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Everything posted by hyderd

  1. When will Ole realise that speedway tracks are meant to be wider than the 2 metre's he provides for the riders
  2. Is our mate DanishWebmaster going to do another of his fab score cards. I hope so and thanks in advance.
  3. Anyone know if there is a scorecard to print of anywhere.
  4. here we go again, yawn yawn yawn,change the record lads.
  5. Thank god Emil Sayfutdinov was there tonight, I find it irritating that we have the finest riders in the world, at the finest circuits in the world, riding to a world audiance, but still they cannot prepare the track for proper speedway, its more like Moto GP. Give the riders more grip and passing lines and the product then becomes the finest sport in the world, at the moment its a bit like watching your granny knit cardies.
  6. Again DW your score cards are great, many thanks.
  7. I'v been in hospital since Thursday,got discharged at 15.00 Saturday afternoon and went home looking forward to the last GP of the season.When i turned my PC on and read that this GP was cancelled and the rerun was to be held in Poland,where attendances for league matches are higher than some GP'S,my very first thought was exactly what you wrote pugwash.
  8. Maybe he did in Sweden,but you ask any Coventry/Eastbourne fan if my oppinion is wrong.
  9. Your right right about being in the minority. Typical Scotty never has and probably never will be a GP star,but is a better team player at league level. Easy to say that when it did'nt happen For what its worth,the only decision should of been all four back.
  10. Sorry Garf,i have to dissagree on this one,Bjarne took Gollob wide and did'nt expect him to be able to get through IMO,Bjarne's reaction was probably born out of frustration not anger. The best team still won on the night though so Congrats to all in Denmark.
  11. Nice of you to tell us you love Nicki,but with your name being Phil,i'm sure Nicki hopes it stands for Phillis,but how can you place Nicki above Crumpy in your B Vue team.
  12. Well done Denmark,all round strength allways wins in the end,Poland can go home with their heads high,as to can Sweden, Australia did,nt seem interested after Jase got injured so early in the meeting. All in all it was good not to have to be concerned at who would be last in each heat
  13. Its riders like N Pedersen who put bums on seats,now let me think!,where have we got falling attendencies this season? thats right the EL where N Pedersen does'nt ride. Come back Nicky,your clashes with J Crump,L Adams, H Andersen and even Scotty are sadly missed in the EL and the fact you were booed at Cardiff shows that fans fear, not hate you.
  14. Never in a month of Sundays,Laguta went in hard but fair and poor Lee Sh*t himself and gave up,same thing happened when he was up against Jonsson,Jonsson was riding hard and fast and poor little Rico could'nt stand the heat so droped back to a cumfy third.
  15. D Nermark rode to his PL potential,which sadly team GB could'nt.Hopefully tonight they will all ride to thier cappability and progress to the final.
  16. As did Davidsson,Ljund and Nermark on Monday.On paper IMO we are better than Sweden and because Poland dont travel to well I'd put us above them also.Hopefully Lynch will hammer those words home to them. Not much point in you watching it then,do you want shooting now or later "Gosh" Sub,when did the poles tell you that
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