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Everything posted by maneacat

  1. That was my understanding of Panther2006's post - and most others on here I imagine so well said.
  2. The Club's website shows 2/12/15 as the date Simon was announced in the 2016 team - within a few days the Lewis Kerr situation occurred following Lynn's change of race day announcement so it is my guess that Lambert was signed with the thinking he would be unlikely to be in an EL team for 2016 as most had their 6/7 positions filled. However I will be very surprised if he is replaced before the first set of averages are out at the earliest. Although now not an ideal situation I cannot imagine that there has not been discussion/agreement/ between the parties before Simon signed for the Stars. I think both clubs are important to him and he certainly showed last year his dedication to Panthers but as KL hold his contract he would quite naturally be keen to ride there also. It would be good to hear GED/Carl's thoughts on this as well as Simon himself but I suppose that's unlikely.
  3. Can you share a link please to this information as I seem to have missed it - don't do Twitter by the way is that the source? Thanks.
  4. So far so good but what about the camping weekend prices? I can't see anything about this anywhere. Does that include caravans and motor homes - ie: Truckfest etc. We used to be able to book to arrive Friday stay till Monday so is this going to be the same.
  5. Yes the pricing of this is going to be interesting and the track will hopefully be able to cope unless we suffer a heatwave that weekend. But as for the campsite - really can't see that being a problem at all as the EoES regularly cater for thousands over many weekends throughout the summer months and are very experienced at organising this.
  6. I for one am relieved it's not KB - I would rather have Porsing who can't possibly be any less of a team player and is a young rider with a lot of potential than "on the slippery slope Bjerre" but agree with others its just a shame we didn't use all the points available. Looking back to last season apart from Cookie one of the best riders I saw at the EoEs had a lower average than some other teams No. 1's - Brady Kurtz. Fingers crossed we have pulled two rabbits out of the hat ie: Porsing and NBJ.
  7. Hope it's in the summer - if lucky and weather is good creates a much better atmosphere for a testimonial rather than a mad dash for the car park as soon as the last heat is run in March when it's usually freezing.
  8. Hopefully not - this is supposed to be the top level of a professional Motorsport not a Primary school rounders competition!
  9. Yes I am aware of that but I was enquiring as to the rules in force in the EL in relation to Polish riders.
  10. Am I correct in thinking it's different for Polish riders riding in the EL and if so any idea why that is?
  11. Yes I had seen the posts on Facebook and that's why I thought I would ask on here as no one on there seemed to have a clue what was going on. Sounds like it's all happened very suddenly and unexpected to committee members and fans alike.
  12. Anyone know what's going on with the Supporters Club? Emergency AGM arranged for 22nd Dec at the EoES.
  13. If he were to ride PL in 2016 would he be on converted average or his last actual attained PL average?
  14. Who is Simon an asset of? If its an EL CLUB and we have home meetings on Sundays shouldnt be many clashes other than a few away.
  15. Thankfully those you refer to do not make the decisions at Peterborough and from what we have seen from Ged so far dumping Simon is unlikely to be his plan.
  16. Sundstrom, Larsen, Houugaard, THJ. - no idea on current averages or other commitments but just a few names I thought of.
  17. Lol. Probably not because all other PL Teams will be sorted well before then meaning there are hardly any suitable riders left worth discussing for the position!
  18. Don't like the sound of that - means we have built from the bottom up never a good idea IMO. Worryingly showing once again how Sunday home day meetings and riders wanting to race for Polish clubs do not mix. Fingers crossed its not a season of guests and RR.
  19. That sounds like the KB we Panthers fans remember or "ME ME ME" as some of us used to refer to him because whenever interviewed by our track guy or Sky he only spoke about his own actions/ambitions never the Club, the team or his teammates! He had the ability once but not the passion of a team player and never showed any personality. Whether he still has the ability is a risk any club signing him will have to take (including my own as its well known on our thread we have a KB sized space in our 2016 team currently) but it's the passion and personality that makes the complete team man.
  20. and as he says himself he could not mess PL offers about and at the time he signed for the Witches K.Lynn did not know what their race night would be. Lewis's statement gives more detail of his predicament than that of the club as quoted by you which seems vague and indecisive. I think it is highly likely he would have lost the offer of a place at Ipswich had he waited until KL finally decided what they were doing and could well have struggled to find a PL place anywhere.
  21. Well done to Lewis for clearing the matter up with what happened - something the Club should really have done straight away to keep their fans up to date with the situation. COMMUNICATION is all it takes.
  22. He's gone up in mine - expected him to ditch the Witches which to my mind would have been very unfair as they have done nothing wrong - it's Kings Lynn who are late in the process of signing riders and now we finally learn why - changing race night. Whether Lewis was aware of this possibility or not is immaterial as I would imagine it's in the PL where he will earn more than riding as a FDR in the EL from what I have read on the pay scale previously. There are very few PL teams who could at this late stage accommodate his average and with a new baby I imagine he would not wish to travel to Edinburgh or Plymouth on a weekly basis for instance. He has done what he thinks is right for him and his family and good luck to him at both new home clubs.
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