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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Been reading promoters comments recently about no riders being available. However, if the BSPA aren't to harsh in their assessment this young whippersnapper could well come in on a handy average. Costa Mesa Winner
  2. I took on board straightaway that you know what you're doing Ghostwalker. I was pointing out to anyone who wasn't already aware, the fact that one can feed the stream via VLC with a simple click as it is a faster stream.
  3. It only takes two seconds, if that, to click on the external player icon on Sopcast to switch it to the VLC player. A very small price to pay for a higher quality picture and stream. Don't like the sound of you being redirected to a page stating that you don't have Sopcast installed when you already do. Glad to see you had the nous not to download anything there and instead pasted the URL. Additionally, one should always be wary of being asked to install a special video codec when visiting a site. A further bonus of VLC is that it plays virtually any video format out there without needing to install codecs. I could mention a couple of other things but it would be veering way off topic so i'll cease now.
  4. LOL. Hey! tell it to the poles not me. They are the ones who decided on the 'major' leagues. Too be honest, i was going to do a little more research and get sources for 'any' other leagues. However, i'm just about to set off for a night out. Tomazpozrl has given a link for one of the ones not yet covered which....sorta leaves you in the hot seat for providing Ukranian league stats
  5. Please can this made into an invaluable sticky as throughout the season (and off season) there are many requests for averages for various leagues. Below are links to the most comprehensive set of averages covering the main international leagues that you could wish for. Each page consists of the following; Every single riders average who has taken part in the league. In addition to the standard categories we are used to these also include home & away averages, actual average per meeting (points divided by meeting), every race placing (as in number of wins, seconds etc.). Then there are a series of tables listing the top riders by total points scored, total number of races, mechanical retirements, falls, exclusions and tactical points scored. Finally, averages are given team by team. UK 1 (Elite) UK 2 (Premier) Poland 1 (Ekstraliga) Poland 2 (1 Liga) Poland 3 (2 Liga) Sweden 1 (Elitserien) Sweden 2 (Allswenskan) Denmark Germany Czech Russia
  6. Do check out the media player i mentioned. It will often play streams that Windows Media Player and Sopcast won't. With this and the polish league i'm starting to pine now for the top stars. To see more than one in a race several times is good stuff. Loved heat 14 a fantastic race. Bizzarely, Lee Richardson ahead of Crump, Andersen and Bjerre in a great tussle.
  7. Watching this in the most amazing quality. Incidentally, if anyone ever has a problem with a Sopcast feed, then install the widely used famous and free VideoLan VLC player. After doing so, on the Sopcast window click on the external player icon and proceed to watch the feed in higher quality and stutter free. It's also a fantastic media player for any video source.
  8. Only just seen this thread. As mentioned elsewhere in this section i've given a link to the rules and regulations in a sticky in the 'General Speedway' section. Possibly the bit you are after is, 077.5.1 Scrutineering At every SGP meeting, verification is compulsory and official FIM specification declaration forms are provided for this purpose. All engines, machines and equipment must be checked in accordance with Art. 070.7.1. The Referee or Race Director may order any engines or machines to be rechecked or re-tested at any time, during practice or racing. Furthermore, the weight of some machines, chosen at random, must also be checked during the meeting. A capacity check is not compulsory as per Art. 070.7.1, but after the last heat, the Referee or Race Director may order an engine capacity check of any engines used in the meeting. The mechanics must present their rider's machines and equipment at the time stipulated in the SR for the machine examination and according to the time stipulated in the individual time schedule.
  9. I've added a link to the above two competitions in the relevant sticky in the General Speedway section of the site. In Full 2009 Speedway Regulations (every Aspect Imaginable)
  10. Not sure which of the above two links created the popup window to 'live-player' but beware and check out the valuable advice in this link Site Advisor live-player.com General concensus is DO NOT download live player but some say it is ok. Was going to say you pays yer money and makes your choice, but more a case of you click on a link and hope PC doesn't go on the blink. It may be ok but i'm steering clear just for now. Possibly the basic web pages containing the updates are perfectly fine and it's just a matter of avoiding clicking on any 'live' links.
  11. Sorry! nearly 4am here and about to go to bed. I was just Googling for news articles to see how the rider was and came across the report.
  12. Got to admit i don't like seeing the unfortunate accident that overshadowed the meeting. But there is an excellent high quality video report that shows a packed crowd and good racing. Video Report
  13. If i may be so bold as to return the thread to the topic's title and subject matter. Guess Nicki has learnt the time honoured lesson that (unlike other riders/people) walls and chairs don't hit back but.....they sure are mighty hard on those digits. At least he was fortunate he never broke his toe launching the chair because it was so light, then again, he's also fortunate it didn't bounce back off the wall and take his eye out. Also, he was fortunate that he didn't blow up his tv as the chair barely missed that. So, just one misfortune then lol. I'm glad when i was a tot i learnt and took on the lesson that all tots receive, namely don't go hurling, punching or kicking things when having a hissy fit. Contented sigh now as i go off to play my guitar with all ten necessary bits intact and operating.
