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  1. Don t see the one league myself as apart from rye house which other pl club is saying crowds are down in big numbers ??? I know wolves is about same as last 4-5 yrs hear good crowds at nss, kings Lynn and Swindon. Are crowds at Somerset Leicester and Poole that bad ?? Also heard from very good source that bt are very happy with viewing figures for both gp and pl. Think they need to sort race nights as fixed nights not really worked that well.
  2. I was told one problem is the main suppliers quarry has now had all shale removed and can no longer supply. The new suppliers shale is bit different and not binding as well with the old stuff already on tracks. Plus watering is problem as in this heat you have to start soaking track 2 days before and keep doing it for 2 days to get to base which is expensive and some can t get on track for those days
  3. Think people within the sport need to learn to either not go on forums or bit there tongues if they do. I had to learn as I used to reply to any comments about Ashley Morris (stepson) but learnt to not reply or not go on all the time. Think I ve been on here dozen times this year.
  4. All Stefan did was beat the other 3 reserves which reading all these post doesn't sound that hard. Yes would improve team a bit but not much 7 rides as well.
  5. What is the point of this thread ?? Apart from putting 2 brits down. Not like a club has one place left and it's choice between the 2 !!!
  6. Ashley Mortis called Cl for a job but no luck there. Hope it works out for Ben and that Lewis gets fixed up soon and ash of course.
  7. Nice to see you changed opinion of ash he knows his faults and works hard to change things.
  8. You can t change track shape during season and its length and dimensions are recorded and set before season starts
  9. Because they wanted to get Simota to reserve and points freed up by fisher drop in average they could fit Kurtz for ash. Not due to bad form in fact they offered him place this year but he turned down
  10. I m not his dad !!! So you can have your say but I can t mine ?? He was averaging just under 6 last year at Ipswich without NL riders at seven. It's win win if he scores well they ll keep him if not then he ll soon be gone so don t see the issue. Oh and with ref to rob he said to us years ago that he wasn t that p$$$ed of with ash as ash never promised to stay after first year with stags.
  11. He s number 6 and don t worry it's only for month then him and his no racing white lines no points ass will be gone then you can go back to your happy positive life
  12. Won t lambert get reduction as NL 3 yrs ago ?
  13. I thought number 7 was just a NL eligible rider ? I.e in NL now or under 4 pt pl rider so able to ride NL next year !!!! Should of been like El both reserves Brits but one NL eligible as I see it Nielsen, Morley, Morris, Branford and other like them who made progress last year will now struggle for team in all leagues as not NL eligible not low enough for pl and not high enough for El reserve
  14. Maybe because third person pushed them to the ground as I see it but hey everything Friday night was Ipswich fault cause Scunny never did anything wrong ay !!! Also funny how people having a go at Louis yet no one really saying much about Godfrey squaring up the Phil Hilton for no reason Phil one of the mildest mannered person you d ever wish to meet !!!
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