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Sir Sidney

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Sir Sidney last won the day on October 15 2024

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  1. Latest post from Mildenhall ****message alert***** Mildenhall co facilitators Steve Ribbons and Kieran Phillips have given a joint statement of where the current plans are working towards the return of speedway to West Row. In a shared statement they said. “The community interest company has now been set up. For those that do not know a community company means that all funds stay within the company and none are given to the owners or shareholders, thus, all monies at Mildenhall speedway stays at Mildenhall speedway”. “Next, we now have a bank account for the company and the details are below. Consequently, we now ask for those supporters who pledged money to send it by bank transfer, but please make sure you have filled in a supporters trust form which are available on our web site to go along with you donation so that we can recognise and allocate it.” “Subsequently, as you may be aware, we have an issue with the new stock car fence, which, to be fair to spedeworth is constructed for stock car meetings and not for speedway. But being built solidly is not conducive to speedway racing as speedway riders and a hard surface do not make for good bed - fellows! “ But, following an impromptu meeting after the track inspection by Mick Bates, (the speedway control Bureau track inspector) who raised a number of issues, Steve has been working on a number of solutions. Ribbons said, “I found the contact number for Champion products who make the foam blocks used at Berwick Glasgow Scunthorpe and Kings Lynn speedways, which Mick Bates said would be needed if speedway is to return to Mildenhall and that the existing air fence is now redundant plus a cover for the uprights of my own design.. a tea cosy for want of a better word. This the covers the majority of the problems along with possible fitting a slightly taller kick board to the wooden pallets of the existing safety fence to raise its height slightly”. Subsequently we are waiting on a price from the manufacturers of the foam blocks. However, this equipment comes at a cost. …A considerable thousands of pounds cost! Kieran Phillips said “ as a Mildenhall fan and a speedway fan. I passionately want this venture to succeed as we are trailblazers in the sport and although finance options are available it is a simple matter of the more cash pledges we can raise the less the company has to borrow!” “We are looking at a business model of depreciating the fence over four or more years. Consequently, it won’t have to be paid back all at once. Now is the time for all Mildenhall and all speedway supporters to step up if we want the team back. Myself, Steve and the committee believe the product we aim to bring over the next 3 years can secure us all speedway at West Row, with the changing of the race day we aim to bring the fans back in and indeed the families for the Saturday night action, running alongside that we hope to unearth new talent with our various practice sessions and training schools on a Sunday ,in time we would like to apply for championship status although that's some way off its certainly not out of the question, But obviously we need to make sure we tick all the boxes that the control bureau ask us to, too start with.” It is therefore we start fund raising now. Bank account details Zempler Bank Account number - 13111289 Sort code 08-71-99 Account name - Mildenhall Speedway Supporters CIC.
  2. Wasn't there a similar wall and posts in place before?
  3. Wasn't there a similar wall and posts in place before?
  4. Thanks for that. I've downloaded and will take a look. One of the most obvious initial questions (assuming we accept in the first place that it a genuine proposal - which I have doubts about) is where are people going to park? Only 200 spaces in what looks a fairly rural location. Hopefully that is all in hand
  5. Nope, he'll have been blown off course
  6. Thanks for the tip off. Tickets bought this morning, before the SGP site said they were on sale.
  7. I'd suggest you read the actual Council report , and Councel advice before calling all Councillors corrupt. The BBC report is not a complete reflection on all the facts.
  8. Worth a read https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.speedwayresearcher.org.uk/wimbledoninternationale.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjx99zUl-aKAxUqUUEAHVHBHNsQFnoECBsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1r3axN8_nbIFJQTLVnsrUO
  9. I note the British Final for 2025 has changed back to a Monday, with no explanation as to why a Saturday date is not happening this year.
  10. Why do you think the stadium owners would have any interest in selling to WBD when they have shown no interest in selling to anyone else?
  11. Gorzow didn't have a roof when I was there last year!
  12. More likely that the rules have changed, given the BSPL press release said that the Regs for NDL and NT woukd be the same. Also, on the NDL thread there was a query regarding people like Luke Harrison now being ineligible as he achieved a Championship average over 4 - the response being that he had been told he would be eligible
  13. Until all the teams are declared it's not easy to judge. You could make the same comment about Scunthorpe and Workington, and probably others once all teams are in place. A number of the Oxford riders could well see substantial increases in their averages this year.
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