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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. So fans of Ipswich receive no information from their club that their fixture with Sheffield will not take place, and instead have to go trawling for Rye House releases! Whilst i think the BSPA site is very good not all fans visit it, they just use their own club site. Similar to a lot of Belle Vue fans use their own forum and not the BSF. Although i'm the opposite to be honest in that during the main part of the season i'll come on here most days but quite rarely visit the two Belle Vue sites. I just went to the BSPA 'Premier League Headlines' list and there is a whole page of them in list form, none of them indicating that Ipswich's fixture will not take place and none of them imparting the very important news that Ipswich will not be able to attempt qualify for the final. Indeed the latest headline i can find is the 'Two finals for the witches' which is written in the mode of a third of the Challenge fixtures never existed. I went to the official Ipswich site and on a very healthily full page of news items i see a write up on their win over Rye House in their last Challenge fixture raced. However, nada about them no longer being able to pursue a place in the final. The fixture list, like the BSPA's shows the postponed fixture against Sheffield but absolutely no reference to a restaging or note to say it won't be restaged. I don't know how many Ipswich fans would look to Rye House press releases for information on a witches outstanding meeting with Sheffield? Surely they don't all of a sudden have mass amnesia when seeing the article (also reproduced on the Ipswich site) 'Two finals for the witches'. Will it never cross their minds that they attended Challenge meetings in the hope that their team would qualify for the final? To save people ploughing through permutations of various results in the unridden matches, don't bother as my post was addressing why fans weren't informed matches are not to be raced and Ipswich can't attempt to qualify for the final. I certainly think it deserved a headline all of it's own for the Ipswich fans and not expect them to decide to look for a Rye House release on their final with Berwick lol. No it isn't so what's with the rolling eyes? We may not have seen the last of the EL KOC mess if we get bad weather again this week.
  2. As replied to above (to backless at the time)..... "The Emperor's New Clothes reference and (new chapter) angle of the post is to the lack of statements being issued saying that the fixtures won't be taking place etc." Are you capable of comprehending that now that it has been printed twice? Don't know where you get the devious plan to deprive Ipswich aspect from anything i wrote.
  3. The Emperor's New Clothes reference and (new chapter) angle of the post is to the lack of statements being issued saying that the fixtures won't be taking place etc. Instead we just get subsequent releases as if they had never been planned to have taken place. We get to see the two final fixtures in the side window of a site or in a fixture list when fans are probably looking there and elsewhere on the site for when the missing fixtures are taking place. Ooops bit of a shock for some Ipswich fans! I had a quick look at the Ipswich site and see mention in a press release article referring to them taking part in two cup finals but no reference of the missing third final they could well have been in!
  4. Don't want to be the little kid in the Emperor's New Clothes tale or pointing out some sort of Twilight Zone thing going on but......errrrm.....anyone see something missing pre-final of the challenge trophy? You know a little thing like in one of the groups a third of the fixtures not having been staged. Another little thing that Ipswich can qualify for the final with their match in hand. Yet i see Berwick are racing against Rye House in the final!
  5. Ok boxing has weight categories so i'll match them up on age category and set Nora Batty on them. Night all off to me Nascar. EDIT UPDATE Fight declared No Contest after the trio fled screaming when Nora was chairlifted into the ring.
  6. Do we not get replays on this broadcast??? Sorry that sounds callous i don't mean particularly to see the crash. Cool he's ok-ish
  7. Ouch horrible looking crash after a valiant overtake. Hope he's OK
  8. It will be interesting to see if you are able to access a similar one again. Just wondering if maybe it's a glitch/diversion in the traffic route your connection is taking. Very good so many of us, one way or the other, can access the meeting. A bit of a nasty shocker Sky banning the UK fans when they have no interest in broadcasting the meeting themselves. I could understand it if it was a Elite League match or SGP that they had decided not to broadcast but a competition they don't cover, wow mean-spirited indeed. Anyway not in a mood to moan with possibly a great Final ahead. LOL. On the positive side that's got to be at least over 5,000 cheerleaders! By the way, didn't know anyone lost at Anfield these days.
