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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. I think the biggest damage and the cause of him apparently being knocked-out was when he first hit his head on the ground.
  2. Ouch just rewound it and Gollob after initially hitting the ground with his head was then hit in the upper part of the body by the bike (possibly head again too). One would suspect a likely concussion?
  3. Fine thanks and already looking forward to the return of Emil Sayfutdinov and Chris Holder next year, what a series we'll have lined up. Hope you living on high ground in view of the awful deluge and it's continuing aftermath in Colorado recently. Got a couple of friends in that state but fortunately they dodged it all. It would be nice to see the Swedish riders do well tonight they certainly got some very loud cheers in the first race. HEAT 2 !!!!!!!!! Surely he is ok isn't he? Might just be the Eurosport directors asking him to stay sat down for drama? (ok i admit i got my fingers tightly crossed) Above is a joke by the way. We're not seeing any pictures at all of Tomasz, just eternal crowd shots, no desire to 'rubber neck' but would like to know the extent of his movement or relative lack of.
  4. Yeah i know i just had a glance at the Wikipedia page for Stockholm and it divides the city's history into two distinct eras the Grandiose days of 'pre Doctor/Rico tour' and the post apocalyptic 'post Doctor/Rico tour' lol.
  5. In the UK you get this message - i think the "Go Home" means to go to the home page and not bleep off lol. Sorry, this event is not available in your area The owner of this event has chosen to block certain areas of the world. Unfortunately your area didn't make the cut. GO HOME
  6. Disappointed at what must be one of the most misleading titles for a thread ever! I thought Premier Sports or Eurosport had decided to show it. Why did you title it that way R&R?
  7. I so got to amend my previous comments about even a crowd of 25,000 looking truly awful in such a large stadium, i've just checked and the capacity is a mere 34,000!!! I thought from all the blurb and hyperbole i've seen that it held around 70,000. With it having a small capacity it should be a good evening indeed, especially if there are quite a few walk-ups on the day. I'm well cheered that if Tai wins we won't see video and pictures from an empty looking stadium. UPDATE Just popped over to Wikipedia and all becomes much clearer "The venue has a total capacity of 65,000 at concerts and 50,000 seated at football matches, but the stadium can be scaled down to accomplish a more intimate setting to host smaller events with a capacity of approximately 20,000 guests."
  8. FREE AVAILABLE as of NOW! MiniMax Racecards for the 2013 Scandinavian Grand Prix - Stockholm, Sweden Saturday, 21st, September, 2013. Local TIme 7pm, BST 6pm, UTC/GMT 5pm DUAL GRID MiniMax Racecard 2013 SCANDINAVIAN Grand Prix MiniMax Racecard 2013 SCANDINAVIAN Grand Prix Basic Version MiniMax Racecard 2013 SCANDINAVIAN Grand Prix
  9. I did do my best to indicate it was very much a throwaway joke. On the plus side thanks for elaborating on your initial post. I certainly agree that the vitriol Nigel Pearson receives is out of line. Whilst i personally have mentioned in the past as to why i find his commentating style poor and indeed 'damaging to the sport' i have always made clear that both he and Kelvin Tatum have the sports best interests at heart and also get off their rear ends and do a fair amount of hard work. Ok that's balanced by the fact they get to travel the world and take in sights and cuisines that those trapped in factories and offices would relish but i certainly wouldn't be capable of doing their multi-tasking commentary job. It must be the fourth time i've suggested this but those who nitpick on their repetitive phrases should grab hold of a tape or audio recorder and commentate over a trio of meetings that are broadcast on Sky and they'd be shocked to see how many they come up with and also banal attempts at filling in the blank spaces. MInd you as myself and others have pointed out Pearson and Tatum are paid a good wage and should in turn produce a professional job which they don't. Like many others i pay a small fortune to Sky for every channel they have, and also for more non-Sky channels carried on their platform, so i expect to receive a commentary of a standard which doesn't put me on the verge of muting the sound. It would be a blow to lose him at Premier Sports but i certainly feel that Dave Goddard should be having larger companies take notice of him. He IS able to impart excitement when excitement is actually there and without the inane screaming of the terrible two.
