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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Wow! is this an ACTUAL GP?, going on Brits first rides it looks like it!
  2. First of all brandonbee48 and pollyanna, thank you and you're welcome. As mentioned yesterday offering a reminder for those new to the thread that a free race card is available Score-As-You-View_2011_SGP_Challenge Race Card As usual with the 'Score-As-You-View' Race Cards i produce it is colour coded and also contains relevant additional info. If you so wish you can fill in each riders accumulative score next to their name for each race (as well as traditional score grid). In order to make this quick and easy i've colour coded their next programmed ride. There are also various other bits of info. Also, as people clearly aren't bothering to even look back even two pages back for start time or streams, i repeat some of what i said the other day lol. People are, as expected, providing ever more details of streams due to come online. So, fingers crossed and hope the only stream we get is a speedway one and not streaming rain, it's in Vojens you know! It's worth pointing out that whilst some streams will include the surrounding tv studio coverage and actually air before the meeting starts, don't despair if it's approaching the hour mark and nothing is showing. Depending on the feed some wait until just before the first race begins and several wait until the parade is over. Not sure, i haven't got time to check, but i have a slight inkling that in the FIM supplementary regulations it mentioned ten past the hour to actually start racing. Don't hold me to that though at all lol. I've not got the greatest memory. Anyway, as i mentioned yesterday, certainly start checking out your usual list of stream sources before the meeting start time of 6pm BST (7pm local time & 5pm UTC/GMT) and don't necessarily panic if unsuccessful at first. UPDATE Very high quality stream has switched to the speedway right now Working Stream at moment As i suspected still parading after the hour mark so stroll over.
  3. Dear oh dear Iris what on earth have i ever done to you? lol lol. When i first joined this forum i eagerly sought out every post of yours as, like Mateusz, your posts were always very informative to someone like me who loves to see speedway prosper across the globe. Also, i have had a long term interest in German speedway, probably because one of my girlfriends was German lol. However, i've noticed that a lot of your posts nowadays can be a little aggressive. Instead of presenting an opposing view or simply correcting something the tone is often not very nice at all. Above all, the most hilarious thing is (and i chuckled away) when i saw you were the latest contributor to this thread, i was certain it would be me that you'd be quoting and it would be negative. I'm not talking about just having a different point of view either you often now use derogatory phrases. You've had some very targetted replies to my posts recently. I remember mentioning it a little while ago because it was so transparent. Anyway, rather than trigger off topic posts, if you have a problem just message me using the board facilities. Soooooo on to your reply, at least it isn't as blatantly having a pop at me for the sake of it as your recent previous input. What i said stands 100% the attendance figures are way higher than in the UK, to which 'read and weep' applies correctly. It was said in a jocular fashion but it does apply. I made a firm point of selecting the terrace tickets as i think you will find there are very few luxury suites at speedway tracks and at some of them, to all intents and purposes, you are standing in the middle of a field There is often very little shielding or cover from the elements. The availability of being able to purchase a ticket has ABSOLUTELY NIL effect on what was said. Clearly every match has however many thousands of people paying the price i said and watching the game. As for the Champions league, like the luxury areas of a football ground, we don't have that in speedway. We just have League matches for clubs.
  4. Interesting to note that football's Bundesliga is one of the most watched - actually, possibly THE most watched - league in Europe. It has state of the art stadiums and very cheap tickets. How about a season ticket for Bayern Munich a bargain at a mere £109 !
  5. The official line-up seems to have survived injury withdrawals so Score-As-You_View Race Card for 2011 SGP Challenge As usual with the 'Score-As-You-View' Race Cards i produce it is colour coded and also contains relevant additional info. If you so wish you can fill in each riders accumalative score next to their name for each race (as well as traditional score grid). In order to make this quick and easy i've colour coded their next programmed ride. There are also various other bits of info. I'll probably give a reminder tomorrow after practice for those looking at this thread for the first time.
  6. I was stood with two millionaires last month in the depths of a bank, so near and yet so far from millions of pounds. I fear that may be a similar scenario for Simon Stead and his 2011 GP series hopes tomorrow night. I sincerely hope not though, wish him all the best as well as Chris Harris.
  7. It's worth pointing out that whilst some streams will include the surrounding tv studio coverage and actually air before the meeting starts, don't despair if it's approaching the hour mark and nothing is showing. Depending on the feed some wait until just before the first race begins and several wait until the parade is over. Not sure, i haven't got time to check, but i have a slight inkling that in the FIM supplementary regulations it mentioned ten past the hour to actually start racing. Don't hold me to that though at all lol. I've not got the greatest memory. Anyway, as i mentioned yesterday, certainly start checking out your usual list of stream sources before 6pm BST (7pm local time & 5pm UTC/GMT) and don't necessarily panic if unsuccessful at first. I may be out at the time of the meeting, trying to get back in time to watch it, but i'm sure many of the regular posters on here will be supplying links to streams live.
