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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Ummm! you say you've found it boring for years but the last time you bought it was in 1991! How do you know whether or not they might nowadays have a page 3 beauty and 'exciting' content lol. I'll second that and have gone into details as to why on several occasions in these forums. Come on 'E I Addio' send one in to them then. Remember though to make it interesting, thought-provoking and not repeating anything from the previous weeks hee hee. To be honest i think the collation of news - even if merely press releases - from each of the tracks in one place is a strength of the magazine. How long would it take you to seek out on the web each clubs official website and also their local news media outlets in order that you don't miss something. With the Speedway Star you can simply flick through the pages and read whatever story catches your eye. I realize when it comes to news in general how greatly redundant the printed press has become in the face of the minute-by-minute updating and instantly interactive internet, however a magazine that collates news and articles on a specific subject can still hold it's own. Incidentally, how is the Speedway Star website (not online issue) for breaking news? is it like Sportowefakty where they publish and update stories all day long or does it merely serve as a vehicle for advertising the magazine with the barest token nod to news stories? I haven't purchased a printed newspaper for some 15 years due to their very latest news having been printed the evening before and therefore considerably out of date and now 'yesterday's news'. Admittedly, i also can't bear to look at any of the national newspapers because of their farcical political bias and the accompanying very damaging misinformation and disinformation (ok and blatant lies too with some of them), it all makes it a waste of time to even read them. On a comparative note whilst some on here complain about the extent to which the Speedway Star won't veer away from the official line of the BSPA etc - and clearly they frequently have a very solid stance of 'see no evil, hear no evil, report no evil' - we do get the benefit of knowing that often we are at least getting the actual facts of the matter on many occasions.
  2. To be fair Philip said that last Thursday so technically today Friday certainly still qualifies as 'next week' (as does possibly Saturday and Sunday!). However i fear we'd all be clutching at straws in keeping an eye out on the Sky and BSPA websites or Sky Sports News for the rest of the day lol.
  3. In honour of the new upcoming Sky Sports speedway broadcasting deal i've amended the lyrics to an old hit song '2525 (Exordium and Terminus)' by Zagar* & Evans *(no not that one) In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find they are Still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal In the year 3535 still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie Everything you think, do and say Is in the pill you took today In the year 4545 still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes You won't find a thing to chew Nobody's gonna look at you In the year 5555 still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal Your arms hangin' limp at your sides Your legs got nothin' to do Some machine's doin' that for you In the year 6565 still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too From the bottom of a long glass tube In the year 7510 still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal If God's a-coming, He oughta make it by then Maybe He'll look around Himself and say "Guess it's time for the Judgement Day" In the year 8510 still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal God is gonna shake His mighty head He'll either say, "I'm pleased where man has been" Or tear it down, and start again In the year 9595 still waiting for Speedway's Sky TV deal I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive
  4. Yeah i just came here to post after seeing mention on Sportowefakty; "On Wednesday, news portal reported that Eurosport will broadcast matches of the Swedish league. So far, representatives of the stations do not confirm these reports, but they should soon see the light of day. According to our information, that in each turn Elitserien TV show two meetings.Moreover, aired on Eurosport 2 will broadcast speedway magazine devoted entirely to struggle in the top division in Sweden." Now whether that means we'll get in on the British version of Eurosport remains to be seen, if not will we likely be deprived of coverage on Premier Sports too Awwww i loved watching the Swedish Speedway.
  5. So long as they don't get to choose helmet colours or designs then i'm happy. Some traditions should be kept such as being able to see which rider is which pretty instantly. (most of the time). I never try and catch a glimpse of a race jacket to see where each rider is in a race, especially in wet conditions. I don't like it when in the US the race commentator will often refer to riders numbers. Plus i really can't be bothered building up a computer bank style memory in my brain of which numbers belong to which rider lol.
