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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Just a quickie question directed to our polish friends on here (or polish speakers). In the rider averages what do the column headings d, u, w, t. each stand for? I remember working it out last year but can't find my scribblings lol. I'm presuming 'd' is going to mean excluded and one of them will certainly equate to engine failure. I've just dumped all the worlds top leagues rider averages into a spreadsheet and am having fun filtering records by all sorts of parameters, not least by individual rider. Nine times out of ten a rider has his UK performance higher than his swedish and then his polish average lesser still. Guess pretty clear evidence for the 1.2.3. quality of the leagues being Poland, Sweden, UK. (and yes i'm waiting in for a delivery which is why i'm idling away on my computer lol)
  2. Hey all international speedway aficionados....i guess nobody want to see high quality big tv screen coverage of polish speedway in the UK? If you do, add your wishes to the Facebook link of Premier Sports as soon as possible. Update Just checked their facebook site and 'where da ef' is TR??? they say they are interested and asking for his contact details. Is the heaven of polish speedway on big screen TV sliding away?
  3. One reply of sorts i guess equates to no massive full screen high quality tv broadcast of polish speedway this season I presume also nobody likes the idea of Premier League speedway being on tv either? They ARE SOOOOOOOOO open to suggestions for sports coverage. One would presume speedway would not be out of their financial scope either.
  4. Was feeling a little miffed at having had to sign up to yet another sports subscription channel in order to view all of my favourite sports. The latest one being Premier Sports so i can watch Nascar. The hit on my pocket was eased a little by the fact that they also show the South American version of the Champions League (Copa Libertadores). There is also now a chance that it could be made a more valuable subscription by them adding polish speedway. They always ask people to recommend sports for them to show. I notice on one of their Facebook pages someone suggestiong they show polish speedway and their reply is Premier Sports Is Polish the biggest or Swedish? Can you ask Terry Russell to email the channel at enquiries@premiersports.tv It has crossed our minds before this. Incidentally, i presumed the original suggestion would have been from a member of these forums, but i can't see a thread in eithert the General or International forums. So i started this thread. If anyone wants to suggest speedway coverage, polish or other, the page is http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=131657873523766&topic=278
  5. Thanks for detailed info once more Conkers, you're one of an elite core of valued 'correspondents' in the international section.
  6. Too be honest it's really quite humiliating, i can't think of another 'organized' sport in the world that would lack a filmed record of it's World Final. Incidentally, if you enter http://forum.speedway.ru/index.php into Google Translate, or alternatively into the Google search bar and then click on 'Translate this page' you can navigate in English throughout the site. I'm guessing there are more english readers than russian on this forum
  7. Wow that is equally astonishing and disappointing. I'm sure i read somewhere recently that there was/is some 3,000 Ice Speedway riders in Russia alone. Wish i could remember where i saw that, as i found it hard to believe. There seems to be lots of Ice clips on You Tube so i presumed it was a given that the World Finals would at least be televised in Eastern Europe. Thanks to you both for searching for coverage mind.
  8. Were neither of these meetings streamed on the internet? I thought someone was going to post details nearer the time. I totally forgot the meetings were due to be staged. I did make a note a few weeks ago but what use are notes if one forgets to check them lol. I take it they were televised, at the very least in Russia?
  9. I've been doing whatever the winter offseason equivalent to 'making hay while the sun shines' is and barely even drop into the forum. I am keeping an eye on the calendar though and will make available for each GP a two page (bigger print) version in addition to the one page. Just wish i had managed to find the time to make available my all bells and whistles interactive version that i use for myself available for free. Beats the hell out of Sky's or any Live ones i've seen on the night of a meeting. Not disrespecting Sky's page at all but mine does do and show more and much faster too. So hope we get an excellent GP season again, all the ingredients are there for sure.
  10. Thanks for that. Incidentally, i note the article says it was broadcast to Poland on the internet, i hope that doesn't mean we could have watched it streamed online too curses! lol
  11. Any estimate of the attendance for this meeting?
  12. Oops! apologies and an example of why one shouldn't enter a discussion at around page 9 lol. Regarding the spelling, i went Googling to assist the poster whose reply i was answering and he had spelt it Razuna, so i went with that trusting it to be correct. Unfortunately, as mentioned, that gave no joy even as a place. So i then did a Wiki of Czech Republic which made mention of Ruzyně and like DutchGrasstrack's Růžená gives lots of results. It's all Dutch's fault as he never spelt it on page 9 of the discussion which is where i came in lol. I was going to give a link to the official website of the place in question but it might trigger spelling wars as the links are all based on 'ruzena'.cz!!!!! Anyways, most people in the world believe in (a) God but have different names and beliefs for him, so we'll settle for we all believe in a particular Czech track.
