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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. First heat looks like the home side are well fired up.. Good man
  2. I know it's a Derby but WOW that looks an excellent crowd. Lol posted exact same time...get out of my head R&R!.....it's a place nobody in their right mind wants to be lol lol. Oh that's awful i hope you get one. I've only just arrived home but will try grab a minute or two to look for one, but i'm out of touch with seeking streams.
  3. Yeah as with the SGP the 'meeting/event' usually starts on the hour with first race normally around 12 or 15 minutes later. People at the track get the parade (and some tv viewers) and tv viewers in the main get a little preview and introduction by their respective commentators to the meeting.
  4. In reply to 'Eglese 19' i was going to make a joke about the enormous prize money being an incentive to win the meeting. But the reply from 'f-s-p' makes reality more comical. Shockingly low and embarrassing to the sport to have such pittances as prize money. At face value that is an excellent idea, however, i'll expand below as to the main reason why we most likely have the semi-finals and final. First just touch on the fact that the semi-final and final do have a lot of incentive to riders to do their best due to the fact that all points scored count in the series. 100% genuine incentive and reward for doing well. Although thank goodness we no longer have the double points which can lead to a series leader becoming out of reach. The main reason for their existence i reckon is the American play-off aspect that has permeated most sports and competitions on the planet. Play-offs were primarily instigated in US sports leagues for financial purposes in order to keep up interest and involvement in a competition which in turn keeps the turnstiles clicking and tv viewers watching. Also there is the aspect of leading to a 'leave them wanting more' entertainment angle of a last event grand final. Regards speedway leagues i feel strongly that there should be a considerable trophy for the 'regular season' winners, also throw in some prize money. In North America the NHL (Ice Hockey) and some other sports around the world do exactly that.
  5. BST 6 pm. and for others UTC/GMT 5 pm LOCAL TIME 9 pm. I'll have to check as the SEC site refers to CET and not CEST. One would think it would be the later time meaning a local 9pm start, very cool. awww why can't we have 9pm starts in the UK . By the way Togliatti (Tolyatti) uses MSK.
  6. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Elitserien Dackarna Vs Elit Vetlanda Tuesday, 6th, August, 2013. A quick glance around this morning shows both SVEMO and Sportowefakty have him listed for tonight's match. Also four different Swedish sources that i glanced at, including some of them updated within the last few hours, have him listed. He did pretty well on Sunday in Poland scoring 33301. As ever though we may not know until just before tapes up
  7. Not life or death lol but they get syndicated by a tv broadcaster and it's good if they can have them within a certain time frame in order to send them out to their subscribers. Main reason for tonight is what i mentioned before, i'm heading out for a night on the town - it's now 1am in the morning as i set off. I won't be coming back home (yayyy i a dirty little stop out tonight lol), and will only return tomorrow afternoon. I'm sure lots of people print them out at work or at places operating 9 to 5 hours. So no biggie just the way it works.
  8. Actually that's a thought regarding the staging of a GP in the USA, how long can Greg Hancock keep riding/qualifying at this top level? They need to get their staging boots on quickly. Americans will respond to the prospect of seeing a World Champion but tend to stay away in droves from anything where their team or individual doesn't have a chance of winning.
  9. Pretty sure there used to be many more than three. 'Dutch Grasstrack' couldn't find his 2013 thread as he hadn't posted in it for a while, which is how i noticed the three page thing when searching. Also other threads of note are no longer there. Like i say the contributors to this section provide great information so i am aware of threads missing.
  10. BAD Ouch i had to pop into town and then bumped into a friend and her mate who i hadn't seen for a while and never got back in time. GOOD Ha! nobody has mentioned the result and it's repeated tomorrow between 13:00 and 15:30 UK time. Weeeeeeee! Although i'll be keeping an eye out on Lebedev towards the (very?) end, I'm possibly looking forward mostly to witnessing the latest instalment of 'Crazy Graphics Man' and seeing what he got up to or didn't. This isn't the track with the very large cabbage patch is it? If so i'd wager he was in there most of the meeting. Especially if there were lazy plumes of smoke rising from within it.
  11. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Danske Liga Outrup Vs Slangerup Monday, 5th, August, 2013 I've had to opt to go for the line-up on the League's official site. If it's wrong blame them not me lol. If i can get confirmed changes before the meeting i'll amend the card. The official line-up had been published in several sources today.
  12. Thank you very much indeed for that video very entertaining indeed. As a Brit the only downside is that, on the evidence of that racing, in not too many years time it looks like the Netherland's youngsters will be pushing us into fourth place in the World Cup qualifiers Congratulations on everyone working hard to keep Dutch speedway alive.
  13. I did post a link to the full Danish regulations. Unfortunately the International section seems to have been culled to a maximum three pages in it's index. Having said that it's pretty likely that the link is within THIS thread. However, one of the downsides of not having a weekly thread is that if you want to find something specific to a match or something else one has to spend forever back trawling through pages upon pages (33 in this case). That ends up in higher bandwidth usage too!
  14. Many thanks for the video i so got to arrange 25 mins to watch it.
  15. The Swedes are the 'token Brit' type problem next season as in addition to the above mentioned riders don't forget an absolute Wild Card inclusion must and will be Darcy Ward, some 16 points out of the frame at the moment due to his time out with an injury.
  16. Typical confusion surrounding the line-up of Danish teams as the official Outrup site has Lebedevs and Jablonski swapping positions! Both press releases regarding the differing teams issued on the same day.
  17. Investigating a little further it appears - hopefully temporarily? - that the International section of the forum has been limited to three pages? I do hope that this is not for good as this section is the most invaluable for a Wikipedia style fountain of knowledge provided by our overseas fans. When one thinks of the tons of posts in the main sections that are personal vendettas or silly arguing between the same people it's a travesty that this section should be pruned? Hopefully it is just a glitch and we'll be able to access again the fantastic information provided by members for us all.
  18. So Woffinden got the gate nobody wanted, the gate that has won four of the last 6 races including the last two!
  19. Got to ask as a fellow ManUnitedian.....how many would we have won if we had killed?
  20. Lol you had me going there for a second. Gee very entertaining racing. Well done Emil.
  21. Emil qualifying with just 7 points how lucky will his night get? Although up to now he's not seemed as powerful with his speed. Just realized i'm watching on Live rewind, i must have paused it on one of the occasions i went out of the room.
  22. Only made one joke reference after a mention of betting and after that it was just a reply. I'll keep quiet now lol. Got to pipe up again to note we getting more racing as the meeting goes on, as is usually the case with speedway meetings since the start of the sport. As always glad i stayed to watch.
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