  6. Hopefully this is the best place for this topic??? I first clicked on 'This Forum' but that only seems to offer outlets for announcements, testing and support. Besides i think the BSF is an integral! PART of the sport in this country and a topic on it deserves a wide audience instead of the section where you need to log in to view. Also i inadvertently started it in the limited access 'general discussion' section of the forum. In view of some of the very tenuous threads running here in 'speedway news and discussions' i would hope this is an acceptable place for what i see as a valid 'speedway' thread. I stopped watching speedway when Belle Vue's Hyde Road track closed down when i was little. I'm guessing i was away from the sport all during the 80's and 90's (unsure). I only returned after catching sight of it on Sky TV. Struggling to remember what was around when particularly regarding the internet, hell including the internet itself lol. I know i was very busy with the ladies and music and fighting (Martial Arts i should clarify lol) and would not have had anything to do with computers when they first hit the public mainstream. I was very much a late, late, latecomer indeed to computers. Soooo......that brings me on to several questions regarding the BSF if anyone can answer the odd one or give their thoughts on the subjects as I'm presuming there ain't no Wiki for the BSF (unless someone now starts one). When did it come into existence? - methinks on the 8th day as God saved his best work to last. Is it under control of the original owner/s? Has it ever had any rivals or is it of legendary Speedway Star status and has seen off all 'rivals'? Without going into details hasn't it's existence been threatened on occasions, legal/financial/too much hassle? Who has given it the best praise from within the sport on the promoters and rider front. What percentage of riders and promoters are likely to regularly read it? What percentage of fans who attend meetings are probably members or at least read it? Bearing in mind one can always block posters who flame, bully, be silly or annoying, don't we all really, really love the BSF? Would it be detrimental to the sport and it's fans if it wasn't around? Anyone else got any questions about the foundation or history of the forum? LONG LIVE THE BSF
  7. Awww! my hopes were raised when i saw two new pages had been added to this important thread since i last looked only to find it consists of everyone Googling and Wiki-ing Ping Pong! lol. Gee! is this what the off-season forums are reduced to? (says me with absolutely nothing sparkling or informative to add myself) Ok on second thoughts i do actually have one musing on the matter while we wait for news, i thought it was a good point a while back when someone (a rider?) mentioned that not knowing whether they will be appearing on Sky television is affecting potential sponsorship deals, and also will likely cause a backlog of racing suits needing to be prepared. I'm wondering now though if maybe the riders have since been informed there is a deal in place but not to go public with that knowledge?
  8. Hmmmm as an avid disinformation/misinformation spotter of the USA's quite obscene 'Fox News' (tell it to you straight etc. lol lol lol lol can't breathe for laughing) i can only apply the same skills and berate that in my opinion the FIFTH COLUMNIST that is 'methanolpress' needs to be read between the lines. The truth is out there if you know where to look and your link to that site is quite mislead and sad.
  9. Sorry but the impact of a Rolling Stones concert negatively impacting on the attendance of a SGP is wierd and farcical.
  10. Was glad to see the various advertisements inserted into the breaks during track maintenance aka 'beer and food sales' on the webcast and hopefully that paid for the broadcasting costs. Thanks for that link and i've duly added my praise. Initially i was about to exit at the amount of asterisked mandatory personal info required on the form, however, i simply entered 'private' into selected fields and it rather surprisingly went through without popping up a 'that doesn't match' type of warning. Heyyyyy 'The Pedaler' i notice ye hath not repented for your sins yet! I also note that ye are of few posts so am suspicious if ye are a multiple ID poster? Reveal yourself lol. Ok a simple 'sorry' wll suffice is sorry such a hard word to utter? Only joking it's forgotten.
  11. Lol no problem regards the one having a pop 'cos i loved by others in my life lol, so i'll survive! To yourself and all others i above all wish everyone the best of health in the year ahead.
  12. Presumably the exact same footage but it's also available on the original broadcasting official site http://new.livestream.com/accounts/5201468/events/2647360 Might be preferable to watch it there in order to boost any viewing figures the sponsors may be keeping an eye on??? Unsure
  13. Wow big RED FACED EMBARRASSMENT for you seeing as you appear to have been too lazy to read just a few posts earlier before you went casting insults. Exactly what part of the post below do you not understand??? I never imagined for one second that the official broadcast would be free. I even contacted the organizers via their website the other week to inquire about what payment methods would be in use. What say you now Pedaler??? A five letter word beginning with SORR ?
  14. zzzzzzzz Wha! Wassup! zzzzzz W'appen zzzzzzzz. Lol only kidding i lasted the course thanks to a hefty sleep-in earlier today. Big congratulations on an ACE win by Scott. Didn't think Darcy could go the whole meeting without being involved in a smash in such tight confines but i reckon he did very well.
  15. A break in the MMA (for me) whilst they re-run an earlier preliminary fight that i watched live at the time. So thought i'd pop in for a gander to see if anyone enjoying the racing and Aha! good to see old (not as in age lol) faces still around during the off-season. Wow the Cricket over already! ouch!!! They only got themselves to blame all series getting themselves out of their own doing 90% of the time. Excellent news you can get to watch it. I feared the worse when i saw the wording the other day about streaming being available for 'overseas' fans. Great to see a packed crowd. Although the winner of each race has been first from the gate there has been some good racing over the first four heats, take a bow Darcy for one. I find it a bit odd that the race commentator refers to riders during a race by their race jacket number. Fans at the track and on screen don't get to see the numbers that much but as we all know we do see the helmet colours all race. However i'm guessing that's a rare fault in the presentation of a meeting when comparing the US to UK. Great to see the little kids coming out on parade and racing. Cool there is a girl in there and also two riders from England.
  16. Yayyyyy! FREE broadcasting online already, best wishes for a profitable and successful meeting with plenty of passing. Full screen is fantastic quality. Ok that's all from me i'm juggling it with a super Mixed Martial Arts fight card which is live until 7am!