  13. I can't find any reference to this meeting being staged at all. The official FIM schedule is listed as; 15/01/11 FIM ICE RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AUT - QR 1 St Johann-im-Pongau 21/01/11 FIM ICE RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP POL - QR 2 Sanok 22/01/11 FIM ICE RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP AUT - QR 3 Saalfelden 05/02/11 FIM ICE RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RUS - FINAL 1 Krasnogorsk 12/02/11 FIM ICE RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RUS - FINAL 2 Togliatti 12/03/11 FIM ICE RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP NED - FINAL 3 Assen 26/03/11 FIM ICE RACING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP GER - FINAL 4 Inzell Are you saying there is a 'preliminary' round as well? Incidentally, do you have an alternate spelling of 'razuna' or a nearby location only Google, Wikipedia and other search engines fail to come up with a Razuna in the Czech Republic (or at least within the first god knows how many pages lol). UPDATE A quick read up of Czech Republic in Wiki mentions Ruzyně/Ruzyne ("Ruzyně is a district of Prague city, part of Prague 6. It has been a part of Prague since 1960") which in turn under Google gives an avalanche of returned results. I'd suggest you undertake another search using Ruzyně or Ruzyne.
  14. They could film it (stream it even) and put it on the internet as they do now. Ideally, with the stunning start line girls in attendance Thanks for the programme info, but i'd still prefer not to have to do that much writing, especially, if it should be in the open with pouring rain lol.
  15. Sorry Conkers i'm not labouring a point i just don't want to miss out on something. But you are aware that if in Internet Explorer* one saves a Google translated website page as a bookmark it will always go from new page to new page continuing translating. *(which i use 99% of the time - please don't anyone get into browser wars lol). 'Google Chrome' is a browser. Are you saying that it treats 'Google Search' in a superior way to when using Google Search in any other browser such as Internet Explorer?.
  16. It helps a lot and many thanks in advance for any meetings available that you unearth. Why do i need to download Google Chrome to view the russian forums? I can view it presently with Internet Explorer 8 and, as with the polish site sportowefakty's speedway section, have it bookmarked to come up in already translated to english mode. I'm sure the ice racing stadium closing down was a Speedway Star article. However, it obviously hasn't come to pass thankfully.
  17. Nice to see such a relatively large fixture list. I thought Ice Speedway was about to die. The last i read about the sport was that one of it's major venues was closing down. But mention of a new ice hall at Inzell would indicate that was the venue??? and all is now ok. Or was it and STILL is Assen that's about to close?. Is there usually any coverage of meetings on the internet, ideally live?
  18. Oooops! i think that is what was actually suggested. I just couldn't remember at the time of posting what they had said they were considering exactly. I'm pretty sure now it was to do the draw at the previous GP. It would be great for me to as i wouldn't have to make sure i'm at home on Friday afternoons to do the GP race card i make available.
  19. Curses and Drat 1. One of the penalties of not visiting the forum in the off season is missing out on news of such a webcast. Curses and Drat 2. Delighted when i saw the link for a re-run of the webcast but......could have done with you enabling a navigational slider. After five minutes of nothing i was about to give up and turn off when i heard the stadium announcer say the riders in the pits have five minutes to join the rider's parade, so i did duly instantly turn off then. Goodness knows how far in the actual first race was? If anyone who has seen this rebroadcast knows when the first race starts i'll put it on and go off and do something whilst waiting for it to get there. I appreciate it was a recording of the whole live webcast and whilst live the waiting about would be acceptable (speedway fans across the world wait for ever inbetween races lol) an ability to navigate by clicking or sliding would be aa greatly valued feature. I'll definitely be checking back to watch live if you decide to do another one. I never got to see a race as i gave up waiting but was very pleased to see that, unlike most american speedway videos i've seen, you had a camera perched up high. That obviously would allow you to see the complete race. Most others i've seen you have got to peer through people and various bits of stadium furniture on the centre green. I definitely look forward to viewing any more you do live and congrats to you.
