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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Let's hope the locals are not priced out of the second round of the European Championship finals, greatly look forward to seeing it in the UK in on a big HD screen. Although internet streams can be great quality nowadays nothing beats watching it on the TV. It should be quite a spectacle indeed if we can get a full stadium.
  2. We'll have to let this rest - no sweat lol, although i still don't see where you seeing a separation of events 1 and 2 from the race off and final when it comes to applying the rules. Page 9 quotes event 1 & 2 as being part of the final tournament regards teams starting and progressing etc.
  3. UPDATE: Poland have had a late team change with Patryk Dudek replacing Tomasz Gollob. The racecards have been updated accordingly. AVAILABLE NOW FREE DIRECT DOWNLOAD 2013 World Team Cup - EVENT ONE Czestochowa, Poland Saturday, 13th, July, 2013 (BST 6pm, Local Time 7pm, GMT/UTC 5pm) MiniMax Racecard 2013 WORLD TEAM CUP EVENT ONE GATE VIEW MiniMax Racecard 2013 WORLD TEAM CUP EVENT ONE 2013 World Team Cup - EVENT TWO King's Lynn, England Monday, 15th, July, 2013 (BST/Local TIme 7:30pm, GMT/UTC 5:50pm.) MiniMax Racecard 2013 WORLD TEAM CUP EVENT TWO GATE VIEW MiniMax Racecard 2013 WORLD TEAM CUP EVENT TWO Two versions are available, the standard Red, Blue, White, Yellow colour format order and also the GATE VIEW colour format order. The latter card matches up with how you see them line-up on the TV screen and graphics or if a spectator at the track from behind the fence. They match what is visually before you left to right, outside to in, Gate 4, Gate3, Gate2, Gate 1
  4. Ok thanks cool i get that and knew that but..... That's the rule i quoted originally but......What is the source where are you getting the information that the above rule doesn't also apply to the Event 1 and 2 of the SWC final tournament? That's where i'm getting confused. Are you going on page 9 of the regulations and reading it differently to me? Maybe it's just a thick day for me lol.
  5. I've not looked at the GB thread yet with it being Event 2 and Czestochowa being Event 1 of the World Cup. Not been looking at the forum much this last week in general, i had no idea about Chris Holder being injured until nearly three days after his crash! I don't know if i'm just reading the regulations wrong with a muggy head after a very late night out, but i can't, right now anyway, figure where it says the alterations only apply to the race off and final. Someone please correct me if i am being truly foggy headed, but as i read it on page 9 of the full regulations it refers to the 'SWC final tournament' as opposed to 'the' final itself. It also refers to 'events 1 and 2 of the SWC final tournament'. That would indicates to me that the rules apply to all four events of the final tournament? or doesn't it? R&R by 'GB' thread do you mean the 'Event 2' thread or the 19 page one about "who should be in the GB team", as i can't see your mention in the former, other than a link to the regs. Unless i'm looking too hard i can't see your comment following the logical order of choice to place it, Event 1 thread, Event 2 thread. I haven't got time right now to plough through nineteen pages of the who should be in the GB team thread. Aplogies for not being quite with yet today lol.
  6. I notice that team managers have until 30 minutes after practice to change the riding order.....practice according to the FIM supplementary regulations is on the day of the meeting! (12pm BST). I've already got the racecards ready to go online and can wait until after the practice to publish them, or publish now and then amend them in the event of late changes, i do wonder how the staging tracks programme makers feel about the possibility of such late changes messing up their printed line-ups? Or do the fans have to pay, likely a hefty price, for a blank scorecard? Hope they give out free pens if previous World Cups are anything to go by, lots of late changes lol. Such an awful shame Russia have had their ideal team decimated, was so looking forward to watching them.
  7. Just had a vague inkling that they had said in their initial blurb earlier in the year that it was a traditional classic/simple format. I've not really looked into it much at all, i'll have a Google around tomorrow. UPDATE A quick Google just before i sign out reveals this from an article in Spotowefakty in December last year, i presume it still holds true? "European Champion will be announced after playing four finals, and each of them will take place according to the formula in force in the Grand Prix at the beginning of its existence. After twenty races will be four finals: D, C, B and A. A final winner, which will start the four best players on the stage of basic, receives 6 points overall." Presuming they are referring to the SGP, i was away from the sport when that began so i''ll need to do some historical Googling to find the meeting format, as i can't find mention of it under any of the tabs on the new reconstructed official site. The UEM/FIM Europe site has zero too. Anyone remember the early days of the SGP? Are the D, C, B, A, finals for rider places 16-13, 12-9, 8-5, 4-1 and they earn points as a normal heat, save for the exception of the 'A' final winner who gets 6. Or do the four winners of those 'finals' go to a Grand Final with the winner of that getting six points?
  8. As far as i'm concerned chat away by all means. I wouldn't expect someone to be prevented from doing so during a live meeting with events to be discussed as they happen. If someone doesn't want to know the score ahead of watching it on TV then duhhhh! don't go to a thread about the meeting Not sure why someone who has to watch delayed coverage would visit the thread, it's not as if they can discuss unfolding events live. Otherwise where do we draw the line? do we not talk about a Grand Prix until those in other countries, who don't get to watch it until a highlights package a week later, have seen it?. Yayyyy to Open Office users the world over
  9. I can't seem to find the regulations for these meetings, i'm sure i had them lol. I take it that these four finals are of standard 20 heats individual format and no semi-finals or finals. Also the champion is the one with the most points earned over the four rounds and no Grand Final etc? Dear God let's hope we don't have the movable gates option as in the Eurosport pairs lol.
