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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Gee picture freezing during a race now on PS going to go to a stream as backup. GrrRRRR stream has the freeze too lol. It ok PS came back in time. Eklof winning a good thing for Smederna as we know Berntsson is capable of better. So Eklof a bonus performance.
  2. From the 2013 regulations (play-off section) via Google Translate: Separate Heat on lagbonuspoäng at equal results In the event that both teams have achieved the same number of driver points after both meetings shall be one (1) arbitration heat conducted to determine which team wins lagbonuspoängen. Team leaders nominate one driver + 1 spare for it, under SR 5.5. The home team nominates first 5.5 nominated driver Heat When the rules of the contest requires a heat of nominated drivers, the respective Coach nominate a driver and a reserve for this, unless otherwise stated in Additional contest rules or running schedule in question. The courses will be drawn and if only two driver participates, are used inner race (1 and 2) and the outer race (3 and 4). At two-and fyrlagsmatcher retained team colors regardless of randomized starting path. At trelagsmatcher used helmet hood consistent with randomized starting path I understand that means a run-off with ONE rider from each team. A reserve rider is nominated in case of tapes exclusion etc. SIncerely hope that those who are outside of Premier Sports coverage and geographically excluded from their online subscription can get a good stream. Ok Ghostwalker posted the same time i got to check what 10.1.8 says in case it's different from 10.1.7
  3. Easily done i've still got my red and white on from Man U last night. Forgot you off on your travels. Life is good.
  4. That's a pretty good deal. I was unaware, or had forgotten, that the riders had frieght paid for. I was only going on previous posts in forums mentioning massive costs for riders. Will the same payments apply if there are GP's in Australia (i presume so) and the USA? Doesn't look like an Argentinian GP is likely to surface, would be a great four 'world' GP's to have mind. Sad to see no mention of China recently who are getting most sports to stage a showpiece event there.
  5. Ahh ok thought he was talking about Chris Harris. But i was skimming through forum threads whilst i had a few moments spare. Although the rules i referred to apply to any rider called up to race in New Zealand if Chris Holder doesn't compete. It will be quite an outlay especially if it's only for one meeting in the series.
  6. Surprisingly he is riding tonight for his Swedish club in the play-offs but whether that will leave him fit to ride in Denmark remains to be seen as he is far from fit.
  7. Announced 15 minutes ago Magnus Zetterstrom rides tonight! So no changes to the racecard. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Elitserien Quarter-Final 2nd Leg Indianerna Vs Ikaros Smederna Tuesday, 27th, August, 2013. Announced 3 minutes ago Henric Lindqvist replaces him.
  8. That's an interesting breakdown. Although there may certainly be some hope that Berntsson and Eklof get more than one point. Laguta and Jonsson could always be capable of an absolute stormer. Mind you 13 points for Laguta would be hard to improve on. Going on to the two weakest riders in more detail and the reasons that they may get more than one point between them. Whilst Linus Eklof has only one race win to my knowledge in the Elitserien this year he has piled up the second places here and there. I hadn't realized until looking back just now that Oliver Bentsson has a number of wins. His best meeting, albeit at home, was scoring 3,3,0,3 against Vastervik. He also scored well away from home in Kumla scoring 2,0,2,3 in that contest. In the very recent fixture away to Indianerna in Kumla in the reserve races Berntsson got a second place in the first one, then in heat 11 he won the race. Both races against the exact same riders as today's opponents. Eklof failed to score. I take your point that it wasn't a do or die meeting for the home team but all riders want to be paid for as many points as possible so they wouldn't exactly be not trying. Maybe Jonsson and Berntsson could be the keys for Smederna in that if they excel it gives a great base for the team to pull off a surprise victory. Both teams finished the season just two points apart and pretty much the same race points for and against. Who amongst the fourteen (or thirteen today) want it more? (Smederna coach now quoted as Zetterstrom only one chance in a hundred of riding today.....come on Bentsson have the meeting of your career so far Smederna needs you)
  9. Estimated weight/height? Or is 'tiny' actually tiny and it's a joke? Sorry, i've never heard of him to know.
  10. The only faint chance of accessing UK attendance figures would need the might of Wikileaks, GCHQ and NSA working at full steam.
