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Everything posted by manchesterpaul
I understand that both teams will be wearing black armbands in respect of Matej Ferjan in tonight's tv match between Hammarby and Vetlanda. It's a nice touch especially as it would appear he was due to ride in this meeting. Hopefully we could get a good meeting as Elit Vetlanda haven't started the season in championship retaining form and Hammarby had a good win at home last time up.
I've tried several times to bring the matter to an end by suggesting we use the PM service. Now.......try again to comprehend this.......after my proposal to continue the discussion via PM, Iris responded with a public posting (has done since too).That's the last time i'm repeating simple explanations to you, i give up with you if that fails. Absolutely genuine question, how old are you Iris???? are you still at school or are you the opposite end and beginning to go senile?. Once again you respond either by name calling or making a stupid comment based on yet another of the very odd conclusions that you draw. Why on earth would i have 'hyper hysterically exploded'??? I am absolutely chilled and relaxed, i've had an extremely fun and profitable week. Plus, if you had taken note of when i responded to your very wierd and odd conclusions you came up with the other day, you should remember that i clearly told you that your original trash had left my mind within minutes! I went off for a good night out and also as a bonus made some money from a pastime. I've got a great relaxing weekend ahead. All is very good in life and content. Also, i say the same to you as i do to your partner above, I've tried several times to bring the matter to an end by suggesting we use the PM service. Now.......try again to comprehend this.......after my proposal to continue the discussion via PM, you responded with a public posting (have done since too). In reply to my last two posts you say "i have nothing original to say" Oh my goodness your selected blindness is astonishing. No response from you to my observations that "I didn't even touch on his blatant overlooking of multiple identities on here, or his own repeated misinformation and......often a lower thing to do than lying.....his disinformation." See a little further below for another example of your selected blindness, and this time try to address the point. Finally, try to distinguish the difference between someone referring to something you said and it not being a case of "Ha ha.Even has to copy my response of saying how tedious his posts were" Let's just try a little test here to see if we can make some headway into the fog of your mind. Just one simple example of a point made to you, are you able to reply to the point in hand or are you incapable of that? Regarding your comment of Well let's just hope no children or ladies read his posts of... I'm not sure what sort of 'respect' such terminology gives rise to. Then again, maybe it's all down to the level/depth of social strata one inhabits. Although, even at the lower level you will often find people temper their brhaviour where children and ladies may be present. Although it would not seem to be the case in the world that Iris and Wanna cohabit in. It's very inconsiderate behaviour and a waste of the forum owner's bandwidth, which is NOT free, to use the forums for personal vendetta's and off-topic fueding when it's purpose of being a forum is for speedway discussion. So out of courteous regard and respect i certainly have no hesitation in taking the higher moral ground and refusing to engage in this inane ongoing farce.
??? Don't think so seeing as i was using my right of reply. I've offered to switch the discussion to PM, but unfortunately i have to respond to public postings. Again, errrrm! don't think that means it's up to me. I didn't even touch on his blatant overlooking of multiple identities on here, or his own repeated misinformation and......often a lower thing to do than lying.....his disinformation. I wondered how long it would be Ladyluck before you waded in. Am i going to be one of the ones you follow around now trying to pick arguments of just for the sake of it and to make negative or argumentative comments on posts? Whilst i'm here i might as well make clear to Iris, i'm not going to bother responding to any further comments on this, it's quite pointless and of extreme tedium. Therefore, gracious sincerest thanks in advance of you hushing up and toddling off. So hush up Iris and toddle off, many sincere thanks. Lady luck if you want to go tag teaming unfortunately the same applies to anything you post. I'll leave you two to discuss tactics i'm off out for a few hours, take care y'allllll.
Lol OMG! so it was. Oh well if United, for once, were not in it i would barely have been aware of it's existence. At least that's my excuse and i'm sticking to it.