  10. Just plonking this here temporarily for now until the weekly thread is opened. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Elitserien Vargarna Vs Hammarby Tuesday, 9th, July, 2013.
  11. I was dreading the 'friendly' football fixtures but didn't realize they were scheduled to start so early. Who did they play in May was that an end of season friendly! lol. Oh well! not being one who is in the habit of Tweeting that aspect doesn't bother me, but i will miss the live input from members on here. I note that Celtic are due to play on another Tuesday - 23rd July - in a Champions League Qualifying tie home to Cliftonville. The BBC 2 Scotland and BBC 2 Northern Ireland stations are showing the first leg, let's hope they've got the rights for the second leg too. I think Premier Sports once showed a Rangers European qualifying match in the past?
  12. Am i having a selective memory or am i right in thinking Leon regularly beats Nicks recently? Ah! that's a thought. I'd need to see the clip again and see if there was a victorian look of horror on her face or not lol. Anyways back to the speedway Holsted doing well pulling the meeting back around. Hee hee looking at the team graphics caption man still persisting in wrong line-up, oh well at least they are getting the heat line-ups correct. Nice battle to get into third place by Jensen and was then further rewarded with a second place due to Nissen's engine failure. You all so watching the Tennis right now lol. Graphics man has Hansen riding in white AND yellow! (it's actually Michelsen in White ok i getting lost now i'm sure i saw a number 3 race jacket but maybe not?) Even the laid back commentators chuckled at that one. UPDATE Graphics man showing Hansen finishing second AND third lol. Commentators chuckling again.
  13. Oucheeee Perseverance pays off for Michelsen in that race.
  14. Got to admit as much as i like her that all time tv gem was Charlie's alone. One of the most unexplainable and bizarre moments in TV history when Charlie Webster got Hans Andersen to cover up his 'topless' chest in the pits. Lol he had to go and rummage for a T-Shirt and hold it up under his chin whilst trying to talk. OMG man nipples!
  15. Is this the track where we had lots of falls on that bend recently?, or was it another Danish track or even a Swedish one? He came off at quite a speed. Bike over the fence too. Can't tell if got a nudge or hit a rut/locked up/whatever.
  16. Just an observation but there does seem to be quite a number of riders over the years who end up in the fence when they approach Nicki Pedersen on the outside!
  17. Stuff in bold seems to be what has happened. Free and OFFICIAL stream high quality http://kanalsport.dk/ And dontcha just love the result of the last heat where they had two riders scoring 1 point!!!!!!!! Anyways so far this season Danish Webmaster 2 Kanalsport 0 lol.
  18. It seems to be right, if there is confusion it's down to the Kanalsport graphics. They seem to have changed the heat line-ups already. When they listed the teams at the start it was the original ones put out the other day. I think their first heat graphics then showed a wrong line-up? they since seem to have shown and changed heat line-ups? lol. I've been taking screenshots and once the first break comes up i'll track back and check. I did momentarily post an altered racecard for about five minutes. The one i printed out this morning is matching up to the race results shown. Crazy stuff lol. Free and OFFICIAL stream high quality http://kanalsport.dk/
  19. Nice to hear. I've just added the team names to the team line-ups on the racecard too lol lol. Just waiting to see if any late changes are shown on the tv broadcast.
  20. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Danske Liga Holsted VsSlangerup Wednesday, 3rd, July, 2013 I'll check the line-up when it comes on the tv screens to see if there are any late changes, if so, i'd quickly amend the card.
  21. Dackarna's attendance figures are falling at quite a rate. Fortunately they have set a break even budget figure at 1,800. "Despite the low attendance figures so do not club boss to some drastic measures need to be done in the current situation. - No, no! There is no panic, but surely start alarm bells to ring. I think this will correct itself during the season and we have only budgeted for a cut on 1 800. In recent years, we have always budgeted between 1,700 to 1,900 paying spectators." Dackarnas attendance average the last ten years: 2003: 4,128 2004: 4,415 2005: 4,431 2006: 4,242 2007: 5,341 2008: 4,302 2009: 4,255 2010: 3,877 2011: 3,968 2012: 3,930 2013: 2,471 (after 3 of 7 home games) This has risen to 2,823 after five matches. (Playoff matches are not included)
  22. Haven't got the link off hand but i think it's the main svemo site has attendance averages etc. I referred and linked to it recently elsewhere. UPDATE http://www.aktuellsp...e=1&season=2013 Recent average and total attendances Ikaros Smederna 3,337 16,686 Indianerna ~~~~ 3,314 13,256 Dackarna ~~~~~~ 2,823 14,117 Elit Vetlanda ~ 2,273 9,093 Piraterna ~~~~~ 2,269 6,807 Västervik ~~~~~ 2,182 6,547 Hammarby ~~~~~~ 1,987 7,947 Vargarna ~~~~~~ 1,865 7,458 Total ~~~~~~~~~ 2,506 81,911 These average attendances may likely rise once we finally get a steady summer. Also, the battle for play-off places and the play-off themselves should more than counter teams who have nothing to fight for. Most teams are usually in with a chance of accessing the play-offs until late in the season.
  23. Cool a much more enjoyable match race than the old 'Golden Helmet' bores we used to have in the UK when i was a very little nipper in the 70's. I do have the Swedish Regulations downloaded so apologies for being lazy and not checking it for myself lol.
  24. Question to Ghostwalker, TV commentator wondering too, what happens if aggregate scores level? half a bonus point or none for each team? I'm presuming the latter?
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