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Mick Bratley

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Mick Bratley last won the day on March 24

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  1. Credit where credit is due. This was a pretty decent meeting in miserable weather conditions, the track held up well. The meeting presentation was first class, with some great touches. The crowd size was, in comparison to other league meetings I’ve been to in the last couple of years, enormous. Well done to everyone at Oxford.
  2. A 350% increase in the monthly subscription! I suspect they’ll bring some sort of deal out that will be less, but it will almost certainly be more than speedway fans were paying before.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/210443765632762/permalink/28525751370341956/? An evening with Scott Nicholls, hosted by Craig Saul, on January 17th. The event is kindly sponsored by KIM SYSTEMS THIS EVENT HAS NOW SOLD OUT. A WAIT LIST IS IN OPERATION, EMAIL THE SUPPORTERS CLUB TO JOIN IT.
  4. Do Wolves have a statistician? If so I’d love them to get in touch with me for a project I am working on. I can be emailed on mick.bratley@hotmail.co.uk Thanks!
  5. Do Coventry have a statistician? If so I’d love to be put in touch for a project I am working on. They can email me at mick.bratley@hotmail.co.uk thanks!
  6. Thanks for the info, I’ve passed it on.
  7. I remember reading somewhere on this site a discussion about Portsmouth Speedway, I can’t find it now, unfortunately. However, I was talking to a guy on the phone today and we got talking about Speedway, he’d been to Swindon a few times before it closed and he told me about a poster for Portsmouth Speedway that he bought at a car boot sale for £8. He wanted to know was it worth anything, I told him I thought it was likely because I didn’t think Portsmouth ever had a team called Portsmouth and I remember reading on here that there was a series of challenge matches between, if I remember correctly, London based teams. Anyway, he frames pictures and he’s framed this poster, the link is below, I think it looks really cool. https://www.instagram.com/p/CFPMIZWHIQk/?igsh=ajgyOHBpMXQyaTF2
  8. The developers are not keen on appealing to the Secretary of State a) they’re skint and b) they pretty much know they’ll likely lose because of the Coventry precedent.
  9. A ‘call in’ on a planning application refusal has never happened before, ever. I’m not even sure it’s within the councils constitution and the scrutiny committees remit to even do it. Looks like the legal department will have been working overtime for the last ten days.
  10. That’s too far ahead, I can’t answer that right now.
  11. The Grandstand was fine after our last meeting. Four months later a commissioned report by the land promoters stated it was to be condemned and would take over £1m to rectify. The thing is, if you pay good money for a report to be commissioned, it will generally say what you want it to. Personally I don’t think there is anything wrong with the Grandstand and it could be serviceable almost immediately, when the parts removed are replaced. It’s not exactly made of wood, cardboard or straw.
  12. They’re currently trading insolvent and have no assets to repay their £1.3m debts to the Agricultural Society. So unlikely.
  13. Either way, it’s for them to pay for it, if they want to be National and Local planning policy compliant.
  14. Well they’ve just sold the Hilton half built Hotel.
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