  14. As i mentioned above amazing picture quality try Danish Speedway Let me know if you are able to get this stream.
  15. Wow! dontcha just pray to God/Your God for the invention that is the internet. Superb picture quality. Three heats in and all excellent stuff. Bit worrying from a Belle Vue standpoint with Ulrich fallling badly and then Hans Andersen trashing Morten.
  16. There is a special temporary code in operation during the World Team Cup for the British team; B = British rider - Caution - Slow moving traffic A = All alone at the back L = Left at the start or, L = Last in race (doesn't matter which as same points outcome) S = Scoreless U = Underpowered engine P = Pathetic peformance (also known as pointless)
  17. They're coming to take Ole away today, Ha-ha They're coming to take Ole away, Ho-ho Hee-hee To the funny farm, where tracks are slick all the time And he'll be happy to see the track staff in their clean white coats And the speedway riders in their clean Kevlars They're coming to take Ole away, ha-ha!
  18. Does anybody know if Ole Olsen has ever been asked about the appalling consequences of the tracks he prepares. Be it at a SGP press conference, an interview in Speedway Star or any publication or form of media. Surely at some point in recent years he has had to answer to criticism. I'd be grateful if links to any defences or reasoning behing the way he prepares the tracks are given. You can have dirt on a track and it be safe. The SGP puts the sport in the shop window and occcasions like Prague clearly heavily damage the sport - that is indisputable.
  19. Thankfully what began as a boring GP improved into good racing and a great result. THE OLD GUARD IS DEAD LONG LIVE THE NEW GUARD ???
  20. Tex mate i'm sooooo sorry that i didn't look in earlier on this thread. I've just watched the most superb high quaity feed (albeit in polish) with not a single second pause or stutter. The quality was so good that even when fed through on to the TV it was excellent. Too be honest you just need to become a bit more adept at googling and a little bit of detective work goes a long long way to bypass the more publicised links that quickly get closed down on here once publicised in the forum. Thankfully, what began as a boring GP ended up with some pieces of really good racing and a great result.
  21. Going down to the last heat would be a bonus. But, the main boost and improvement needed is to avoid the back half of the GP season being a done thing. Clearly Michael Stipes then was a 'thicko' lol
  22. Just wondering if it could be a worthwhile idea for the SGP to follow the changes NASCAR made to energise their championship series in america. In order to avoid a series dying a death because one or two riders are clear of the field they, as with pretty much most sports of every kind nowadays, implement a play-off type system. In a 36 meeting season (43 drivers in a race), after 26 of them the top 12 drivers points are reset to a higher (uncatchable) level. They are also awarded 10 points for each previous victory. This ensues that most seasons come down to the last meeting and often the last lap. The other drivers outside this 'Chase For The Cup' have a large prize money incentive for 13th place. However, as detailed below, speedway would have just as good, if not better, incentive for the rest of the pack/runts of the litter (lol). Just a top off my head a rough throwing in of figures. All can be modified upon closer inspection and judgment (not got time to analyze and test them right now). In a 11 SGP meeting season one could set the cut off point at say with four events remaining. Then the top six riders would be nominated for the 'Chase For The Championship'. They would have their points reset to, for example, 200 points. Adding of course to that their 5 pts per victory. The final four rounds would carry on with the customary every points per race counts and also the bonus 5pts for winning a meeting. Again i point out the 200 reset and 5 bonus per win are intended to be adjusted as needs upon looking at the history of scoring in the SGP seasons. Even a cursory crunching of the numbers i've suggested looks quite good. Although, there must me a cancelling of the doubling of points for riders making the final heat. Even as the SGP stands now, the oppotunity of earning extra points in the semi-final and final race is enough of a reward. The doubling of points really stretches the field more than it needs to. Even if not going down the 'NASCAR/nearly every other sport on the planet has a playoff' route, then also add the bonus 5 points to a SGP winner of the meeting. The incentive for the other riders outside the top six to remain competitive in the remaining meetings is to bag the two places remaining for the following years automatic GP qualification.
  23. Great to hear and just put the misunderstanding down to the unemotional nature that goes with texting and posting in forums. Many a scolding i've had from a fair maiden who's took what i typed the wrong way As for your comment 'Not all us old codgers are miserable old sods.', i would never stoop to using such an offensive insult as 'old' lol. I made a point of inserting a smilie next to my grudge as i'm not as regular poster as yourself and didn't want it to come across as a personal attack. As far as i'm aware the number of meetings partaken by individual riders in Russia were always very small in number. Their fixture list was relatively small and i'm certain that foreign riders at each club didn't remotely ride for them every time?.
  24. Ease up Ron, wow talk about a man with a grudge Why on earth do you not want speedway riders to earn money??? Have you not seen that they as a species are clearly a dying breed nowadays?. America is a good example and you don't have to stray far from these shores (indeed, within these shores) to see that there is a pitiful uptake of the sport amongst the young generation. It costs a fortune to participate and now they have the 'Ron Butler Earnings Cap' in place!
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