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Everything posted by hyderd

  1. Speedway riders as we all know are self employed workers, their loyalty lies with themselves and their families. I do however dissagree with the poles decision to restrict their riders earning potential. If they had their riders in X amount of days per week, training and getting ready for the next meeting included into their contracts, then that's fine, but they don't and as Riders are self employed they should be able to choose other clubs in other leagues if they wanted too. Having said that I do think we have a chance now to reset our own league/s and hopefully bring back the days of great speedway at our tracks.
  2. kings Lynn was and still can be a great racing track,if the will is there.
  3. I work with some Polish people, when I mention Speedway to them they all seem to have similar answers. Speedway in Poland is not national, the area where Speedway tracks mostly are is where the fans are. The majority of Poland are not really interested. This is what they tell me when I try to get them to visit the NSS.
  4. Dan holds the track record at Belle Vue, on his own bike.
  5. Plus cross border checks now we are out of the EU
  6. If he gives the same commitment as he gave Poole back in 2008, great! If he gives the same commitment he gave Kings Lynn.........Forget him.
  7. Perhaps he meant Salthouse Heath, this is only 35.5 miles from Lynn, less than 1 hours drive.
  8. There's not a lot of atmosphere now, with electric motors and no noise it will be dead.
  9. Yes Jaimon has had a great year over in Poland, he could still struggle on the smaller trick tracks over here.
  10. and us diehards still waiting for the next one.
  11. Don't forget that you get to keep it on demand. So you get to watch live speedway and keep it for another day for £12.95. PCMT just a tenner. Come on get your hand in your pocket or risk losing the sport we love.
  12. Rain spoilt it, but we did get to see some racing. British final 1 2 3 Aussie Brit Aussie.
  13. What's living in Stockport got to do with it.
  14. Are we talking 1 lap or 4 laps as in speedway, if it's 1 lap I have never seen a race, run over 1 lap, if it's 4 laps, the one with the fastest time is the winner recardless of if he gated quickest or slowest. How did this conversation start.????????
  15. Not sure if this example is correct, I have never seen a GP where the cars at the rear of the start,are closer to the cars at the front of the grid, surely if they are further apart at the end of the 1st lap, then their lap time must be slower than the car at the front of the start line.????????????
  16. could that be because there are no local matches, Stock car fans travel from all over the country to get their fix. If it was a weekly or fortnightly thing I think the crowds would dwindle because of all the traveling, fans would have to do.
  17. If it was me, I'd get Mr Cummings in to show us how and when it's safe to start speedway again.......................................................................................then do the opposite.
  18. I remember I Mauger from time to time leaving his fuel tap closed and losing power on bends 1/2, after turning it back on he would chase the other riders and often still beat them.
  19. Why is it complicated, If the effort and cooperation is there, why not.
  20. I understand they have big TV coverage, but if they regularly get gates of 10,000 at say £5 entrance that's £50,000 per meeting or roughly 1,250,000 Zloty, exchange rate roughly 5 Zloty to 1 Pound. That is a lot of money for any sport to lose, time will tell I suppose Think my maths are abit off here, 10,000 x 25 zloty is 250,000, I have been informed though that £10 or 50 Zloty is more like it, so that's roughly 500,000. still a lot of money to lose.
  21. Think the Poles are hoping to get fans into their Stadiums soon, if that doesn't happen it could be a massive mistake as it will cost them a small fortune, with no way of recouping their outlay.
  22. baffles me how the Poles can get away with this, surely if a person is self employed to work for someone/company/team on a set day of the week, then said person has the right to work for someone/company/team on the days outside of the contract with them.
  23. Lambert would be a world beater if he could gate with the best, but he does have time on his side,I'll use Leon Madsen as an example, he was good but not great until he won the European championship.If Lambert was 1st coming out of the 2nd bend, he wouldn't lose to many races. If you are looking at this Robert practice your reflex until you're sick of doing it, then do it again, you are good enough as is Dan Bewley albeit a year or 2 behind you.
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