  11. When i saw the result this morning i though it was excellent news for the sport at a new track. No offence to Dudley fans but it mattered to Kent more than yourselves. To beat such a top side and one hopes in front of what would be a large crowd because of the holiday and class of the opponents sounds great. However, my heart sunk when i saw that there was no racing only gating good news but which of the above posts is the most accurate? I hoping it's the latter one.
  12. The only thing is that there are clearly defined rules and consequences regarding a SGP rider or substitute rider not taking their place in a meeting. The immediate riding ban won't necessarily be a factor depending on the date of the NZ GP. However, i think a rider is banned from taking further part in the series if he refuses to race when nominated for a GP. So if Chris was called into the New Zealand round and declined to take part he wouldn't be able to enter any others?
  13. Yeah i did say he was 5th in the 'declared' team. I like your advance planning regards the TS and hope your team manager is as on the ball. To be fair Zorro did say in his interview he won't ride if he feels he can't do himself justice. I think your acceptance of inevitable defeat in the tie from the the minute last week's match ended is now actually becoming quite realistic. However, what is the likely mindset of Smederna's riders? are they battlers who will give it a go, or did they like yourself presume all hope ended with only a four point lead last week?
  14. Ouch re the latter and thanks for info, i've just got home from last night's United match it's 10am here (i'm sober by the way lol, just stayed over elsewhere). Ok i off on a trawl off local Swedish media and elsewhere to try and find if there is any news of what they are doing regards the TV match potential change with Zetters. UPDATE 10:40 I'll leave the racecard as is, I've looked at quite a lot of local Swedish media and if he isn't fit it seems they are planning to use rider replacement. There is a report saying he should ride, however that was posted at 23:45 last night and some of this mornings articles refer to likely rider replacement. On a sporting note having to use rider replacement with him being (i think) 6th (5th in declared team) in Smederna's averages that is not a good thing is is Ghostwalker? or was he riding like a 6th placed rider anyway? Updating with a look at the averages i guess they need him to race. 9.50 Grigory Laguta 7.86 Andreas Jonsson 7.28 Peter Karlsson 6.41 Krzysztof Buczkowski 6.07 Magnus Zetterstrom 4.17 Linus Eklof 4.00 Oliver Berntsson 7.06 Kenni Larsen 4.18 Simon Wozniak UPDATE 11am Smederna's website is carrying a story timed thirty minutes ago where they relay a telephone conversation with Magnus. He is in considerable pain indeed but is hoping to ride using a combination of pain killers and tape. I understand he is visiting his doctors at 1pm Swedish time as well. His shoulder is swollen and currently he can't touch the handle bar! Rider Replacement is indeed plan B according to the team coach.
  15. Awwwww they changed my original 'humorous' title to the thread lol, now that is funny. No worries as i do want the topic itself to be treated seriously and establish facts. My mind boggles at who asked for the title to be changed mind Of the suggestions above, Michael Lee is another who although tall must have weighed next to nothing. Ray Harris in the photo above initially seems a good candidate for weight mass but then you notice that he's the smallest in height out of all the riders in the photo so total weight = ?. As for Arthur Browning any idea of his weight/height? At what point would a team manager or owner look at someone asking to join (train to be a rider) a club and instantly think, sorry there's no point you are too big?. I say big as in muscle mass/weight, because if someone is obese you are unlikely to sign them anyway due to fitness concerns etc.
  16. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Elitserien Quarter-Final 2nd Leg Indianerna Vs Ikaros Smederna Tuesday, 27th, August, 2013. Unlike the Danish league team line-ups are unanimous over a multitude of sites and media outlets. Fingers crossed there are no injuries today and this evening for those riders racing in the UK. Weather isn't supposed to be a problem tomorrow. Not sure what time or if i'll be back home tonight as i'm toddling off for the BIG United match. However, if there are any changes through injuries i'll update the racecard in the morning (or in the early hours lol).