  9. Maybe your computer is already showing an american ip address because US Homeland security is routing you through their servers, just what have you been posting in your local newspaper about american foreign policy! lol lol. Very cool for those who it's working for in the UK, i'm sure there is a simple reason as to why. Something to do with the routing etc?
  10. Because it will not work for me no matter what i try. Dunno why but wasn't prepared to mess around for long as only a few races left to the meeting when i got here. No matter how many times i refresh or flush dns, release dns, renew dns etc it still says not allowed in geographical location. Also quickly tried it in two other browsers. No worries though it's a good evening so far. My lady has fed me a luvverly meal and toddled off to work leaving me to watch Nascar with perfect timing as this meeting looks like ending in great time to do so.
  11. I've had company this evening so only just getting around to watching this meeting now. Ok this lad gets quite some stick for a lot of his posts (80% deserved? lol) but credit where credit is due for him giving this link. I rarely need to access streams for any sport these days and am prepared to pay for tv subscriptions when available (aka BrandonBee48 in America would and does). I usually veer well away from proxies as they can be quite poisonous. I've seen some links given on these forums in the past that are atrocious. I haven't had time tonight to find workarounds so i ran the links given here through site checkers etc (and my own AV bits and pieces). Spotflux passed the test. I've yet to see if it affects my internet speed, i highly value my BT rock steady 75Mb fibre optic and wouldn't want that dropping in QOS or speed. However, the video stream is certainly running smooth. Thanks JJR (although i'll sue you if i've downloaded a trojan or other nasties lol lol)
  12. Greatest credit to him and hope he does well. Thanks for the indirect link to that website too, i've bookmaked it now
  13. Very interesting to read your comments on the influx of young people within the clubs. At the end of the day you can't deny that young(er) people do have more drive and get up and go. One thing that most of us can tend to be guilty of is judging sporting crowds using football as a yardstick and in particular the major leagues. I posted on here a few years ago when someone was critical of one of the GP attendances, i went and studied attendances for all sports in that country including the National football team and it compared favourably. Speedway often receives scant mention in the national media and does not get the mass multiple media daily coverage heaped upon our senses from birth to death that football receives in most countries lol.
  14. Thank you. I see there a few comments appearing on the page of the article, hmmm where's my Google Finnish translator. At the least got to let them know that a couple or so on here have already worked out their travel route/plans
  15. In case you missed it i posted elsewhere last week that the commentary will be online. Just bumping this for those who might have missed the late news of the commentary now being made available online. UPDATE THE BBC HAS STARTED THEIR NEW ONLINE iRADIO PLAYER. HEADLINE PICTURE RIGHT NOW IS THEIR NEXT BROADCAST....YEP! SWINDON Vs POOLE http://www.bbc.co.uk/5livesportsextra/ Other Availability; Don't forget you can listen to the channel on any Freeview box whilst watching the Sky tv broadcast on your main TV. BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra Broadcast area United Kingdom - Nationally via Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) Frequency DAB: 12B Freeview: 706 Freesat: 706 Sky (UK only): 0144 Virgin Media: 908 TalkTalk TV: 607 UPC Ireland: 928
  16. OK have a nice evening all i'm off to give my undivided attention to the NFL for the night. Wish i could catch more Polish speedway but it clashes so heavily with other big sporting fixtures all season.
  17. Not that it wasn't already but looking very good now for Tarnow Wonder if Sky will make a small concession to us in view of the glamour presenters Polish tv has and stick a sexy long black wig on Kelvin! Is Pawel still here, what's the telephone call about? (i think it's just the line-ups for the next two heats)
  18. He is indeed Alan but ease up or we'll think you an older version of that MJJ fan lol lol Agree with your taste in lady presenters too, now i see what i've been missing whilst watching the Sky GP coverage!
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