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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Many thanks for these continued much appreciated weekly write-ups Anders. With Racers and Royals advance flagging of which matches are televised makes for a good combination.
  2. 'Never mind the quality, feel the width' Unless someone can point out otherwise, it does appear to me that polish tracks are often wider than ours. I think it was no less a great than Peter Collins who mentioned in an interview with the Speedway Star that one of the keys for a raceable speedway track is to have width.
  3. Nice bit of team riding to secure the win. Although, i think Antonio was way overdoing the letting us know he was team riding lol. Geez! a pair of wing mirrors being shipped out to him right now
  4. 5 out of 5 and rising for Sayfutdinov. What a pity he had those two consecutive disasters in the SGP. Mind you if Crump has a couple of off days neck and neck race again i think.
  5. Picture quality on Sopcast is indeed excellent, only reason i've just switched to VLC is because whilst it never actually froze at any stage i was getting the odd hiccup. But, as ever, if you latch on to a stream that is working for you on any particular day hang on to it. Sopcast itself seems to have really come on in the last year or so regarding quality. I think what seems to be making a big difference in all types of streams recently is the quality of the original source. Certainly, as an example, the Swedish links given on here are amazing quality.
  6. Sajfutdinov well on fire, already has his fourth win out of four, this time over (tactical) Holta and Gollob.
  7. Updating race and rider score charts here Bydgoszcz v Gorzow and along with the very high quality streams makes for a perfect package.
  8. Hell! am i starting to get old or is it true that when one posts at 2am in the morning, one's eyesight is affected as well as one's coordination?. And there was me thinking they were unjustified rumours about what alcohol does to you.
  9. Thanks Anders for the very high quality YouTube clip of the final. You wouldn't by chance have heat 14 which has been mentioned would you?
  10. Just noticed that comment ghostwalker. The sound should automatically mute the Sopcast audio when you use the external player link. I've never had dual sound conflicts. Obviously, when i choose to have multiple Sopcast or VLC streams open i then have the settings to allow for several video and audio streams at the same time. Once the football season starts i'm often watching Manchester United and Speedway feeds at the same time.
  11. I picked a nice time to drop in on the meeting the unbeaten Skornicki against Gollob resulting in a fine race indeed. Pity i got to go out for the evening soon lol.
  12. Anyone see the meeting and know why Antonio LIndback had such a poor return of 6 points?. Or was it just a case of a quality field?.
  13. lol thank you so much r&r, that is something i would never have fathomed out.
  14. Do you know what format the meeting takes? 1. The traditional 'perfect' formula over 20 heats where every rider meets every other rider once. 2. 20 heats plus semi-finals and final. 3. 20 heats and a final. Incidentally, what do the numbers and roman numerals after each riders name indicate above?
  15. Cheers Ghostwalker for explaining that probably more clearly than i could have done lol. Things to point out, the above procedure takes only a minute or so. Incidentally, i have always used and logged into Sopcast anonymously. Also, the default external player that is prechecked will often be WMP which is often quite poor for Sopcast type feeds. So just do as advised above and browse/select to VLC.exe and check that. It's worth doing as an often stuttering feed will play fine in VLC and many streams that WMP simply won't open will also run smoothly. Obviously, you can use it on all sorts of video accessible with your computer. You can use it as a capture device and stream etc.
  16. Heats 13 and 14 just provided some good racing and also showing that Rune Holta is a fine rider. His two battling second places look to have secured an away win, in view of the final heat's line-up. Update Wow! i was referring to Gapinski being the weak link but he wins and his team mate Hancock finishes last? Go figure i guess lol.
  17. Am watching on sopcast -brilliant as always. If it ain't broke (or glitchy) don't fix it but....if ever it is (or even if it isn't lol)....feed the sopcast stream through VLC player and wow see the difference in quality. Proof of the improved faster stream is that when utilizing the VLC player the stream is actually ahead of the plain sopcast one. Agree with you though tonight is another example of a faultless stream and great picture.
  18. Stream quality is as excellent as usual. Live updating heat and rider scorecharts are available Live updating scorecharts
  19. I printed the regulations on just the previous page, included in which was,
  20. Gulp! 10AM restart over here. More importantly, rain damage to the track not getting much time to recover. Forecast not too positive from now and through the morning. Anyone know what the rankings are if the trophy is awarded as such. I want to get some money on at Skybet lol!
  21. From the regulations 'sticky' i posted in the general section; Check out the sections in bold! 078.1.4 Dates of the meeting The SWC meetings can be held during daylight or during the evening under floodlights. The FIM Speedway World Cup calendar will be established pursuant to Art. 20.1.2 of the FIM Sporting Code. Once the allocated date for the meeting is known, no other Track Racing meeting(s) can be staged at the venue five days prior to that date and until two days after. 4 To provide for postponements that may be necessary, for example because of weather conditions, the FMNR or the organiser must declare one re-staging date, with the exception of the Final event, where two dates must be declared. The re-staging date or dates must always be as close as possible to the original date of the meeting. These shall be notified in the Supplementary Regulations (SR). If the meeting is postponed again and cannot be held on the re-staging date or dates, the meeting classification shall be decided according to the ranking-list (Art. 078.8.1). Highest team ranking, placed 1st; second highest team ranking, placed 2nd and so on. The SWC Final Tournament has precedence over any other Track Racing meeting, with the exception of the Speedway Grand Prix meetings. Re-staging or abandonment of a meeting If a SWC meeting is interrupted or suspended for any reason whatsoever, the following rules will apply: 1. If the meeting is interrupted before heat 15 is accomplished, and the remaining heats cannot be completed the same day, then the results are not taken into consideration and the whole meeting must be re-staged in accordance with Art. 078.1.4 – Dates of the meeting. 2. If the meeting is interrupted at any time after Heat 15 is accomplished and the remaining heats cannot be completed the same day, the results will be considered valid and the following will determine the meeting classification: The team with the highest number of points, considering the total number of points scored up to and including the last completed heat shall be declared the winner; the team with the second highest amount of scored points shall be declared second and so on. In the case of teams tied on points, precedence shall be given to the team having the greatest number of first, second, third, fourth (or fifth where applicable) places. If ties still persist, then precedence shall be given to the better-ranked team (see Art. 078.8.1).
  22. When will it be restaged??? Leszno Wunderground
  23. Now that is a nice piece of marketing. Like i say i recoiled at the prices of the sheets. However, after viewing the free sample i can see it is a very nice layout. From that i can appreciate why those who just don't have the inclination to spend a little time to make up their own would decide to purchase.
  24. Wow! i'm a little taken aback. I was aware the Kandysoft sheets were not free but checked the link just out of interest and phew! very expensive for something that one can make on ones own computer for free. However, if there is a market for the product all good and fair and sincerely the best of luck to you. Main reason for posting is to express, a little more so than usual now , thanks to Danish Webmaster for a great free product. I don't always use them because i just quickly make my own (automatically updating) spreadsheet in Windows. But, for those who don't do that the DW sheet is excellent. I may be setting up a speedway site next season and if i do so, i will make available for free the formula/coding you need in order to make a simple spreadsheet that you can have update live as you enter results. They will cover every type of meeting. The one i use for the SGP's instantly updates riders meeting and overall GP points totals race by race. The same goes with League matches etc., as i say, any type of meeting. I'd obviously make available for free sheets similar to DW. If you can't wait just do a tiny little bit of research and it isn't hard to come up with the formula to make these spreadsheets. I presume every Windows (and non-Windows) computer comes with a minimal 'office' type package. It's usually Word Pad, Note Pad, Database and Spreadsheet etc.
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