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Everything posted by maneacat

  1. I remember being told exactly the same as Wealdstone’s comment and I’m certain we were not the only ones to believe that at the time from conversations with other fans. An expansion on Mick’s statement would be useful - not sure what to think or believe at present.
  2. Wonder if we are to continue to be known as the T-Balfe Panthers - does anyone know?
  3. Sorry no not yet - only two signings announced and I’m hoping I will feel more upbeat once more are known. Very pleased to have binned afternoon racing though - I hate it - Speedway needs to be under lights. Fans have posted some good suggested line-ups on here and I hope one of them is close.
  4. I don’t think it’s to do with Exclusives - more like instant access! PS. It’s also on the BSPA site.
  5. OK. Has Aarnio said he’s announcing his UK Team later today? Ostergaard has on Facebook.
  6. Would love to able to say the same for Peterborough.
  7. Try this: Imagine Colin or Mick Horton had just purchased your Club and then see how enthusiastic you feel! That’s the rough equivalent for Panthers fans. Midweek racing has never gone down well with our fans which is a major issue although Stars fans are now very used to it - I can remember when Saturday nights were your race meetings with Simmo and Betsy as I often used to attend so acceptance and adjustment is possible but takes time.
  8. Fair enough - his money - his choice BUT and it’s a BIG BUT the Panthers fans will not tolerate Buster riding rough shod over them in any manner relating to how our Club is now run the way the Stars fans possibly would - they will just walk away and let him get on with it!
  9. At this point in time I will be surprised if this arrangement lasts to the end of the first season and TOTALLY AMAZED if it goes into its second season (with or without GED). As as you say in another post unless GED is in sole charge the risk of a clash between Buster and the Showground management has to be a high possibility and we all know what the outcome of that will be!
  10. THats quite correct and Buster could well get his fingers burned if he doesn’t treat the Club and Panthers fans with the respect they deserve because he has never been Mr. Popular at the Eoes and I can’t see that changing just because he now owns the club - his name would have been number 3 or 4 on a list after the Hortons of less than desirable owners - Godfrey (Scunthorpe) taking 3 or 4 beside him! Anyway it is what it is now but GED in contrast is still held in high regard by many fans and him still being there makes Chapman’s tenure bearable. Panthers fans (and Witches to) will not settle for being treated 2nd or 3rd best so I would have thought it preferable if each Club is run as a separate entity to avoid accusations of conflict of interest which could very quickly turn into lost revenue - but at least it will yes be Buster’s money and not Rathbone’s or Louis. It will certainly add interest off track watching what develops throughout the coming season.
  11. Buster will obviously stamp his mark in various ways but thankfully the Eoes always insist on their own catering so we shouldn’t be subjected to 45 minute intervals for burger sales as he will not benefit from that!
  12. Under Chapman ownership - lol - you’ll be lucky!!!!
  13. Of course it is - don’t think even Buster is that stupid as to wish to lose money trying that. You can’t run a club in front of three blokes and a dog which is about what the fan base would amount to!
  14. I don’t disagree with you - was hoping Lynn fans might be able to shed some light on the situation.
  15. Rumours are instead of not as well as
  16. No not if he had a Private Op - either paid for by your own Insurance Policy if you have one or if not yourself or in BWD’s case maybe one or more of his Clubs.
  17. Yes of course but who would pay if BWD couldn’t afford it - Peterborough or Somerset or both? Even if it’s classed as “minor” if a General anaesthetic is required and maybe 1 or 2 overnight stay in a Private hospital that does not come cheap. He is obviously going down the NHS route and along with that are many rules and conditions I’m sure - maybe someone who is familiar with them can enlighten us but I doubt it’s simple to just cancel the date given and say sorry but I can’t make that date please re-arrange - maybe he has already and this is final date offered to him.
  18. Reading the announcement it sounds as though he is at the mercy of the NHS and although a planned and not emergency operation I doubt he has any control or choice in the matter.
  19. Various - see the Lakeside V Peterborough thread in Championship section.
  20. No hasn’t been but would be nice - could be crucial from now on if the rumours surrounding BWD are correct and I have reason to believe they are.
  21. I noticed he spent an extraordinarily long time celebrating the win/talking to and shaking hands with fans after the meeting (only using his good hand incidentally - the other is obviously causing him pain/difficulty) and I now wonder if it’s connected after posts I have read on here today.
  22. She should be marrying Robert Lambert in that case lol.
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