  10. Agree strongly with that. Top eight gives incentive for many riders to keep battling all season long. Four nominations is perfect too, it's enough to cover injuries to top stars and also any new riders arriving on the scene at a blistering rate the previous season or those who had missed the previous years GP and qualifiers but are clearly a class rider. Definitely no more than three from the challenge as it has provided some pretty mundane fare at times to the SGP menu. Also it is indeed open to riders who may benefit from a horses for courses one-off final nomination or track knowledge who then are out of their depth all series long.
  11. As you mentioned yourself Piraterna is a 'small' stadium so luckily for Smerderna it doesn't have a capacity of 6237 or your club would only have had the second highest crowd
  12. Thanks to yourself for always being a source of amicable conversation and debate.
  13. CONGRATS PIRATERNA 2013 CHAMPIONS (forget the triple 0-5 scenario) Thanks to Premier Sports and Dave Goddard for a season of great racing and great commentary.
  14. Yeah Rospiggarna average in the lower division this season 2,259 and Hammarby in the higher tier only 1,932. Hopefully one would expect the promoted team to increase their attendances as well.
  15. Gee rmc you make it sound like you still having to deal with high Therapy bills (JOKE) lol. If you found something so wrong would rather you seek to change it from the inside than flee. Intrigued as to what the 'all' is? are you referring to the speedway at the time or the media? Like when Manchester United dropped a division many years ago for a season and that leagues average attendances were duly elevated.
  16. As a comparison the attendances for the media dominating football is for their highest league 7,210, and for the second tier equivalent to the Champonship over here 2,451. So quite decent crowds indeed for the speedway bearing in mind the non-central (inhospitable lol) location of some of the tracks.
  17. A better summer than in the UK the latest average attendances Ikaros Smederna 3,808 Dackarna 3,596 Indianerna 3.517 Piraterna 2.935 Elit Vetlanda 2,917 Västervik 2.590 Hammarby 1.934 Vargarna 1.738
  18. Vetlanda are going to need Karlsson to reproduce his form from last night. He'll certainly be expected to win this reserve race or partner his team mate home. Uh Oh for the visitors 2-10 and Karlsson fails to win the reserve race!
  19. I'm a neutral as to who wins but if pushed to make a choice i'd prefer Piraterna to take the crown seeing as they topped the table in the regular season. Is that a full moon* i see hovering over the forest in the background! Nervy time for those making their way home after the meeting in the dark lol. *(knowing me it's probably just a floodlight lol)
  20. That's awful news you certainly deserve to get to see the racing with all the information and help you provide all year round on Swedish speedway. Fingers crossed that all seeking a stream get one.
  21. TV meetings racecard AVAILABLE NOW FREE MiniMax Racecard Elitserien Final 2nd Leg Piraterna Vs Elit Vetlanda Wednesday, 18th, September, 2013.
  22. You won't see any mention of it yet on the official SGP site and BSI and Dackarna won't currently comment , but a Swedish site has uncovered that the SGP will return to Malilla next season. An extract from the article; "But already the next year teaching G & B Arena in Malilla be back in the GP calendar. OT can disclose namely that Malilla Motor Club and Dackarna has become clear to arrange one of two Swedish Grand Prix next year. A contract with English BSI, who runs the GP circus, must be signed. It is clear and will likely be published in conjunction with the Grand Prix competition of the Friends, said a source at the Oskarshamn magazine. The previous eight years, Målilla GP competition has been in August. Next year, however, it seems to be a GP in the spring or early summer for Malilla, when the Swedish autumn-GP: it is on the Friends Arena in Stockholm. Friends have signed a five year contract with BSI." Lol as i was logging out i just saw the 2014 SGP calendar thread and thought Uh Oh! I see this breaking news has already broken lol. Going to see if i can delete/hide this thread. I know you can hide a post but if i'm not able to get rid of this can a mod delete it please.
  23. I already watching both United and City matches at the same time as the speedway, you should be aware by now of my legendary multi-screening abilities lol. Although i may get a tad confused at times such as thinking that Rooney just won heat 15 and Davidsson has put Man United in the lead lol. Yeah that looks the same race camera coverage.
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