Gee whizz is there no end?. I started reading your response and thought at last we can agree to differ no big deal etc. etc. Peace in the world all is good. Only to see your closing statement. Also added to that your failure to grasp why i had to tediously respond in length. The reason i responded ON HERE and not via PM, as i had suggested, is because it was in response to your public posting ON HERE...since you declined to continue it via PM. I posted in both threads 'before' i had to defend myself because......as i pointed out, the same as last week, there were similar parallel threads running that should have been switched to one or the other sections (International or General) Incidentally regarding your comment of Well let's just hope no children or ladies read his posts of... Anyway, once again i could totally rip apart piece by piece what you have just tediously posted at some length. But for goodness sake i have never met anybody who......tell you what......YAWNNNNNNNN BORED WHATEVER......i suggest you toddle off happy in your deluded mind of oh so MANY things. Absolutely POINTLESS attempting to.....oh hang on......forget it YAWNNNNNNN!
You're probably right as i only had a faint inkling that it was a late decision to play the CL final on a Saturday. More likely, it's that it's the first one to be played on a Saturday, in recent years anyway, that was in the back of my mind. From a selfish point of view i wish they had pulled the SGP start forward to the afternoon lol.
Lol!......although only after Wikipedia-ing Bert and Bart. You genuinely are old(ER).
Good for you and hope you really enjoy it. Prague is always described as a beautiful city, however, the women are often even more beautiful. But don't let the wife know that if you are leaving her behind lol. Sadly, not only am i not going, it will be the first GP i don't get to see live. Looks like it will be Sunday afternoon or evening before i get to view it. There is an amazing day of sport scheduled so we having a right old shindig. Several major events for sports that i don't follow too. Of course the major alternative attraction is the European Champions League final with my beloved Manchester United up against Barcelona. Yes i know we are unlikely to win and even more unlikely to, save a miracle, if Fergie deploys the tactic that cost us an extra THREE Champions League crowns of playing a lone striker up front. The initial treble and lots of trophies were won with attack, attack, attack. Ooops i have sooo majorly digressed, a thousand apologies. My main observation regarding the CL final is that it is annually one of the most watched events on the entire planet. Clearly, even more so this year in vioew of the teams taking part. I'm presuming the switch to a Saturday staging was made after the SGP had already been scheduled??? The football play-off final, cricket test and cricket final all avoid a direct clash. Was planning to record the speedway and watch it after the match however, Mixed Martial Arts reigns supreme with Cage Warriors at, i think, 9pm and the cream of the crop the Ultimate Fighting Championship in the early hours up to about 5am or later!. So allowing recovery time, no speedway until roughly Sunday evening! I'll certainly record the original meeting whole rather than watch a highlights package. Will need to 'get it out of the way' though before the live Nascar starts later in the evening. Anyway hope the weather is as beautiful as the city (and the women) and for once there is a raceable track in Prague.
Desperately wish for that to hold sway. Only possible problem is Alan, after last night's poker sessions none of your american compatriots will be able to buy their round lol. But, that's ok cos not only am i benevolent......i'm now RICH! everyone the drinks are on me
Ok i could pick apart everything you just said, but it can go on for an eternity. However, i do have to pick you up on a few things seeing as you declined to take this tedium away from the forum and switch to the PM service. Just for the sake of avoiding this continuing on and on even more so lol, i'll refrain from tackling you in detail over your really wierd descriptions you apply such as 'hysterical' when they don't apply to the matter in hand!!! Also, the very odd conclusions you draw such as; "I had a bit of a chuckle,just like you can when a kid gets hysterical......as long as it isn't your own " Eh! ??? "i just switched over.If that disturbs you in some way i guess you need help" Errrrm! ??? No it didn't 'disturb' me and subsequently i don't need help lol. We all have the right to choose.Live with it OMG! What on earth is that about??? lol lol. I put you right on that a little earlier i think. Now then as for your little piece in bold font below, Well Iris, errrrm! excuse me but clock this.....