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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. I wish them all good luck with their decision to bring themselves into line with the major speedway (and sports) leagues. One very disappointing aspect, especially in view of the reduced number of teams running, is that they don't race each other home and away. A league consisting of only five teams and yet they only race two matches home and two away. The luck of the fixture draw is likely to have a huge effect on the table. Additionally, as i understand it (hoping my german is sufficient enough to translate correctly) the top two sides meet for the title with the leaugue leaders having home avantage. It does seem a little grand to make claims comparing it ever more to the football Bundesliga, as it does in the promotional blurbs. Anyway, fingers crossed for success and shame on the sides that have withdrawn.
  2. Which betting sites?. The ones i just checked have Chris Harris stilll riding. Please let us know which ones. Not sure whether odds suspended might just mean they are being reassesssed???. Only i notice that on the site you refer to Holta's odds are also suspended, but both he and Harris have their race by race odds still available. At the moment it would appear Andersen, Harris and Holta are as the above report all riding?. Until someone can post definite confirmation to the contrary, one presumes they are?.
  3. A link to a news report and photograph of his crash in practice Chris Harrris Crashes In Practice However, by the wording it would seem as if it is an automatically translated report. I know from a previous link i have given on here for a webpage translation site that when an article refers to a 'pilot' (lol) instead of a rider, it tends to be translated from italian. This article states that he has had no effects and will ride. But, if betting sites have him no longer listed i would go for their version. With just an hour or so to go one would think official sites such as the SGP Worldspeedway.tv, Sky Sports and the riders own site would have news about his articipation and indeed the incident of the crash itself, however nada on them all.
  4. I trump you all with this nugget. Can anyone beat this report from the Essex Echo of the attendance being 64,000
  5. Touching on a couple of points above. If you utilize the Google search link i gave above. I think by Tuesday morning most of the dailies will have articles and reports contained within it. On a positive note, in previous years the Sunday papers barely mentioned the event. However, i see the Times and Mail have already got favourable reports contained within the link. From the Mail (i must add a massive disclaimer - NO i do not read the Daily Mail lol - i have only read the link to the speedway) The Millennium Stadium may have lost the FA Cup Final, but in the British Speedway Grand Prix it retains a jewel of the sporting calendar. A hidden one, perhaps; a private party for 45,000 speedway devotees. But for raw drama, danger and dastardly deeds of a Polish referee, few events can match the intoxicating combination that Cardiff and shale offered on Saturday night. I'm a bit puzzled by references to a smaller crowd. As several sources are referring to 45,000.
  6. One of the very first media write-ups after the meeting is provided via the link i gave earlier. It is from 'The Times' and nice to note that it marks speedway as a sport of the future. Hey!, maybe we will survive the petrol rises etc after all. The Times - Cardiff report
  7. ??? Do you not see the subtitle of the topic 'Not got Sky, watch it on-line' Or, is it available for non-sky customers through any pc in the same way Champions League matches are???? Please tell me yes?
  8. Good articles in the 'Independent' and 'Mail' are some of the latest generated by the above link. Still only Friday as well.
  9. The following link will provide you with a list, that grows by the hour, of news links and articles from a myriad of sources. I use it every year before and after the GP. Even if i say so myself it is a SUPERB LINK UPDATING NEWS/ARTICLES EDIT Meant to post this in the Media section. Would be grateful if it could be moved there?. I couldn't find a delete option myself.
  10. The following link will provide you with a list, that grows by the hour, of news links and articles from a myriad of sources. I use it every year before and after the GP. Even if i say so myself it is a SUPERB LINK UPDATING NEWS/ARTICLES
  11. TV listing magazines are an important source of publicity. The one i use regularly features a speedway picture and preview block of normal speedway matches on Sky. This week, in addition to the block on the actual day's page, it has a full-blooded full page article solely on the GP. It's called 'Total TV Guide' Does anyone have details of display articles in other tv mags? Wondering specifically Radio Times and TV Times.
  12. Does anyone know how many spectators the stadium is able/licensed to hold?. Just wondering in the hope that we might have to buy in advance in order to avoid being locked out.
  13. I know that over the previous couple of days the listing had at one stage that it was delayed due to football coverage. One stream is indeed showing football right now. Then yesterday it had an unreliable/uncertain label next to it. Haven't figured out what laczona means yet. I've an idea it's a swearword and if so, begins with p. Meaning the coverage is not going to be going ahead. I did say everyone should PM details of such feeds. Easier solution for people in this country why won't Sky etc make it available on the internet on a gp by gp basis, as with the champions league matches etc.
