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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Variety is the spice of life and you pays your money (or not in this case) and takes your choice. 'Score-As-You-View' Race Card for World Cup FINAL If you didn't catch the first card i made for the Race-Off check this one out and see if the design is to your liking. Obviously it's FREE, non-commercial and no advertising. I've already mentioned the differences that i hope are beneficial, but rather than repeat them here the reasoning is explained on a speedway site i'm setting up Speedway Freebies and Information
  2. Variety is the spice of life and you pays your money (or not in this case) and takes your choice. 'Score-As-You-View' Race Card for World Cup FINAL If you didn't catch the first card i made for the Race-Off check this one out and see if the design is to your liking. Obviously it's FREE, non-commercial and no advertising. I've already mentioned the differences that i hope are beneficial, but rather than repeat them here the reasoning is explained on a speedway site i'm setting up Speedway Freebies and Information
  3. You're welcome. Although, as it's my first one ever - as in publishing a pdf document - forgive me for having made a couple of tweaks since you posted this. All in the name of improvement of course lol. Don't know if you downloaded it, but if so might be worth doing so again.
  4. You might like to check out a new free totally non-commercial and no advertising whatsoever 'new kid on the block' race card. 'Score-As-You-View' Race Card for the World Cup Race-Off It's my first attempt at a race card which reflects differences that i think are beneficial. Hopefully others will also share my preferences in the layout. Have a look and see. Key differences to ones i've seen, some only small but i hope make for a better card. 1. 'Score-As-You-View' reflects the visual synchronization of the gates as seen on tv from outside to inside. Just one glance will align your eyes with what you see on the screen, you don't have to go loooking in the 'gate' column and then scan the line (possibly more than once, as i used to have to do anyway lol). 2. The colour coding is extended, as i use on my home made spreadsheets. Instead of just a small 'helmet colour' box (or even a letter 'R', 'B' etc.) the riders name is included. This again facilitates for only a speedier glance being needed. 3. The cumalative team total columns are also colour coded making for a quicker filling out of the race result and update of the standings. 4. A small touch, but again, i personally think it makes a difference, i've printed the rider's surname in block letters. If you think about it, whether in your own mind or listening to a race commentary you refer to a rider by the last name. Also if quickly scanning down the race card for a rider having the surname printed so makes it stand out easier.
  5. Many sincere thanks for spotting that, much appreciated. As i said the cause was out of my hands but all is now FIXED
  6. Ooooops! i'll post back when corrected....my FTP link to the website has gone down and it's uploaded an earlier testing version. I'll come back with the all clear
  7. 'Score-As-You-View' Race Card for the World Cup Race-Off Adding my first attempt at a race card which reflects differences that i think are beneficial. Hopefully others will also share my preferences in the layout. Have a look and see. Key differences to ones i've seen, some only small but i hope make for a better card. 1. 'Score-As-You-View' reflects the visual synchronization of the gates as seen on tv from outside to inside. Just one glance will align your eyes with what you see on the screen, you don't have to go loooking in the 'gate' column and then scan the line (possibly more than once, as i used to have to do anyway lol). 2. The colour coding is extended, as i use on my home made spreadsheets. Instead of just a small 'helmet colour' box (or even a letter 'R', 'B' etc.) the riders name is included. This again facilitates for only a speedier glance being needed. 3. The cumalative team total columns are also colour coded making for a quicker filling out of the race result and update of the standings. 4. A small touch, but again, i personally think it makes a difference, i've printed the rider's surname in block letters. If you think about it, whether in your own mind or listening to a race commentary you refer to a rider by the last name. Also if quickly scanning down the race card for a rider having the surname printed so makes it stand out easier.
  8. A rant isn't a rant just because it's an opposing view. Only thing i would argue against what you said is that there was lots of passing in the latter half of the meeting. Regarding Ole Olsen and his input over the years, yes he has done a lot of work in developing world speedway for tv, however, he has inflicted enormous damage at the same time with the tracks he has prepared. Non speedway people tune in and see no passing and never watch it again let alone attend a local meeting.
  9. So a pass is not a pass if it's done by a nationality you are against?
  10. Watching replays of the heat 14 crash sends a shiver down your spine. It wasn't just that the footrest could have hit Denis Gizatullin in the head but, the more probable dreadful outcome was that until the last split second evasive action taken by Lukas Dryml he was in line to ride over his neck! It could have been a very black day for the sport indeed. Nice to see some spirited riding by the russians once more, if only Emil had been available. So long as the sport doesn't further disintegrate in Russia as it has the last year or two they could prove a lively team over the years to come. But possibly looking tenuous over there, not sure.