(as in possibly a tad OTT somewhat?) As for your mentioning a similar discussion in another thread and bit being confusing, two points on that; 1. I was having to defend myself in both. 2. As i pointed out and requested so at the start of two extremely similar threads last week that covered a specific subject perfectly parallel, they needed amalgamating. Either in the International section or the General speedway section. So not me to blame there. Indeed Iris as you rightly say, the International section always has been one of the most friendly and helpful areas for many a year. I personally, have praised and thanked yourself on lots of occasions. But, woweeee in the same way that a large section of the forum seemed to go very aggressive and argumentative last year, i was very surprised to note that you yourself had changed your demeanour in your postings. Now, before you start trying to discredit me with your labels and definitions risen from your odd conclusions (smear campaign?), let's be clear about something, i've been a member of these forums for quite a few years now and i've done remarkably well to successfully avoid being drawn into any of the personal fueds that arise. Like i say a lot of the forum seemed to go all steroidal (lol) last year out of the blue. I must have made hundreds of post and every one of those in the best interest of the sport. Even when i've had to call out something i think is damaging to the sport, i'm pretty certain i've always done so as constructively as possible. You do seem to have a tendency to totally 'not get' when something said is a 100% joke, which doesn't help now that you are going along trying to find faults or criticisms in every post that certain individuals make. Hand on heart, until very recently, i have for years been oblivious as to who has made any post that i reply to. I simply do not glance to the left of the actual posting. I'm sure there have been times when i've strongly pulled someone up over a post with an opposite view and then same day sincerely praised them for another post. These forums contain countless posts i have made on many topics that have been praised. I am not one of the members who go around with multiple identities, often in tandem with others, attacking individual posters wherever they post. I have never had the slightest problem if someone holds a view totally opposite to mine. I've never noted the name of a poster and targetted their subsequent posts just for the opportunity of adding a negative or critical reply. How wrong and, if i didn't have a thick skin lol, offensive for you to say my posts are 'OTT'???. I've made hundreds upon hundreds of perfectly calm, reasonable and constructive posts, lots of them have been complimented on. I suggest you start from day one and tally up my perfectly calm and reasoned posts. It's going to take you a long time. Also, try and get assistance from someone who can recognize blatantly obvious humourous posts and statements. Like i say, until recently getting mired in, and dragged down to such a level by being forced to respond to, argumentative posts made for the sake of it, i've been amazed i've kept out of all the arguments and fueds over the years. Alas, i know for a fact that right now i'm not the only one who has to deal with those who inhabit the forums just to stir things up, trolls and flamers etc. To your credit Iris i'm not suggesting you're one of the trolls lol. Uh oh best make clear, neither am i suggesting you are one of the flamers. Dear oh dear! if only this and linked posts could have been said via PM!
What a very strange comment indeed? Who's disturbed over it? Who said you don't have a right to choose!!! ??? Live with what? It left my mind and memory a second after reading it. I've got a life a little bit busier than having time to mull over a rather odd comment from yourself. I can only presume that your opening phrase is taken from a joke i made in a thread a while ago. Unfortunately, i had no way of suspecting that it held some truth. Have you really been holding on to it all this while itching to use it?, how extremely sad. You might have looked better if you had saved it to use in some sort of context where it would fit a bit better. When i used a similar reference a while ago, and clearly as a lightweight throwaway joke, it was in context of an aspect of the discussion. You can't make cracks about people having mental problems just because they hold an opposing view to yours on a singular topic!!! My clear joke was about a long and detailed chain of postings. Also, you really need to try and grasp what is clearly a joke, do you have trouble grasping 'sense of humour'?. I'm presuming it's not because you lack a sense of humour, not at all, i'm giving you the benefit of the doubt it's because english is not your first language?. Anyways, surely it's for the better of the forum if rather than people having to plough through pages of people being forced to reply to being dragged into post-by-post responses away from the subject matter, use the PM service. A chap in another thread who is reluctantly caught up and targetted in an endless cycle of having to respond to similar posts whenever he makes a post in a thread, suggested that the other party/parties use the PM service. It would certainly save all users from having to wade through irrelevant posts. I certainly remember suggesting the same a long time ago, as unfortunately, it's impossible to ever have enough moderators to universally enforce the 'attack the post and not poster' ideal and remove all off-topic posts from a thread. If anyone has a dislike or problems with a member, don't inflict it on others use the PM service?
