I'd suggest you read the actual Council report , and Councel advice before calling all Councillors corrupt. The BBC report is not a complete reflection on all the facts.
Worth a read https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.speedwayresearcher.org.uk/wimbledoninternationale.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjx99zUl-aKAxUqUUEAHVHBHNsQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1r3axN8_nbIFJQTLVnsrUO
More likely that the rules have changed, given the BSPL press release said that the Regs for NDL and NT woukd be the same.
Also, on the NDL thread there was a query regarding people like Luke Harrison now being ineligible as he achieved a Championship average over 4 - the response being that he had been told he would be eligible
Until all the teams are declared it's not easy to judge. You could make the same comment about Scunthorpe and Workington, and probably others once all teams are in place.
A number of the Oxford riders could well see substantial increases in their averages this year.
Views have been submitted throughout the year. It is possible that promoters have some interest in what was put forward- not all views are about the points limit
The Fans Voice reps were asked to submit the views collected during the year, and Phil Morris will be presenting that to the meeting.
At least that is a start