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British Speedway Forum


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Everything posted by MAN ON THE TERRACE

  1. http://www.cradley-speedway.com/news.php?extend.1903
  2. Someone appears to be updating a scorecard here https://www.facebook.com/metalspeedwayleague/?fref=mentions&__tn__=K-R
  3. Its off ... www.wolverhamptonwolves.co/news.php?extend.2830 also www.bellevueaces.co/newsitem.aspx?id=2242
  4. Its just started ,,, watching on http://tele-wizja.com/player/elevensports.html
  5. Lol.... commentator has just said Poole Pirates are the Manchester United of British speedway ... :rofl: .... he must be either drunk or on drugs
  6. Sandhu has never denied buying it for redevelopment...in fact he said it on live tv ... a greyhound meeting on Eurosport from Brandon
  7. Here you go Woz01 https://coventryobserver.co.uk/news/exclusive-shocking-images-of-coventry-stadium-reveal-true-extent-of-damage-caused-by-workers/
  8. Just wondering Dave ...why does he need an agreement with Horton...Jeremy Heaver is the stock car promoter ?
  9. BBC Coventry & Warwickshire radio have just said speedway correspondant Wayne Roberts will be on their sports programme tonight between 6pm & 7pm with more information
  10. Nicholls credibility going even lower...praising lawrence as a good referee !!...he usually gets it right !! ...
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