  11. One could forgive total newcomers to the sport coming to such conclusions after the first batch of races in a speedway meeting. However, if you are a member of the forum you must have seen speedway before and know that from it's inception and throughout the history of the sport in 99% of meetings ever staged there is limited passing in the initial races. So for those who may have turned off you missed some excellent races and plenty of passing. Once again yet another great speedway event on Sky this season. I so wish before the main event promoters would put on races containing 'second-half' riders or junior leagues in order to 'rough up' the track. Then from the outset we would have the possibility of good racing without having to wait until the latter stages. It would also increase the chance of gaining new supporters to the sport who swap channels after seeing a few races of follow my leader on tv.
  12. Pawel honestly not in the remotest bit offended, i hope my skin is a little thicker than that. Besides, despite my typo, i'm very happy as things could have been worse.......if i had decided to drive to the meeting and punched Chorzów into the Sat Nav
  13. Actually i am very well aware of that. I was rushing out at the time and funnily enough a little while later, out of the blue, it crossed my mind if i had absent mindedly typo'd Chorzów lol. It's possibly because i started a thread a short while ago about the record speedway attendance for a World Final in Chorzów. Anyway, if one wishes to be pedantic, you are wrong too as the meeting is being held in Gorzów Wielkopolski. LOL
  14. There is an hourly forecast available here, plus a multitude of radar and goodness how many weather measurements. It also, AT THE MOMENT, predicts 30% chance of rain at the scheduled start and duration of the meeting. Hourly Forecast for Chorzow, Poland
  15. I mentioned at the end of last year's series that the 2010 version was likely to be one of the best ever. The actual mix of new exciting riders next to long standing ones, who were likely to further improve or rediscover top form, was clearly going to make a fascinating battle. To further enhance optimism was the potential for significant changes in track preparation which has now largely transpired. That is as far as i am concerned the biggest factor in a heartwarming showcase of speedway. I just hope that the sport can recover from damage inflicted in recent years of the dire processional 'racing' on show that has left countless thousands of inquisitive Sky viewers with no intention of ever watching speedway again, let alone going to a local track. BSI and IMG have done lots of work in many areas. However, despite their sterling efforts in these troubled economic times they are failing in two areas. I appreciate all sports across the globe are losing sponsors left, right and centre as well as stuggling to gain new ones. But, the SGP is not remotely seeking fees of the astronomical sums that the NFL in America and Premier League over here require. An absolute golden opportunity of television advertising could be gained by large companies or corporations through the televising alone. Obviously most of the aforementioned are ignorant of the sport's existence, however, a presentation including footage of crowds in famous stadiums, families having a great time and exciting racing clips would surely trigger interest? Certainly they would be interested with an acceptable contract making value for money tv air time . The second fault i would judge them to be guilty of is the thorny subject of ticket pricing. I've spoken to people abroad over the years and many times they have said that the cost to attend is out of alignment with the level of the local economy. In some stagings (not Poland, UK or Sweden etc) it has been likened to an annual circus pulling into town with the strange distinction that the local population do NOT attend. I had thought the BSI/IMG were addressing this aspect, however, looking at the rows of empty seats in the prime tv shot of the starting line presented a bad appearance of the sport. I can only summise this was due to high ticketing prices for that section. Footage and pictures shown around the world will show a lot of empty spaces as they won't do what the Sky team do and pan across the packed sections of the crowd. Looking at Cardiff it seems a crying shame that yet another GP this year of sheer spectacle and exciting racing is going relatively unrewarded in financial gain and public recognition. Hey imagine if Emil Sayfutdinov had been around for his five races as well! One hopes that some non speedway viewers did tune in to the superbly produced Sky broadcast. Many sincere thanks to all involved in it's production - well except for the ones who are supposed to keep accurate track of the meetings permutations, a long term Sky flaw that. However, an impressively superb televised event it was nonetheless. It was for those in the stadium and watching at home fantastic entertainment. Just make sure to pass this hidden secret along to your mate in charge of that multinational conglomerate down the road.
