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Mick Bratley

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Everything posted by Mick Bratley

  1. There are two parts to the planning application. The documents to the two parts are here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications//search.do?action=simple&searchType=Application Search keyword ‘Showground’ You will see the recently published two applications. You can submit your objections or comments for the first part here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RSOMJ0MLIWV00 You can submit your objections or comments for the second part here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RSXWVDML04U00 The planning portal is not the easiest to navigate, but it is important that Speedway supporters overcome this, read the documents and note that there is no provision for Peterborough Speedway in the planning application, in contravention of the City Councils Local Plan and specifically policy LP30. You can find the adopted Peterborough Local Plan here https://www.peterborough.gov.uk/council/planning-and-development/planning-policies/local-development-plan The section on the Showground and specifically local policies LP30 and LP36 are very relevant. This is a legal document, if this is not adhered to, what is the point of going to the trouble and expense of producing such a document? Objections and or comments are welcomed from supporters of all clubs from the U.K. and around the world. The Peterborough City Council need to know and understand the 53 year heritage of Peterborough Panthers.
  2. There is no acknowledgement of the policy LP30 in the Peterborough Local Plan. The policy is detailed somewhere in this thread, if not Crump99 would you mind putting it on here, as I’m in the middle of moving house!
  3. That is exactly what is required. We need as many people to submit objections, there’s been about a dozen so far. Anyone can object. Speedway fans around the world can object.
  4. SHOWGROUND DEVELOPMENT. At last, the council has published AEPG's planning applications (there are two) to develop the showground. You can read and comment on the plans on the council's planning portal at https://www.peterborough.gov.uk/council/planning-and-development/planning-and-building/search-applications references 23/00400/OUT and 23/00412/OUT Note these are 'outline' applications so do not contain all the detail. That will follow in future applications. The council's outline application consultation is now open for 30 days.
  5. No they have refused to give the club any further leases. One of their arguments to get rid of Speedway is that they should be charging the club what they believe is a more realistic rental of £7k a meeting and not the (I guess) £2k they do currently. £7k per meeting would be unsustainable for any promoter and even £2k for a set of keys and no concessions, I think, is taking the piss.
  6. Unfortunately the petition on change.org is not really worth anything, it is not recognised by the city council, they only recognise petitions started on their council website (it’s coming soon). All the petition is doing is showing the level of opposition to the demise of the club. I don’t think 1200 signatures in a week is that bad, of course it could always be better, but Peterborians are an apathetic lot and really any petition needs to capture the attention of the local media. The future council petition will do just that and hopefully we’ll get the subject raised on the next full council agenda, if we can reach 500 local residents signatures in two weeks, which should be easily achievable.
  7. I think that’s unfair, Panthers supporters do give a toss, BUT the situation is complicated. The developers have yet to officially reveal their plans. There are things happening in the background, these will come to the fore when there is sight of the development plans. Suffice to say, there will be no Speedway at Peterborough in 2024, not because interested current or prospective promoters don’t want to, but because the developers will not renew the lease for any current or prospective promoters.
  8. There was a very decent crowd tonight, probably the biggest since the season opener. Considering it was on TV and we are bottom of the league, it was an excellent turn out.
  9. A petition was started yesterday to save Peterborough Speedway. If anyone would like to sign it the link is here: https://www.change.org/p/unjust-removal-of-a-pastime-and-sport-precious-to-thousands-over-the-world?source_location=search  Please also share amongst your social media connections if possible. Thanks.
  10. A petition was started yesterday to save Peterborough Speedway. If anyone would like to sign it the link is here: https://www.change.org/p/unjust-removal-of-a-pastime-and-sport-precious-to-thousands-over-the-world?source_location=search Please also share amongst your social media connections if possible. Thanks.
  11. I sent the ET an email reminding them that AEPG do not own the land and that planning hasn’t been approved.
  12. Each day that passes without construction is costing AEPG money and today has cost them a fortune hiring a bailiff to serve notice on a Gypsy encampment that turned up late last night on the land adjacent to the Harvester, the land AEPG have let become a wasteland/jungle because they sold the grass cutting equipment and got rid of most of the staff. Once the encampment (about 30 vehicles) have gone, the land will need about 400 metres of stronger fencing and barriers erecting. AEPG have to be haemorrhaging money at a fair rate of knots, I wonder how much money they actually have, companies house suggests not a lot. https://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/news/people/fence-broken-as-travellers-set-up-camp-at-peterboroughs-east-of-england-showground-4247042
  13. I’m not sure anyone wants another three years like the last two years.
  14. Who knows what they will do, but there are things that can be done to protect the track, pits and grandstand until the planning application has been approved.
  15. I’d like to know how anyone can ‘save’ the club when it won’t have a racetrack after October 31st.
  16. No. Discussions take place with AEPG, they run the Showground, they make the decisions on the development of the Showground. They are the EoEAS chosen developer.
  17. AEPG Don’t own anything, they are tenants with a remit to develop the land, they only get paid, as do the EoEAS, when something is built.They can’t build anything without planning approval, one would assume that AEPGs contract with EoEAS says they have to maintain the Showground until something is built. The EoEAS still own the Showground.
  18. Stop getting people’s hopes up, this is the last season.
  19. Hans has left free caps on the admission gate for the first 50 children who arrive for this evening’s meeting.
  20. Sub let to them by AEPG, a car maintenance company, they have just got planning approval for change of use to a paint shop and car maintenance, but crucially their car storage retrospective planning application has not been approved, there are currently over 100 registered objections including one from National Highways. AEPG have treated local residents with contempt over this and their decision to not cut the grass on site, indeed parts of the Showground are now like a jungle, the residents have been stirred (with a gentle nudge from me) into action.
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