revelations in there too, so any body thinking of buying this book do so , i will be surprised if you are dissapointed.
  8. I got my information from the Ian Thomas book wheels and deals, where he said telling the crowd was his biggest mistake in speedway. Some people were very upset and hysterical, not my words but Ians, i was not there.
  9. Thanx to everyone on the forum for the info about Gary. There is a lot comimg in now and i have almost a complete record of his career. Will post tribute web page later. All the best to you all for the new season. Gary.
  10. I think the reason for carring on is that when the crowd are informed of a fatality there is a problem with people who are upset becoming hysterical and rushing around in shock, as happened when Chris Prime was killed at Newcastle. (see Ian Thomas' exellent wheels and deals book.)
  11. Thanks Steve, Paul and Frigbo for the info about Gary Peterson. Am i ok to use it if i go ahead with my planned memorial web page? Gary had so much bad luck in his short life and it's sad that he, like many other riders who gave their lives seem to be forgotten so soon. Not sure which tracks you guys go to but wish you well for the new season. As for me i'll have to watch it on tv again this year, since Bradford closed i've only been to three meetings and two of those were called off after heat twelve! Thanks again Gary.
  12. Hi this is my first time on the forum and i wonder if any of you fans out there can help me with some research i am doing ? I would be greatfull if any one can pass on any info on the life and career of the late Gary Peterson, including any photos or websites that may be of use to me. I started watching speedway in 1970 at Odsal and Gary was my first sporting hero. many thanks Gary Stanworth.
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