  16. One presumes no matter how severe any pending cuts are to be the older ones will always need to be replaced by fresh meat.....ooops younger recruits. Not to mention mounting canon fodder losses should they need to engage in direct conflict. Totally agree. I would elaborate in far, far greater detail but clearly this is not the time or place. It is after all a speedway forum and to go off at a tangent on such a sensitive/volatile topic isn't really right. Anyway, i'm just relieved we don't have sponsorship by the Royal Family, now that would be waving a red flag in front of a big bull (meeeee lol). We'd witness a live track invasion (meeeee again defacing or ripping of the fork covers lol). Let us all remember those who cheer the loudest are the most oppressed
  17. I'm sure there was something similar to this available a few years ago on Google maps. However, in view of the lack of anyone piping up with details of such one presumes it has faded away and not been updated. Tom, is there any chance you can do post a couple of details here in this forum to enable us to assist with missing locations. First of all can you please list on here the tracks that you need information for, as in those that you haven't got the full details for. Only, i for one haven't got the time available, or desire to click on every link on the map to see if the details are present for every single track. If you give us the ones you need info for we can work on them. I presume the listing of the tracks in the left hand column is totally out of your hands? Only, apart from being in country order (i think), there is absolutely no order at all, not even alphabetical. Does Poole appear first because it's the first one you entered and/or it's your favourite team?. Does Google force them to appear in the order you entered them?. Can you have a glance to see they provide the option to order A-Z. Failing that, my second request is can you give the list so far on here? It's just it will make it far easier to assist.
  18. A couple of days later and definitely a massive decrease in media reports from this year's Google News search on the event. A lot of them do include the exact phrase 'record crowd of 41,150'. This was addded to results from 44 minutes ago in the Manchester Evening News (didn't clock the black arm band myself) http://menmedia.co.uk/manchestereveningnews/sport/speedway/s/1301440_crump_pays_perrin_tribute Incidentally the Manchester Evening News refers to a record crowd of 44,150
  19. Hey! Sky.......totally free.......you can have my services for nothing, you sure need them. Last night's Cardiff Grand Prix was one of the worst examples so far of the clueless individual(s) that supply the commentary team with simple basic information regarding who qualifies for the semi-final. Very surprisingly, even Sam and the studio team were guilty of a comical blunder surrounding the qualifiers. They were genuinely stunned and surprised to see Nicki Pedersen walk up to collect his starting grid placard. They had been prattling on for over five minutes or so totally ignorant of their mistake. I'm no computer expert, but even i managed to cobble up an impressive spreadsheet for the SGP that updates everything after each race faultlessly. Enter the race result in and hey presto the scorecard gets filled in, another view has the scorecard with riders sorted in order of total points. The series table is instantly updated (another aspect they get wrong at times). Each race has running accumulative totals next to each rider for the night's meeting and series overall. Got to say though, SKY, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for bringing us an otherwise superbly produced GP. Aside from the ever present wrong information that seems to accompany all Sky meetings at any level, the actual programme was fantastically run. My sincerest thanks to them and much appreciated.
  20. Before and after the event i always create a 'Google News' Favourite on my Desk Top. Whilst more reports will gradually filter through over the coming days, there is a remarkable downturn in the number of results returned. Anyway, of those there now, the Telegraph reports a 'record' crowd of 41,150 and an Australian site quotes 41,000. Best so far is the Herald Sun in Australia which quotes an attendance of MORE than 44,000!
  21. Anybody else having trouble accessing the SGP site? I just went to get the draw for my own spreadsheet and can't connect. No problems with any other site and broadband plus internet are at top speed and quailty parameters very high.
  22. Nooooooo! you do know now that we are going to have to wade through myriad posts in order to find ones relating to the topic's title as this thread veers into a different subject matter Your comments would have made an interesting thread in it's own right.
  23. Geez! don't shoot the messenger! The quote was taken from a medical site on the topic of damaged hearing and deafness. The clue to how it should be taken is the word 'translate' i would suggest that means they were trying to describe the difference from a scale that a layman could compare as opposed to an audio engineer. I take it that you are ok with my explanation to the following question that was put? 'My tv surround sound is measured in decibels and is currently on -28db.... Have just turned it up to 0 .... mate that was loud so am not understanding the decibel table.....' My answer being..... 'Because Hi-Fi, TV's etc. are graduated in decibels below the nominal maximum output, which is 0dB of attenuation'
  24. Got to admit puzzled as to why Hackney is raised as a potential venue to be debated, why not bring in New Cross and West Ham etc? Cardiff would count. Munich would be on a recent years list (and, sadly, unlikely to surface on a future list). Gothenburg i guess may turn up on a future one as well. Maybe the list should be for the current year and those 'definitely' staging a meeting next year. Awww! so harsh LOL He may have just temporarily missed the mention of 'current'. Don't worry Humphrey don't go spending your hard earned pennies on counselling you aren't a failure in life because you 'just gone and got it wrong' Again clearly Oxford and their like are not current tracks. Some of the closed down tracks will appear on lists in future years, most won't. Agree with the main sentiment of hosting a meeting this year. However, i would value a track that has been granted permission to hold a meeting next year as equally or possibly more valid than one that had a meeting last year but is now closed down or demolished. Clearly Short Track bikes don't come under speedway.
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