  8. In an otherwise typically excellent edition, i too thought it was a major omission.
  9. Aren't we again guilty of looking at the fall in attendances in speedway as if they are an isolated case?. Live sports across the world on the whole have less spectators than they used to. Last figures i could find for the top tier of polish football (their Premier League) was 7,500 a couple of years ago. The second tier was only around 3,400. As all over the globe don't forget football gets mass media coverage every day of the year and is instilled into your awareness form birth to grave. So speedway does fare pretty well in reality. I presume polish speedway would disappear or become amateur if they had to budget on UK crowds of around the 1,000 mark?
  10. I'm providing a race card on the basis that the event is on the internet. It's only a short thread and if you had read a page or so earlier you will see that someone mentioned it's live on polish tv. That fact usually guarantees an internet stream being available on Sopcast etc. The DK4 coverage in Denmark used to mean a live stream, alas rarely now. There is also swedish tv coverage which may mean somebody will provide a feed. I suggest your best bet is to look on the day for internet availability. There is at least one planned from the quick search i just did. Although, that's a decrease on the other day. The meeting is scheduled to start at 6pm BST (7pm local time & 5pm UTC/GMT).
  11. OK one more, if one uses Google translate on the main Polish speedway site there is a banner headline - which i have to censor - Thomas H. Jonasson: The slag it really a f****** job on the track the story goes on to quote the alternative word for 'kitty'. He may well have actually said the word as, certain swear words are pretty universal in any language. Anyway, i reckon it beats the regular occurrence of the phrase 'little bas***d' that appears in Google's translation of Italian speedway sites. Incidentally, this explanation regarding 'slag' may explain why several foreign riders in interviews here on tv have uttered the word s**t. If you think about it, it would obviously translate, or be taken as, to mean 'dirt'. therefore they could be using the term quite innocently. Obviously that is no saving grace for when an english rider has used it.
  12. Latest figures for clubs in Poland. Attendance by Club 1. Falubaz Zielona Góra - 12,250 (8 meetings, total 98,000) 2. Unia Leszno - 10,214 (7 meetings, total 71,500) 3. Caelum Stal Gorzów - 8,928 (7 meetings, total 62,500) 4. Tauron Azoty Tarnów - 7,000 (7 meetings, total 49,000) 5. Unibax Toruń - 6,782 (7 meetings, total 47,478) 6. Włókniarz Częstochowa - 6,714 (7 meetings, total 47,000) 7. Betard Wrocław - 6,250 (8 meetings, total 50,000) 8. Lotos Wybrzeże Gdańsk - 5,375 (8 meetings, total 43,000) 9. Start Gniezno - 5,285 (7 meetings, total 37,000) 10.Lokomotiv Daugavpils - 5,285 (7 meetings, total 37,000) 11.Polonia Bydgoszcz - 5,000 (7 meetings, total 35,000) 12.Marma Hadykówka Rzeszów - 4,075 (8 meetings, total 32,600) 13.RKM ROW Rybnik - 3,937 (8 meetings, total 31,500) 14.Ostrovia Ostrów - 3,375 (8 meetings, total 27,000) 15.GTŻ Grudziądz - 3,062 (8 meetings, total 24,500) 16.Wanda Kraków - 3,000 (7 meetings, total 21,000) 16.PSŻ Lechma Poznań - 3,000 (7 meetings, total 21,000) 18.Speedway Polonia Piła - 2,785 (7 meetings, total 19,500) 19.KMŻ Lublin - 2,714 (7 meetings, total 19,000) 20.Kolejarz Opole - 2,000 (7 meetings, total 14,000) 21.Orzeł Łódź - 1,975 (8 meetings, total 15,800) 22.KSM Krosno - 1,657 (7 meetings, total 11,600) 23.Speedway Miszkolc - 1,128 (7 meetings, total 7,900) 24.Kolejarz Rawicz - 771 (7 meetings, total 5,400)
  13. Thought at first that your far from constuctive criticism was aimed at the differences between posters regarding the spelling of riders names. How on earth, and deeply sad, that someone can get 'angry' (as per inserted emoticon) because someone offers a race card for a speedway event. The initial ones i offered were downloaded by many thousands of people. Incidentally, that equated to several thousand more than views of the thread (i think only around 4,500 viewed the thread), which means they were recommended to others. If only ten people had found them useful i decided i would continue to make more. As for getting out more often, the only reason i can't at present find the time to implement and provide utilities that i wish to, is because with my music and BUSY, BUSY social life i can't possibly find the time to do so. I'm hoping that during the winter months and off season i can set things in motion for next season. So rather than watch this space i sincerely suggest you look away from this space. It seems to have quite a staggering unbalancing effect on your mental health. To which i suggest chilllllll!
  14. I'm not sure if Greg Hancock may be 'past his worth' regarding inclusion in the GP. I mean it's not as if there is a large following for the sport in America. Neither will his sole availability be enough to interest the american public in making a GP in his land a worthwhile prospect.
  15. Thank you for spotting a blearly eyed typo. How much do you charge for your proof reading services? I owe you a pint. Like i mentioned it's best to wait until the line-ups are confirmed later this week to actually download the race card. I only put it up early to enable people to have a look see at it's contents.
