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Mick Bratley

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Everything posted by Mick Bratley

  1. ‘Crook’ is not the right word. Amateur or Tinpot would be a better summarisation.
  2. At £1.3m there would have been a very long queue to purchase the Showground and I would have been in that queue! About five years ago it has been reported that £10m could have bought it although it wasn’t widely advertised. Again that would have had a lengthy queue of suitors if it had been marketed properly. I probably wouldn’t have been in that queue! You probably need to add another zero to the value with planning approval, already there is tacit agreement from three separate house developers for three parcels of land for approx £35m although given the current slump in house building they may kick that into the long grass.
  3. Third from the left in this picture. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cambridgeshire-67491812
  4. He was pictured in the press last week attending a homeless charity! Why I don’t know, maybe something to do with affordable homes. Luckily the reporter knew of him and refused to interview him, as hard as he may have tried to get interviewed. Tinpot.
  5. http://plandocs.peterborough.gov.uk/PublicAccess.WebSearch/(S(33qzxbe541ggm4e1rx5qcxun))/Results.aspx Currently second document down PCC Policy. While you’re there submit your own objection! Here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RSXWVDML04U00 And here: https://planpa.peterborough.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=RSOMJ0MLIWV00
  6. The shift in power of the council has definitely helped Speedway’s cause. The pressure we have put on AEPG is immense and guess what we’ve only just begun. The next two weeks are going to heap even more pressure on AEPG specifically with one confirmed (and as yet not announced publicly) event and one that I hope will be confirmed early next week. These two events will hit AEPG very hard. There is also another rally in the shopping centre of the ward where the Showground is on Saturday 2nd December. Also worth pointing out that the document you mention above originates from the PCC Planning Department. Great to see that Speedway is specifically mentioned in LP30, which kicks AEPG in the nuts as they have recently stated in a statement that LP30 does not specifically relate to Speedway. ‘ave it!
  7. I am sure that it’s purely coincidental that a firm of architects reside on that particular street in Stamford.
  8. Trust me, it really isn’t like that. Buster won't be demolishing the Grandstand as that is the property of the Showground not the Speedway club. The other issue is that the Grandstand has asbestos in it. Demolishing the Grandstand will be very costly, AEPG won’t be wanting to pay for that now. It is in their schedule to remove in several years time, subject of course to planning approval, they need planning approval before they can demolish it.
  9. The fence needed replacing during this close season anyway, it was rotten and held together by various bits and pieces. It’s important to note that AEPG instructed Buster to do this otherwise they would have employed contractors to do it and send him the bill. It’s been estimated that the removal of everything will cost £25k to £30k. Buster is most definitely not the bad guy here.
  10. AEPG think that this will demonstrate that it satisfies option k of the local plan policy LP30, that being that the track is no longer fit for purpose. That’s naive, as they have instructed the current owners to destroy it. Pretty sure our council will not buy into that, more so given AEPGs arrogance and ignoring of the recent council refusal of their DHL operations. Agreed it doesn’t look good in those pictures but that’s only because we’ve never seen it like that before. There’s nothing that has been done that can’t be rectified in a short space of time, we have the manpower (supporters) and we have the sponsors who will support financially. AEPG may have broken supporters hearts but they’ll never break their spirit, these actions will just make the supporters more determined.
  11. AEPG are amateurs in a big boys world of developing. The East of England Agricultural Society (who are getting an easy ride in this and pretty sure that’s going to change as time passes) must be wondering how they’ve got into bed with such a tin pot company, one where the CEO is so worried about his development plans (which have received 1900 comments 99.75% of which are objections) has now enlisted his mates in the Home Counties to start submitting comments in support of the applications. Like I said, tin pot.
  12. The problem is we either go on November 18th or wait until end of January 2024. I think we had to go on November 18th.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/groups/210443765632762/permalink/24548933964690403/
  14. Butterfield doesn’t realise it yet, the key to his development plans is held by the Speedway club. He will have to speak to the consortium at some point.
  15. Currently for sale on eBay. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155850177041?hash=item244964fa11:g:T4AAAOSwQbllOUIb&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8LwIznBYtIC375E%2B8oYF8BjlnEb5Jmli6k2QYF0Ls6StUiDPYgGVD8vcwNksdMkYHs0w6BmZjPPbTwZo4DSk%2FsFSM7%2FMBjM19d%2FAQ5N3NgU2QuT6mqKVXvrsNaHsymoxOcdrc9KjkKTDSI1v4%2BOklvBT393%2BxKXiIEhBQOYdKPUECvceL%2BHcQp6a712pFiiE%2Bg%2B1x5o7tKMcVT3GkD9ChqcT6KRDGaY4iDFK%2FiRO7fOkWTCEBtr0BPGbOzm6AgWN%2FRaGVWFtMP02JZPSQfMlgPaoe4FOxUCuTTi7E1Ezc3Su2a%2FXGkFoRo9ljKfijl6YXA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4D61NPtYg
  16. I feel the pain of the Wolves supporters, Monmore has never been a happy hunting ground for me and I’ve watched Peterborough get some right maulings there, getting a win there was like rocking horse ****. In CVS you have a fantastic promoter and owner, if anyone can steer you to a future, it will be him. You’re in safe hands and I wish you well.
  17. They are now in breach of their contract with DHL I would suggest. DHL must be wondering who the hell they have got into bed with following yesterday’s umm oh er umm er performance from the AEPG CEO.
  18. There is only one other entrance they can use and they definitely did not want to use it, even the planning officers emailed them months ago suggesting it would be a better approach. I think the reason they didn’t want to use this entrance was because that will be the entrance they will use for development as their plans for the first set of houses are close to it. Development traffic and HGV trailers using the same road would undoubtedly see a reaction from residents and businesses that currently use that road access.
  19. It wasn’t noticed by everyone but Councillor Stevenson was wearing a Panther brooch.
  20. The bloke needs someone to dress him, he looked like a tramp. Don’t get me started on his shoes. . . .
  21. I was there, he had a face like a smacked arse.
  22. Clubs pay for them - nowhere near the expense of an air fence, which became mandatory At the track Don't need to be fixed to the air fence, weigh them down with used tyres Costs likely to be recouped by not postponing a single meeting
  23. Track covers should be mandatory for every club. Of course this won’t stop postponements if rain sets in 15 minutes before a meeting starts, or stop abandonments if it starts raining during a meeting, but it will reduce the number of postponements and nights like yesterday, considerably.
  24. 2 hours round trip in the car and eighteen quid to watch . . . . . . . a parade. Ridiculous. The sport sure knows how to shoot itself in the foot. Several Peterborough fans there tonight, testing the water it would seem, I’ll bet they weren’t impressed.
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