  17. Lol re elbowing. Mind you Nicki Pedersen seems to do ok at that despite being small. Re gaps there is a pro as easier to make a big gap lol. Van easy to unload as i'd just open the back doors walk around to the front and tip it up hee hee. Still intrigued as to if anyone can remember a heavily built rider (ideally not fat) or whoever is the biggest around today? UPDATE. just seen you spotted the easier to unload van option too, apologies that's me speed reading again.
  18. Ghostwalker touched upon the above in a thread on another topic in the international section. With myself being 6 foot tall and weighing in at 18 stone (NOT an ounce of fat on me by the way as i don't eat any pies let alone all of them lol) i've always presumed that would mean it impossible for me to become a speedway rider. Now i know there have been tall riders, i think Belle Vue's Paul Tyrer was as tall or taller than me (actually quite a few six-footers start to come to mind but they were all slim or of a light bone structure) but what is a realistic top weight for someone to be able to carry and race on level terms with the tiny jockey like stature of most riders? Maybe to open up the sport to all we should do as they do with racehorses and add handicap weights to the saddle lol lol. Slap 9 stone of metal split either side of a rider's saddle or bike (or better still on his race jacket lol) when facing someone like myself Joking aside anyone know of a likely maximum weight for a speedway rider before it impairs the performance of the bike? Also as Ghostwalker referred to above being too light may also be a problem, although maybe bike set up would help with that whilst not being able to help with the excess weight of a heavily built person. Anyone know of the heftiest speedway rider ever?
  19. Aha! that gives me an idea for a thread in the General section - i'll quote ya there lol. I could ask the questions here but it will sidetrack severely from the topic if i do.
  20. Ok i had a very late night with late callers therefore my brain has not properly kicked into gear yet so forgive me if i'm reading your post wrong or missing your point but......last year's format is also this year's format. Not sure if you are suggesting that it is different this year? Do i need go get another cup of coffee? lol. Meeting formats: (according to the Google Translated regulations ahead of the first final and DW confirmed what i said below was correct) Final 1. 20 heats followed by a final heat 21 consisting of the top four scorers. On the day of the first final it only serves for deciding prize money. Final 2. 20 heats followed by a final heat 21 consisting of the top four scorers over BOTH finals. The points in this race are added to the rider's totals over the two meetings. To summarize the championship is decided by points scored in three sections Heats 1-20 of final 1. Heats 1-20 of final 2. Heat 21 of final 2.
  21. With the scoring as it stands i would have preferred it if Nicki wasn't taking part and Kenneth was. A list of the 1-2-3 since 1947 (and one result from 1931) http://en.wikipedia....ay_Championship Number of titles per rider. 12 Ole Olsen 7 Nicki Pedersen 6 Hans Nielsen 5 Erik Gundersen 4 Kurt Walter Pedersen 3 Orla Knudsen 3 Kiehn Bertelsen 3 Brian Karger 2 Leif Bech 2 Arne Pander 2 Erik Kastebo 2 Jan O. Pedersen 2 Brian Andersen 1 Erik Engsrom 1 Bent Jensen 1 Svend Nissen 1 H.P.Boisen 1 Godtfred Andreasen 1 Bent Norregard Jensen 1 Bo Petersen 1 Gert Handberg 1 Tommy Knudsen 1 Hans Clausen 1 Bjarne Pedersen 1 Hans N. Andersen 1 Kenneth Bjerre 1 Niels Kristian Iversen
  22. Not much interest in this so far, although having said that they have announced the teams a month in advance! I certainly hope it's going to be televised so there is a chance of it being streamed. Maybe the company legitimately streaming the play-offs might have a look at it? If not, i'm sure if it is televised it will be available via the normal channels.
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