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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Despite no pre-race graphics - Graphics Man was no way going to attempt a stab at the line-up lol - i thought i had the line-up, and was sure i had the result of the race but....result graphics totally lost me. UPDATE. Wow yet another total rewrite of the result by Graphics Man or his little helper lol.
  2. Hmmm so it has but i can match that.....every heat loss so far has gone to the team off 2 and 4!
  3. Lol so you should nobody disputing those observations Very good win by the Holsted spearhead there, whose house is this?
  4. Fjelsted could do with a much needed 5-1 in the next heat but that will depend on Skornicki holding Jensen in third, presuming Kildmand wins of course. I thought we were talking about when being interviewed? I was anyway lol. Oooh i shuda had a bet with Oddset
  5. I've always presumed he was a cyborg and having the odd short-circuit or two.
  6. No Rasmus Jensen was scheduled to be in the heat. His jacket number is 4 and i saw it. Also the commentators frequently mentioned his name during the race. Yeah saw that he was the one kneeling on top of the air fence i think.
  7. Thanks for that Rasmus in heat 9 we needed that
  8. And another graphics mess-up this heat has number 4 race jacket in yellow = the programmed Rasmus Jensen and not as the graphics say Simon Nielsen. He on a roll now no stopping him lol. Nicki beaten two times out of three now.!
  9. Surely the graphics before the race didn't show Nicki Pedersen as riding in that heat lol...it was Simon Neilsen.
  10. Great line-up for heat 4. Pedersen, Andersen, Hougaard and Kildemand we should get a race out of that.
  11. Looks a little blustery, here we go with Nicki in the first race TV camera struggling to get a shot with two riders in no matter what position of the riders, very strung out. Such a long delay for a restart, it was just Klindt getting a roller wasn't it, nothing wrong with the starting mechanism? If the Danish thread was done as the Swedish one split into weeks i'd be having a quick look to see if this is the usual standard of racing at Fjelsted. Hope it gets considerably better.
  12. Only just got home and starting to check various sources. The first one says Adam Skornicki is replacing him in the line-up which should leave the teams as below. With the return match next Wednesday there are five valuable points up for grabs. It's going to be a very keenly contested match and they are expecting a good crowd with positioning in the final at stake. Although good crowd in speedway is relative as they average 1,010 spectators. FJELSTED Peter Kildemand Adam Skornicki Hans Andersen Nicki Barrett Jesper Sogaard HOLSTED Nicki Pedersen Nikolai Klindt Patrick Hougaard Rasmus Jensen Simon Nielsen TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Danske Liga Fjelsted Vs Holsted Wednesday, 28th, August, 2013 Average attendances in the Danske Liga so far this season 2001 Holstebro 1926 Esbjerg 1441 Grindsted 1407 Holsted 1106 Slangerup 1010 Fjelsted 830 Outrup 662 Munkebo
  13. Ouch scary scary scary hold your place Laguta one lap to go Held it Held it Held it
  14. Indeed and i so compiling a dossier to your bosses as to why we should all be here next season.
  15. Thought Buczkowski had totally messed it up on an earlier lap when he went wide and undid his good work. However he got back into it only to be pipped. Even if i was watching this as a neutral i'd be enthralled but seeing Ghostwalker is a good man to us on here i so rooting for Smederna. NOOOOOO! i got to cancel my pre-written before the very end of the race "Beautiful move by Laguta in the first corner. SMEDERNA TO SEMI-FINALS"
  16. Nope! click on the portal section and it errrm takes you back to the portal section you are on with no sight of a price list. But have you definitely seen a price list without registering? Sorry just to clarify i accept and thank you - as will many others - for the above prices but just wondering where you got to see them.
  17. Anybody found out the costs to view yet? I've gone through click after click, some leading to the page you are already on!, and they refuse to reveal the price until you register! Can't be doing with that so i'll watch the free high quality streams instead seeing as they can't tell you the prices on the site straight up. Where is Wikileaks when you need them lol. WHY THE SECRECY??? Schedule for those who are tempted to enter a secret part of the site is; Ekstraliga Playoffs coming Live to UK & Australia Schedule of Live Events to be shown: Sun 1st September – Unia Tarnow v Stelmet Falubaz Zielona Gora – 17:45BST Sun 8th September – Dospel CKM Wlokniarz Częstochowa v Unibax Torun – 15:00BST Sun 8th September - Stelmet Falubaz Zielona Gora v Unia Tarnow – 17:45BST Sun 15th September – Final 1st Leg – 15:00BST Sun 15th September – 3rd/4th Place Race Off 1st Leg – 17:45BST Sun 22nd September – Final 2nd Leg – 15:00BST Sun 22nd September – 3rd/4th Place Race Off 2nd Leg – 17:45BST
  18. Eklof's performance tonight outclassing Berntsson's previous good form at this track. Oooooh what a race and didn't think they could keep Holta out. Awww poor Ghostwalker his nerves must be shot and fingernails gone lol.
  19. Forget Google...Truth Translation = the man going to be drunk/zoned out/deaf from the noise/or engaging in other pleasures. 'Time zones' 'Travelling' yeah right lol. Excellent PLAY-OFF racing we are getting right now.
  20. http://www.sportowef...ydarzenie/21792 and i be back with one more in a second with the Swedish one
  21. You shameless fibber we so know you 139. Ouch for Smederna in heat 7 but were up against a strong pairing and hopefully Laguta had genuine bike problems and not just saving face by dropping out lol.
  22. 10.1.18 IT IS Apologies i doing ten things at once and having originally found the correct scenario i then lost track and i think i quoted the regs for bonus points during the regular season. But i got brownie points for giving preference to girlfriend on phone while she got a break at work lol. Come on Ghostwalker admit it now.......Smederna got a chance tonight Yep i lost track being busy. After five heats i haven't got a clue who's going to progress. Although glad to see Smederna as i thought would make a good fight of it. Very pleasing to see such a good crowd as well. Oh yeah......plea to everyone who watches on Premier Sports please contact them to ask/beg for a new coverage contract next season. (Rightly) praise them for the super entertainment we get in an early evening sports slot that most channels have filler or repeat programmes in.
  23. 10.1.8 10.1.8 Separate Heat at the same number of driver's points in Race Off:In the event that both teams have achieved the same number of driver points after the two meetings will Arbitration heat conducted to determine which team wins. The arbitration shall be conducted in the Heat maximum 3 heats with two nominated drivers from each team in the so-called "sudden death". BeforeArbitration heats begins, the respective coaches nominate three couples in their team. The pairs shall nominated in the order they are to be used. The home team nominates its drivers first.If there is a tie in the first leg arbitration conducted another arbitration heats with next nominated pair, etc.. If the score after three heats arbitration is still pending nominates respective coach 1 driver + 1 spare for him to implement a fourth and decisive Arbitration heats, according to SR 5.5 I'll check when there is a break to see which reg falls under what heading. Unless Ghostwalker can clarify the difference before then. I'm multi-tasking big time here lol.
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