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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. What have you heard is he not riding tonight? I just had a look at a few Swedish sources including his club and he's still listed.
  2. Evening/Afternoon let's hope we get a good 'un. A great setting and crowd. How much of a lead will Smederna need? I'm expecting Grigory to attach fireworks to his helmet if he gets to celebrate tonight.
  3. Poland, Sweden and Denmark all have rules that require a quota for their own riders, usually for young riders too. They seem to be doing far better than us at producing riders and i'm sure a local crowd would be glad to cheer on a locally born rider rather than make them stay away.
  4. I was responding to the post on Wednesday's Danish meeting and the SVEMO published line-up for Sweden, that i saw yesterday, did not have him listed as riding tomorrow. I'll check again in a few mins. But i copied and pasted this line-up from the official site. UPDATE: I just checked again and he isn't listed as riding so has there been a team change from the line-up below? Also jus tnow checked the club websites for the teams involved and the team is shown as below too. Elitserien Semi-Final 2nd, Leg Wednesday 4th September ELIT VETLANDA Martin VACULIK Ricky KLING Jaroslaw HAMPEL Thomas H JONASSON Janusz KOLODZIEJ Magnus KARLSSON Mikkel B JENSEN
  5. 100% agree. That's one thing i've touched on multiple times over the years. The only time we've seen it on Sky Sports News is at the very end of the 11pm or later programme where they show about one and a half minutes of the night's televised action. Sadly, no matter how much fantastic racing there may have been during the meeting, it nearly always consists of two items the first being an obligatory crash clip and then the end of the last heat even if it was processional. Having said that i do hope that the excellent improvements we have seen this season indicate we could have coverage next season. The 'inside track' feature is superb and alerts non-speedway viewers that there is a lot more involved than simply going round in a circle for four laps. Also, wonder of wonders i've caught sight of a preview of the night's meeting on Sky Sports News! Premier Sports also heavily promote speedway during breaks with prolonged highlights (not just during a speedway broadcast either) and also include it in their 'coming up on Premier Sports' trailers, not often Sky do that in their trailers.
  6. Agree he is also 'morally' the leader too due to his performance under injury, however, the fact that he leads with three rounds to go has no bearing on being a deserving winner. As in any sport you don't declare a deserving winner just because at a particular stage of the season they lead the championship. Don't forget Tai would possibly be more prone to a bad meeting than Emil would due to his lesser experience of the last stages of a world title battle. Alas, we are to be deprived of the fascinating scenarios that would have taken place. If he does win he'll deserve due praise because let's not forget that whilst Emil may not be a contestant any more it is Tai who is in position at the TOP of the field. The other riders are NOT in position.
  7. That's absolutely cool, i was actually under the impression that like myself you personally purchase everything you can, but was also aware that you frequently offer links - it's totally irrelevant whether you post them in clear sight or not. I certainly wasn't 'taking you to task' at all, your links undoubtedly provide great pleasure for many fans and credit to you for digging them out - approve! I was just wondering why speedwaytv was deemed by you to receive preferential treatment, which you reply above because it's UK based. Regards a link watcher and a link provider, it's the latter who get prosecuted. Anyway, i don't want to divert the thread into a discussion on the legalities and morals of streaming, i actually strongly agree that one should be able to access them if there is no purchasable coverage available. Only for the fact i don't get to watch the Polish speedway i too would like you have purchased the monthly pass for speedwaytv, and that despite the superb quality streams available elsewhere. Like i say not going into the reasons here as it's a discussion in it's own right. Incidentally, an afterthought, if Premier Sports don't sign a new contract for Sweden's Elitserien i'll be using streams for the first time in years too. Well unless CMore offer a subscription to fans outside of Sweden.
  8. Just had a glance at the line-up for Vetlanda that was published yesterday and it doesn't include Mikkel Bech!
  9. Free admission for the re-staging on Tuesday of Outrup versus Holsted!
  10. TV meetings racecards AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Elitserien Semi-Final 1st Leg Ikaros Smederna Vs Piraterna Tuesday, 3rd, September, 2013. MiniMax Racecard Elitserien Semi-Final 2nd Leg Dackarna Vs Elit Vetlanda Wednesday, 4th, September, 2013.
  11. Lots of organizing going on in order for Smederna to be able to track Grigory Laguta in the second leg on Wednesday as he is due to race in Russia the next day. Fortunately his team are not racing at home in Vladivostok instead the meeting is in Togliatti. Apparently he'll face flying from Sweden to Moscow, change planes and on to Samara the nearest airport to the track, which is a two-hour car ride. Overall it's about a 12 hour trip. Magnus Zetterstrom is apparently lined up to take part tomorrow and Jurica Pavlic replaces Peter Karlsson.