Thank you equally in return and whatever time i return from my gallavanting tonightm, i'll be hooking up with my many american friends on the poker circuit. All the best.
Ok commiserations to the grammar/commentator police obsessed, and i'll try to find the telephone number of the samaritians for those severely depressed by rider pronunciation errors from a commentator new to the sport and the prominent languages involved (mainly swedish and polish). As for me wowwwwweeeeeeeee well elated at this late boost to one's speedway diet on television and it sure has put me in an even more upbeat mood ahead of a good night out. Try not to sob yourself to sleep too loudly Wanna and Iris etc. you really should be considerate of your neighbours! Good night all.
NOW???? surely NOWWWWWW? WANNA and IRIS can you force yourself to comment on the speedway?
Lol hush Alan ya stirrer hee hee
Remove your blinkers Iris...far from a lone voice. And......thank you for commentting on the speedway racing DOUBLY
Yeahhhhhh! nice speedway RACING again but hold on......'WANNA' give us your commentators update regards pronunciation of riders names etc...we are SOOOOOOO agog and bated breath waiting to hear! 100% no disrespect to Ghostwalker's suggestion.....but i so am not going to be bother switching to a thread on the commentators.....i am too busy enjoying swedish speedway. All those who can not see and comment on some very good speedway because they are to busy debating the commentator....PLEASE FOLLOW GHOSTWALKERS THREAD LINK.....i'm loving the speedway and too be honest am really only taking note of the comments on the speedway. Thank you Premier Sports and thank you Swedish speedway.
Come onnnnnnnn 'Wanna' we waiting let's hear your gaelic football commentary
??? are you some sort of grammar spectator or a speedway fan....someone new to the sport and it's rider's and likely equally new to the languages prominent in speedway, polish and swedish. He is superb in his improving grasp of the sport. Hey if we talking about the mother of all gashes.....YOU go commentate on an alien sport and language you are not used to pronouncing....please in one weeks time provide us all with a link to your commentary on a gaelic football match!
Lol! your loss once again someone unable to grasp that after decades of speedway...the racing improves considerably after the initial heats....excellent and a joy to watch Andreas Jonsson's defeat of Tomasz Gollob just now....your loss impatient screamer
Also, extremely impressed how when referring to updated scores from other swedish meetings it sounds as if they have been life-long followers of the swedish league and aware of all it's nuances and implications of the ongoing scores! Someone new to the sport sounding infinitely better than established long in the tooth commentators. Please stop your appalling unreasonable childish criticisms. Select a sport you have no knowledge of...record yourself commentating on it and WEEP WEEP WEEP at your 'performance'.
Let's be clear about one thing....massive plaudits to the 'virginal' commentator on speedway for Premier Sports....bearing in mind he has no co-commentator he is absolutely superb in filling in the spaces between action.
Are There Or Aren't There Play-offs This Season?
manchesterpaul replied to manchesterpaul's topic in National League Speedway
Thank you much appreciated. -
Even if they do get past Cardiff they will still have Swansea to overcome at Wembley! Regarding americans being oblivious of speedway, i think you would find equally that Jimmy Johnson could walk down any street over here and no one would have a clue lol. Me, i'd recognize them both as i love both sports. Nascar is amazing. Mind you i think even in the heyday of Bruce Penhall, Denis Sigalos, Bobby Schwartz and the Moran and Bast brothers most of them, away from Costa Mesa, would have been able to walk down most streets in america without being accosted. Pretty sure goes the same for Greg Hancock over here unless he should happen to walk past a speedway fan.
The Hammarby - Dackarna match is obviously the one also being shown live on Premier Sports here in the UK. I do hope the hour-by-hour weather forecast i'm looking at now changes during the day as it's looking a little dodgy come the evening.