  20. I saw mention last year that the SGP were strongly considering doing each GP draw a week in advance of the meeting rather than the previous afternoon of the actual race day. Does anyone know if this is going to be the case? It would save an awful lot of filling in of programmes etc. I've never been able to get to a GP yet and, until they mentioned it themselves last year, i hadn't thought on that the way the system is now unless programmes are printed locally late on Friday you have to fill in the whole rider and heat grids!!!! Is that indeed the case with the majority of GP's. The actual line-up is known well in advance so it would make more sense to do the draw a little more ahead of the meeting.
  21. Lol i did straightaway. Mind you wasn't one of the best performances by Google in this instance. But my point is could you not have done what i do when relaying news from foreign sites, 1. Go to Google Translate. 2. Copy and paste the contents into Note Pad. 3. Tiresomely remove the also pasted foreign language. 4. Post the remaining english language text on here.
  22. I now so regret not paying attention in my Czech language lessons at school.
  23. You soooooo owe me a pint or two for the link you are about to receive. I do appreciate it's a long cold winter (over here anyway lol) and one needs something to warm the cockles of one's heart. A thread - presently consisting of 20 pages of high quality photos - that is still being added to after two years and contains some absolute stunners is Start Line Girls Galore That title is mine by the way it's not a division of Penthouse or something. It's a major speedway forum. There is also one hilarious picture that someone has rightly captioned with hee hee hee or a chuckle, can't remember which. Anyways men enjoy! (hell some of the girls are so hot even women must fancy them lol).
  24. Sidestepping the muddled auto translations the whole saga is addressed in english here http://beforeitsnews.com/story/241/120/Sexy_model_fakes_her_own_death_on_Facebook.html The english version of the story; Sexy model fakes her own death on Facebook A popular curvy Czech model went to extremes to rid herself of an abusive boyfriend by faking her own death on the mega-social networking site Facebook. The 24-year old photogenic blonde--Lenka Kopalová--was quoted as saying she saw no other way to deal with a bad situation. In an act of desperation she pretended she was dead to escape her 'bullying' beau. Besides her rising career as a model, Kopalová is also a top motorcycle racing star. Facing intense media questioning, Kopalová alleged that her boyfriend had become a monster and was "treating me like [expletive] and shouted at me and abused me so I decided to quit everything!" Her fans across the nation were shocked when they discovered her personal Facebook profile featured a photo of her with a large black cross and the cryptic message: "Lenka is dead. Family are in mourning." "I left him and I left myself too. I am no longer Lenka Kopalová. She is dead. And I don’t regret it. So goodbye from her," Kopalová said. She added she was never happy as a model and wants to return to her medical studies. She intends to become a phycision. Her explanation was published in the Czech daily newspaper, Blesk. Peter Krikava, head of the head of speedway motoring in Slany, Lenka well the speedway circuit, where he rode a motorcycle. When he heard of her death after the Facebook posting he said, "Many people have heard that she was dead, but nobody knows anything else. A week ago I saw her with a friend. But I cannot believe the report." Now Krikava admits he cannot believe the speeday hero and model could have initiated such a stunt. Kopalová's grandfather interviewed Addressing the fake death of his granddaughter, Vladimir Kopal told reporters, "Don't pay any attention to her stunt. The girl just plays around. She's okay." Kopalová lives with her 79-year old grandfathjer in Slany. When asked if his granddaughter told him why she pretended to be dead, Kopal replied that "I will be eighty years old. I am not a confessional. She does not tell me everything. But her parents are divorced. Perhaps that explains it. She is confused. We had enough space here, so when she was 14, she came to live with us." Favoring the reporters with a small smile, Kopal admitted, "But why she does this crap, I don't know." As for the ultimate motivation--beyond the desire to break up with her boyfriend--psychologist Šárka Bezvodová told the media that "Lenka wanted to be an interesting and unique person and maybe she just found that she's average. I don't dare say that such behavior necessarily needs treatment, but she may need someone to talk directly to her soul."
  25. Why??? what is the benefit of referring to averages on a heat basis? In my eyes it only dilutes comprehension of the scale of differences between riders. Hell why not further divide the heat average by a factor of ten to close up the differences even more. Pretty soon most riders will have the same average to the 'nth decimal place On a more concerning note, are all tracks secure? Will there be any missing next year and is there any possibility of last minute closures? Every time i've seen swedish speedway the crowds have looked heart warmingly fine but apparently that hasn't prevented finacial difficulties for some.
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