  17. Sky have publicized their 2014 F1 coverage in the media today so maybe it's announcement week!
  18. The official site is gathering some good content daily now including a free downloadable racecard for the meeting. The rider draw 1- Tyson Burmeister USA 2- Ryan Fisher USA 3 - Edward Kennett GBR 4 - Ricky Wells USA 5 - Gino Manzares USA 6 - Max Ruml USA 7 - Scott Nicholls GBR 8 - Chris Harris GBR 9 - Billy Hamill USA 10 - Darcy Ward AUS 11 - Charlie Venegas USA 12 - Patryk Dudek POL 13 - Hans Andersen DEN 14 - Maciej Janowski POL 15 - Greg Hancock USA 16 - Billy Janniro USA *17 - Jason Ramirez USA *18 - Austin Novratil USA * Reserve ALL THE LATEST NEWS (also extra video clips added) http://www.industryracing.com/news.html OFFICIAL RACECARD (and nooooo it's not a 'Minimax' one, i'm on holiday it's my off-season lol lol) http://gallery.mailchimp.com/0adc65b981705e2831101f578/files/ScoresheetOfficial.pdf
  19. The earlier entries gave enough 'clues' as in naming the website and the video tabs However direct link to the page http://www.industryracing.com/live.html
  20. Talking of highlights Eurosport are showing the GP's through this month APPROVE
  21. Duhhhhh! how on earth did i miss seeing the 'watch live' tab when i was on the site the other week lol. For those starved of speedway action there is currently available FREE a very high quality three hour video of the 2013 Californian Championships. The sound quality is very good from the little bit i just glanced at and not suffering from the usual mixing pitfalls that you can get on the internet. There is no mention at the moment of live coverage of the Monster Invitational however seeing as they use 'Livestream' it does look likely it will be available. I'll fire off an email later as i'll certainly be interested in watching the meeting with such quality of picture and sound. As a long time avid viewer of NFL, NHL, Nascar and MMA the 3am start time is easy peasy for me lol. Starting to really look forward to the meeting now.
  22. So why do they have it as a group! Much appreciated thanks.
  23. I wasn't aware there was a live feed last year that would be great news indeed if it should transpire to be the case this year. Was it an official stream on the organizers website? If one has to Google around for feeds on the day the event is staged at the Grand Arena, in the City of Industry with races slated to start at 7pm PST, 10pm EST, 3am (Sunday) GMT/UTC. Haven't a clue what the costs involved are as in negligible or hard to make it pay but a pay-per-view stream could bring some money in as there are many speedway starved fans across the world come this time of the year. I'd willingly pay a small charge to view.
  24. Just a quick diversion here Steve but what are your thoughts on a possible promotional boost for the sport in the US by getting Travis Pastrana to have a go at speedway and possibly leading to a pre-meeting exhibition race? As you know yourself he is an absolute legend in the USA (and around the world) and closely followed by the media in all that he does. He states on his website that his passion is competition and he always needs a challenge. He's tried and been proficient or successful in several motor sports both two and four wheeled. He's so eager to race that whilst waiting for rehabilitation from surgery to allow him to race bikes again he went into Nascar. I'm guessing that he doesn't even know speedway exists? Surely he would be greatly intrigued to be fed the phrase "no brakes, no gears, no fear". That must grab his attention? Is there no promotion in the US who would be able to afford his fee for an exhibition attempt? although surely he could be tempted to try the sport for free??? Mind you we'll have to strongly agree to differ on one thing, which is absolutely fine, but ouch so, so sorry i've got to say this....i reckon it would be a travesty for him to try the sport, or be a guest and view it, if it's the Monster Invitational circuit or one of the tiny tracks. You simply don't get the speed and power on them, the riders when together on some of these circuits appear to be about to come to a stop when approaching and going around a bend together. I simply don't consider he would get a taste of true speedway with motors roaring and flat out speeds. He'd need to experience the bigger tracks to satisfy him as he's used to racing at around 200mph in Nascar. If i thought he would get to read it i'd send him a communication with a link to the epic Chris Harris race with Greg Hancock when the former won the Cardiff GP. He'd see a fantastic speedway race, a very large crowd in a top class stadium and sense a taste of the marvellous atmosphere. How could he not be tempted especially with the no brakes aspect and the acceleration from a standing start of a speedway bike apparently being faster than a F1 car.
  25. Thanks for the interesting info from the previous attempt at league racing. Wow! was that an exceptional monsoon year for New Zealand or does it really rain that much, it always seems to be raining whenever i see clips of NZ, and that's from a Mancunian lol. 'matches over four heats' OMG! is that a joke? My heart dropped in disappointment when i saw that until...... That's far better, twelve heats What on earth is the purpose of having a 'closed' page? No way am i signing up to Facebook either to view just one site/page. A great pity that people are deprived of following the league and news. Again i have to ask why is it kept private?????
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