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Everything posted by maneacat

  1. Have you ever seen Heeps ride the SHOWGROUND - you would think it’s his home track!
  2. No they havnt actually - it’s been bubbling under the surface since the winter shenanigans - it’s just there are more fans voicing their frustrations now. You have a solid team and are very fortunate to still have your original promoter - if we had the same I feel things would be different.
  3. But you still have Hans at No. 1 and we already know that isn’t working.
  4. On arriving Monday evening to a local derby with Ipswich I was surprised how empty the Car Park was and even more shocked to not see any queues at the turnstiles - that’s what I usually judge it on as sitting in the grandstand makes it difficult to tell.
  5. Finally I can agree with you - needs a new owner ASAP, fresh input different track preparation and hopefully will be someone with a passion for the Club who the fans can relate to once more. Five figures these days is nothing and I really don’t understand what plans you can possibly think he had for the SHOWGROUND because unless he was to buy it (several million pounds would be required) it is only ever available as and when you work around all the other events the Society put on or contract it out for - for example I have been reliably told that the rerun of our rained off meeting V Belle Vue of 9th May can only be fitted in in September - this in a league of only 7 teams and we have many weeks coming up throughout the summer with no home fixtures!
  6. Couldn’t have put it better - well said. Agree 100% with every point - well written post and sums up the situation many fans I believe from what I heard last night are thinking.
  7. Would you like to try again following tonight’s drubbing (it was only a matter of time)
  8. I’m rapidly reaching that conclusion - with the exception of Wrighty BWD and Summers it’s the most depressing season I can recall for years!
  9. If you take off your Buster coloured glasses for a moment maybe you will see that is the way the Club is going regardless. All this rubbish about being financially viable to be there next season - can’t see it happening!
  10. You are spot on there about “going” - a lot won’t bother shortly - you can forget 2500 crowds (apart from possibly Stars visits) because the moans on here are a spit in the ocean to what is being said in the grandstand and face to face amongst Panthers fans. It’s not a case of “IF” but “WHEN” crowds fall
  11. My view? Well actually it’s to agree that you havnt got much of a brain from what you wrote in your previous post - “Don’t need much of a brain to work out that all is not bad by the end of April” - No point in my explaining further because you just don’t get it.
  12. Yes they do. - Buster ran that for a few years also -about 2010 to 15 I think then sold it. Let’s hope it doesn’t take that long before he sells our Club on again.
  13. Sorry you can’t make it but hopefully we will avoid a “Dustfest” now that this meeting has been put back - did you see the photos at Poole Friday afternoon? Dust was so bad it was hard to tell which rider was which!
  14. If you are going to quote me DO NOT insinuate that I have said something about it being perfect when I clearly have not said any such thing. As a long time Panthers fan as opposed to you who refers to watching on video and TV what I will say to you is that I am certain my knowledge of the circumstances, set up and quality of the racing at the Eoes is far superior to yours, whereas I am as clueless about your club and track as you are ours and would not dream of trying to advise you as to how it could be improved. Quite frankly I’m not interested in it and don’t give a toss! I would suggest you concentrate your time and effort on Stoke Potters track and leave myself and the rest of the Peterborough fans on here to worry about ours as we see fit. As others have said in response to your last post Peterborough is probably way down on the list of tracks in the UK which need widening or improving and it’s 99.9% certain our Landlords would never agree to it. Who by the way is going to pick up the Tab for the cost of such work? Not the SHOWGROUND who are happy with the site as it is! We are now owned by Buster Chapman in case you hadn’t realised so that’s a definite no there as well in my opinion. Meanwhile back in the real world we have a meeting tomorrow against one of Buster’s other teams the Stars - will you be there? You could have a word with him and put your suggestions across personally. Good luck with that!
  15. I don’t believe a word of it - spin or a cover up in my opinion.
  16. You are overlooking the fact that this track is located on a SHOWGROUND that is used (and was built for) for many other activities with speedway really as a sideshow. As for “Rules” re the fence our Landlords are most unlikely to be interested in those - we count ourselves fortunate to stilll be able to watch racing here anything else especially what you are suggesting is just a pipe dream.
  17. Perhaps you would like to contact our Landlords at the Eoes with your suggestions but I suspect you may only receive a two word reply with the second one being OFF!
  18. Tank, Jeep - military vehicle of some description! They’re all the same to me - a bit like footballers!!!!!!
  19. Good as neither are of the standard required to do that - Buster totally messed up our team that looked so promising in the winter so he will have to be prepared to take the financial hit for his decisions when things go pear-shaped. As my parents always taught me - to every action there are consequences!
  20. You’ve been spouting the same rubbish for weeks now - time to take off those rose-tinted glasses!
  21. Don’t think there is a Panthers fan out there who will disagree with you
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