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Sir Sidney

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  1. I'm glad we agree that more noise and songs , and general fan engagement is required and beneficial - even if not necessarily the method! Next time Sheffield are at Leicester take the time to have a chat to them. I'm sure you will be pleasantly surprised. Good luck in the final
  2. #bend2barmyarmy 'wannabe hooligans' ? Not in my experience. They sing their songs and support their team. I've seen nothing to suggest they are hooligans. They 'look terrible in general'. What does that mean? 'Especially that James fella.Seems a right wind up merchant'. Have you spoken to him? In my experience he's a polite bloke who talks to anyone and supports his team. Your experience is different to mine. British speedway desperately needs more animated fans creating atmosphere. Obviously I want that to be good natured ( as it always has been in British Speedway) so there is a line that shouldn't be crossed.
  3. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/forecast/gcw2nkxdh#?date=2024-09-16
  4. Seems unnecessarily cynical, plus you can't put a value on goodwill lost- so no business gain to that in my view
  5. If that was the case why let everyone in? Given that the first 1,000 tickets booked were given a free drink that alone would have cost them circa £5,000
  6. That would be inconsistent with how Plymouth were treated with Covatti , but we'll see I guess after Sunday
  7. So does that imply that Ipswich won't be granted a facility after Thursday? i.e. If Ipswich qualify for the final the Emil needs to ride or they will not get a facility
  8. No pay offs provided for. They are just in Old Bob's imagination. It doesn't take much to find anomalies in the Regulations if you look for them.
  9. All it says in the regs is 010.1.4 Competition Cut Off Dates The BSP Ltd shall have sole responsibility for setting any completion and/ or cut off dates.
  10. To be pedantic, there is no stated cut off date in the regs. That doesn't change your point, but it is something that needs tightening up
  11. I shall be doing exactly that. Reiterating that nothing has changed.
  12. I find that if you contact SCB / BSPL / Phil Morris politely and constructively ( which doesn't mean you can't disagree with them) then they do reply. The Fans Voice reps can't do much more in these circumstances that collate and forward on concerns. They don't have the power to change the decision.
  13. David Lowe is the Leicester rep. He has a piece in the programme regularly I believe Yes, they do exist.
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