  16. In view of the importance of the meeting and the fact it should be available to view on the internet streams, i've made a race card for the meeting. I've only quickly cobbled it together, but it certainly does the job. It may be best to wait until the end of the week to download it in case of injuries etc. changing the line-up. However, you can always have a shufty at it in the meantime or take a gamble on the line-up being the same. As usual with the 'Score-As-You-View' Race Cards i produce it is colour coded and also contains relevant additional info. If you so wish you can fill in each riders accumalative score next to their name for each race (as well as traditional score grid). In order to make this quick and easy i've colour coded their next programmed ride. There is also a running gate points total (you can add gate wins underneath or just circle them) and the current 2010 SGP standings with the SGP Challenge riders in bold font. I should be able to grab time to provide an even better one for the next SGP round in Croatia. Free Score-As-You-View 2011 SGP Challenge Race Card
  17. Awww come on tomcat....don't be bashful....tell us your score
  18. Very nice initial write up Ladyluck. As for the line-up, there is an excellent page available on Wikipedia with qualifying results and a coloured race card you can copy, paste and print. 2011 Speedway Grand Prix Qualification I'm always disappointed to see that this meeing is not on Sky, however, nice to hear it will be availble online.
  19. Errrrm! try this thread from a few months ago Speedway In China - 1.3 Billion Catchment Area India too - world's biggest population centres There are some good points and fascinating information provided by posters. Quite educational historically too. I'm always delighted at the depth of response you can get on this forum on many subjects. I've just noticed it says you have only just joined the forum recently. As a result you aren't going to be aware of matters recently discussed. So, it might be an idea to do what is always suggested in a forum and run a quick search before initiating a thread. Otherwise, we get to miss good points as a single specific topic is splintered into more than one place.
  20. PHEWWWW! LOL Thank you very much pawel. Very relieved to see that it is indeed a badly translated saying. Also saves me from asking about the 'slag statistics'
  21. I use a bookmarked 'Google translated' link to the superb speedway site of sportowefakty zuzel speedway. Can one of our polish friends on here please clarify the translation of this article on their website today. The polish version is here http://www.sportowefakty.pl/zuzel/2010/08/08/plech-o-swojej-autobiografii-postawilem-na-nieznane-fakty/ Zenon Plech used to be the young star of Polish speedway in the seventies and i was startled to see the phrase 'hit the soda into your head' appear. Does it mean illegal substance abuse or just a hilarious translation of a saying not translated too well? Plech of his autobiography: I set the unknown facts. Zenon Plech explains why in his autobiography entitled "In the Shadow of Gold" very little space devoted conduct of his sporting career. - I wanted this book was captivating, so that no one put down after reading it two - three chapters. It is therefore not concentrated on describing the course of my sporting career. Today in the era of the Internet, anyone can quickly get access to all the slag statistics. If anyone wants to know how many points you won in the league match without much of a problem he will reach that information. I wanted this, that this book contains information previously unknown and was simply curious. I remember to this day one of the articles which appeared years ago in the local press Gorzow. The author wondered if the young Plechowi not hit the soda into your head? The truth is that the material that was fairly accurate. While working on the autobiography I wanted above all to show how I was. Thanks are also Ostafińskiemu editor, who wrote down my thoughts. The book owes a lot to him - said of his work Zenon Plech.
  22. In view of the amazing response to the race card i cobbled together i guess from now on we'll be having a permanent choice of all three race cards, as i'll gladly provide mine again. I had presumed only a handful of folk would download it but i've just had a glance at my server stats and there were literally thousands of downloads. If only about ten people liked it i was going to continue making them, so i'll certainly be making more in the future with the number of uptakes of the card. I'm also slightly surprised as the first card i did for the race-off one was inferior to the one above for the Final 'LARGE' version. However, it didn't put most off as there was an increase for the latter by about a couple of thousand again. I'm glad about that as it's a much cleaner version and will be the model from now on. Slightly mystified as to how so many heard of it to download it as the thread views don't come close to approaching the amount of downloads. You never know it might glean a few more with the meeting being shown again on Sky tonight lol. Despite very limited time right now i am working on 'Score-As-You-View' versions for meetings other than the World Cup/Team events.
  23. I've now made a larger version of the race card with changes to row height and columns width. This will be the permanent format from now on. Free Speedway World Cup 2010 FINAL Race Card LARGE
  24. I've now made a larger version of the race card with changes to row height and columns width. This will be the permanent format from now on. Free Speedway World Cup 2010 FINAL Race Card LARGE Fingers crossed we can grab a medal tomorrow. It's important the other teams don't view Poland as a Manchester United and go out expecting to be beaten by them.
  25. Very true it would seem judging from recent letters in the Star and polar opposite accounts of meetings given on here. Excellently summed up Iris. I would agree with it all but at the same time, whilst not diagreeing with the fact that everyone is entitled to their opinion, it is annoying when factual events are not credited. By that i mean there WAS lots of overtaking, that is not my 'opinion' it is fact. So when someone says as Dirt did (apologies not picking on you Dirt, just using you as a recent example lol) that.... Then people are going to 'correct' such a post instead of merely giving an opinion as WIE-JA does.... and as i do by adding there were plenty more etc. etc. that could be added
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