  14. Ah! but was it indeed the Sun 'wot said it'? The exact same piece/press release has an author in the MCN whilst the Sun's article doesn't.
  15. Thank goodness for one of the few on here who aren't just utter fault-finding miseries. I'm stumped as to why some folk bother to get up in a morning. Whilst, i wouldn't say it was GP at it's best, there was certainly a fair bit of good racing sprinkled about.
  16. ????? Can't get Sky where i am. Therefore, turning the tv on wouldn't have done much. Although, it obviously did once i fed the pc 'tv out' feed on to the much larger tv screen.
  17. Up to now have always stayed away from P2P because of possible risks. However, it had seemed to be a really good GP. Therefore, i took the plunge and installed Sopcast within two minutes. Then i switched the feed to the VLC Player for the most amazing quality picture and sound with no glitches whatsoever. I still wish Sky would make the SGP's available online. I'd still be first in the queue for such a service. Hopefully, their excellent live commentary page received lots of hits and will give them food for thought. Obviously, like many others i would love to be able to hear an english viewpoint on proceedings from a home based broadcast. Hopefully, it will sink in that not everyone can be forced into subscribing to a Sky package, be it planning permission, reception difficulties or financial restraints lots of people don't or can't subscribe to Sky. The Champions League internet coverage is soon to be increased to 15 out of the 16 matches on the Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Clearly, there is a market for their sports on the web.
  18. Maybe if enough people visit their page they might think about making the GP's available online as they do Champions League matches. I'd certainly pay £5 to watch a GP.
  19. Angel time-lag or what I would guess that you are pretty accurate in thinking that they 'forgot' last year. Maybe, this year was the same until they were alerted after the postings on here. There seems to have been a fair bit of monitoring going on recently from others outside of the forums.
  20. If you go to the Sky Sports website they are doing a heat-by-heat text commentary/summary. I would give the link, however, after a recent farcical event i'll refrain from doing so. The commentary is quite good, especially as it's free from the personal bias that permeates updates on forums.
  21. People should have PM'd any links they had. Managed to watch every single GP last year in fairly good quality. Saw 5 heats of tonight's (looking excellent) meeting before the notice above went up. No coincidence when i came on here that threads have been locked. I'm guessing, but like you i think the notice refers to transmission rights. Interestingly, when i was playing it in Real Player it clearly stated that no rights etc exist for this transmission. I've got several media players and they are ALL showing the same notice now, including the VLC.
  22. An extra piece has been added to the MCN's coverage. Bit of a chuckle though as i'm sure i've seen it somewhere before. Nicki Pedersen favourite to retain title
  23. I put speedway into brackets so that the sentence would not read 'enormous speedway nation'. However, you have taken it to read just that. To clarify, i refer to Russia as a massive nation that has a long history of staging speedway. Russia has a league system in place, that in itself constitutes the staging of some 42 meetings, hardly a limited number (compare Slovenia, Latvia etc.). It certainly stages more meetings than countries such as Norway etc, who were given the final Grand Prix of a season. That in an indoor hall that only held a few thousand. Norway is a country that gets relatively poor crowds at any sporting event, including it's major national sports. Why the 'rolleyes' icon?. It clearly benefits IMG/BSI to have a large attendance at the GP's. Norway, Latvia and even Slovenia can get relatively poor crowds for international football matches (competitive ones, ie European Championship), so surely it is wiser to stage a GP in a country that has a history of mass crowds at speedway events. I've not had time to check, but as far as i am aware the league matches draw crowds that outshine anything over here and in most of Europe. As for being incapable of staging and organizing events in the country, i'm pretty sure in the wide realm of major sporting fixtures, Russia has staged some pretty big events.
  24. For every year that has gone by without a GP in Russia i am more and more disappointed and surprised, more so the latter. I thought speedway is enjoying a resurgence in Russia at the moment?. It does the SGP promoters no credit whatsoever that they have failed to include a (speedway) nation as enormous as Russia into the series. They put great efforts into nations where speedway is even more of a minority sport than it is elsewhere. They also place it into countries who run only a few meetings over the whole year and/or have no great tradition or history of speedway. Russia has in the past, similar to other eastern bloc nations, had amazing attendances at events. They have always run lots of meetings and have a good history in the sport.
  25. Thanks for the link which leads to a good site for Argentinian speedway. For those who can't read spanish a translated version of reasonable quality is provided here In English-ish As with most web translation services subsequent links are also converted.
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