  12. Re:'aflyst' Is it the meeting cancelled or the broadcast? I've just done the rounds of the usual sites including the clubs and local media but no mention. I'll check one more FB page but i've accepted fate and made other plans now anyway for the next hour lol. Ok i'm outta here and.....going to risk logging off! Hope i don't have to wait days to be able to log on again, but i think the glitch has been addressed. Incidentally, if i do get locked out for those who use the Swedish racecards if i can't get to announce when they are online just check the webpage. Just seen the ticker go across the screen it is indeed the weather that has cancelled the actual meeting and not as happened in the past a technical fault. Sorry krompa, just seen your post as i scrolled up to log off. I wonder if it will be broadcast? Mind you a quick glance at their current scheduling plans show a reserve football match due to be shown. Football of any standard usually takes precedence over speedway. Plus we got the Swedish play-offs anyway, all good.
  13. If they show it again i'll type it down and put it into Google Translate. In the meantime i'll have a quick look around the web. The meeting could well be going on and it's a broadcast problem? They could do with showing the ticker again. At least we got Sky tonight though. Also Sweden tomorrow and on Wednesday Sweden and Denmark at the same time
  14. Agree with the sentiment that Emil's crash is bad news for Tai! I haven't a clue which one of them would win the title but for sure if Tai goes on to win it there will always be the instant thought of would he have done so if he had to battle Emil all the way. He'll still certainly deserve tons of praise if he he collects the crown though.
  15. That's quite honourable but wow! that's an interesting stance to take with just the one company. Don't get me wrong i'm not asking this in a negative way, i'm just intrigued. But why the 'fairness' to speedwaytv and not to Premier Sports and CMore for their Swedish coverage, Sky TV for Elite League, Eurosport for the SGP, WTC and SEC, and Orange or Kanal or whoever it is does the Polish League? Have you got shares in the company or been warned off? lol JOKING.
  16. Hee Hee. Maybe i should have replied "thank you very much Alan that update is much appreciated and i've changed the racecard accordingly lol"
  17. Not sure why this has a separate thread, so in addition to the normal one i'll post this here too in case it ends up taking the meeting discusssion. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Danske Liga Outrup Vs Holsted Monday, 2nd, September, 2013
  18. Yayyyy! finally able to log in to BSF again, life has not been the same for many days, dark times indeed Ok both line-ups have not altered a jot since they were originally published and i've just checked many sources in Denmark, so hopefully we are good to go as listed. TV meeting racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Danske Liga Outrup Vs Holsted Monday, 2nd, September, 2013 The promoter has said the meeting is going ahead - one match has been rained off in Denmark today. There's a good weather page which includes a quality webcam not too far away (10 miles i think), and yes it's raining now. It also has forecast radar etc. and is predicting rain, however, it's not blanket rain at all so may miss the track completely. Funnily enough the very detailed hour by hour forecast says cloudy and not rain. http://www.yr.no/pla..._Denmark/Varde/
  19. Nice to see they did get indeed a good crowd, one that exceeded their average the attendance was 2,297. Coupled with the Speedway Star match report quoting a crowd of just under 4,000 for Esbjerg versus Holsted the other week all very nice news. Thanks for that and another and another clarification on it from the Fjelsted site; "And then it happened every start masters worst nightmare: Start Master grabbed the wrong flag and thus came to flake lap after three laps, which basically meant that it had to run on. In the meantime, however, it was so dark that it was no longer safe to run, and he chose to stop the match and distribute the remaining six points evenly between the teams."
  20. Thing is though how better would his results have been if he hadn't been 'handicapped' by his extra weight compared to the other horses ooops riders in a race. We've established a burly biker can race a speedway bike but at what weight does it strongly affect his ability to race on equal terms?
  21. Ouch very hard to get in, certainly in Poland. Although there is of course the second tier leagues in those countries. The Polish League 1 would provide stern competition/education/experience for young Brits. Top 19 in the averages contain some good riders indeed. Peter Kildemand Andrew Lebedev Chris Harris Thomas H. Jonasson Daniel Jeleniewski Maciej Kuciapa Scott Nicholls Robert Miśkowiak Kjastas Puodżuks Cameron Woodward Norbert Kościuch Krystian Pieszczek Michael Szczepaniak Kenni Larsen Peter Karlsson Roman Povazhny Rory Schlein Andrei Karpov Magnus Zetterstroem Don't want to veer off topic too much so i'll mention that i bet they attract some bumper crowds
  22. grrRRRR my feed froze it back now. Ahh thought this was your last meeting for a while. Yeah hope it's a good battle Friday. Good timing for the meeting to end just as we get to see if Glasgow Celtic can avoid eternal shame by overcoming first leg loss to a team from Kazakhstan. The latter are not being allowed to have their customary pre-match ritual of slaughtering a sheep (honest). Thank goodness they are not facing a Welsh team and they demand a sheep ritual too, we all know what that would involve! I think the sheep would prefer the Kazakhstan ritual lol lol.
  23. I got it right but very nearly had given up he threw a right pearler then. You were right Haven't a clue what happened in the dark there. Wow FIGHT Pedersen in middle of it Still not sure what passed from the replay. Maybe it's nothing to do with Kildemand stopping but something said after the race???
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