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Everything posted by dj350z

  1. It is not necessarily about moaning. It's about having a debate that makes sure Britain gets a good deal - that's the most important thing going forward. Just because the result of the vote was to leave the EU doesn't mean those who did not want to leave cannot make their views known and taken into account.
  2. So if you have a different opinion you have to leave the country now. That's very democratic!!!
  3. Rubbish. It's because fuel gone up in the Uk and he can't afford to run his van!!!
  4. Totally agree with your first sentence and bringing it back to the topic in question, here lies the problem with immigration. No-one seemingly wants to do the low skill/paid jobs that immigrants are happy to be employed in so how do we fill those jobs?
  5. The problem is many companies like mine in the manufacturing sector are already suffering with considerable lower order books due to the uncertainty. 2 of my customers are already making plans to relocate their businesses in Europe. The question I have is; what will Britain look like when we 'get back our sovereignty'? Precisely who will not be allowed to come into the country to reduce immigration? These are very important questions and no-one seems to know the answers but many businesses are suffering whilst this debacle rumbles on. I can also name plenty of big companies such as Virgin who think otherwise!
  6. My point is GRW is that what concerns me is that immigration is the no1 issue that most people that voted to leave that I have spoken to and they won't get what they have voted for. But individuals and companies are going to have to go through a lot of pain and suffering to achieve what?!!!!
  7. Do you really think you are going to get your town back, your society back etc because I don't. They are here to stay. And it won't be so easy as many think to reduce immigration either.
  8. Are you suggesting that there may be only 2 teams in the EL next year?!
  9. Fully agree with you Steve0. I have enjoyed watching him in the EL this season and bringing a bit of theatre to the sport. Lets face it - it needs it!!
  10. I am sure it was that woman interviewing him last Monday night!!
  11. Hmmm! Interesting - it does look like this could be the case!
  12. I wondered why he was having a few problems getting out of the starts!!!
  13. Its not on the SGB website so can't be on Rob. Very poor!
  14. I don't think it is all Poole fans to be fair!
  15. Don't really see the point of having a large rider asset base these days. If KK was a Coventry asset and wants to ride for Poole next year - he will!
  16. Coventry..........and the promotion and supporters were livid with his actions. Your point is........
  17. Dead right - we don't want Fred Flange on 'ere!!!
  18. Yes I know it is WK but it is the presenters that are coming in for criticism on here!
  19. Totally agree Gavan, although it probably isn't down to the presenters as to whether they say something on that subject.
  20. Just seen this on the news and totally shocked! My son caught malaria last year and was very ill. Hopefully they have caught it early enough and she will be fine.
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