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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Hmmm there's a few forum members who could start a punch-up in a room on their own lol.
  2. Wow love this sport as they line up for the semi-finals Hush Alan because if your wife catches sight of Daria no more Speedway for you, she simply won't believe you watching it for the racing.
  3. Yeah i was aware of that but hopefully it was just an overflow from football with them looking for, at the time, a lesser policed event?. Lindgren's non-finish in a race could cost him dear on the countback UPDATE Someone tell Sky Lindgren is ALREADY OUT now? WHY? because Pawlicki or Holder finish third. Sky saying they need to finish second! Am i right and they wrong? I was right lol
  4. It is good to see so much partying going on in the crowd and families having a great time. More so when viewed against the backdrop of Polish football hooliganism in recent years rivalling the British scene of years gone by.
  5. You're welcome, anything that helps someone in a Speedway wilderness. Yeah got to admit i do miss the stunning ladies on the Polish feeds.
  6. I do find it very hard to ever criticize* Chris Harris in view of the immense joy he gave us and the sport in winning the British GP, more to the point the manner in which he won it. It's the same as when Manchester United won the Treble against all the odds in each competition, i swore if they never win a single trophy again i'd be perfectly content. Just hope Chris can do what Man U did and win lots and lots more though. *OK i cringed as ever after his first interview of the night and his 'Worst Sports Psychology Course in the world ever' quote once again of "we're full of confidence and we'll just......." nooooooo! i can't finish what he said i ran out of the room. Needless to say another two races later and not a single point added!.
  7. Well chuffed a second Grand Prix with some great racing for each position (ok except for the lead so far lol). I'm certainly finding it an entertaining GP despite the best efforts of Ole to sabotage it. Heat winners and points for each gate as follows Red......5....19 Blue......5....18 White....2....19 Yellow...0....16
  8. Both and everyone very welcome. I'll keep my fingers firmly crossed for those outside of the TV coverage area that you get hooked up with a good and steady stream.
  9. OK put them online so AVAILABLE as of NOW! You can directly download them from the top of the following page. MiniMax Racecard 2012 EUROPEAN Grand Prix Racecard Basic Version MiniMax Racecard 2012 EUROPEAN Grand Prix Racecard
  10. Anyone know what time the draw will take place today?! As with the New Zealand Grand Prix there are two different times given on the official GP site. On the front page it has it at 17:15 Local TIme. Upon clicking on that link, on the actual draw page it has 13:00 Local Time. GrrrRRRRR i got a busy day and whilst flexible to accommodate either time, i do need to arrange things so i can fire off the Racecards at the time of the actual draw. I think a lot of fans print-out the various racecards at work so it would be nice if it's the earlier time of the two.
  11. Available in the afternoon following the draw on Friday are the TWO different versions of the MiniMax Racecard. You can directly download them from the top of the following page MiniMax Racecard 2012 EUROPEAN Grand Prix Racecard Basic Version MiniMax Racecard 2012 EUROPEAN Grand Prix Racecard
  12. Result 1. GERMANY 37 2. LATVIA 36 3. FINLAND 29 4. FRANCE 16
  13. Hey you two let's agree on something we all have Speedway's best interests at heart
  14. Certainly from a sporting, entertainment and television aspect it was a huge and enjoyable success in my eyes. Greatest credit and praise to all involved and a superb production as usual from Sky for the tv viewers over here. The figures i was interested in regarding staging were discounting the extra freight costs, i was merely wondering what sort of money is paid out to IMG/BSI whoever. One thing i'm in the habit of doing before and after a GP is to scour local media, sports and residents forums, and social media. Judging by the overall feedback it would seem very likely that there will be an even larger crowd there next year. Lowest figure i've seen quoted is 15,000 but have seen quite a few stating over 20,000. Incidentally, in doing such searches, nine times out of ten one finds that when TV commentators say "....(insert Nationality) really love their Speedway it's very popular here" it so is impossible to find a mention in not only National but Local media of all forms. Often not even acknowledging a GP is taking place. Lol lol, i so have never heard the American tourist/Windsor Castle analogy, very funny indeed. Pretty sure not only has that actually been said in reality, but probably also by one of our own too. There are many good arguments and points made in the New Zealand media about Mildenhall type complaints that could lead to Western Springs closing down. On the bright side a lot of those in favour of the track and neutrals too are mentioning that the complainants moved into properties and neighbourhoods in full knowledge of the track existing. Indeed it's one of the reasons why they could afford to buy the homes. Although, if the track closed down the house prices would rise and they make a big profit! Bill Buckley certainly wants to be stressing the amount of income brought into the area and beyond by the visitors. A fair few of who were from abroad and thereby would spend considerably more money than a local race fan. Aside from the hotel and catering income fans from overseas would be buying souveniers to do with the country and city. EDIT UPDATE I see a further post sneaked in whilst i was typing mine. Cheers for letting us see the article Dave very good reading.
  15. I just noticed this in a New Zealand Speedway forum. "Interesting article in the weekender of saturdays herald on the expenses of the Gp by Buckley . I cant see him running to many shows at such a enormous loss as reported ,with out help from other sponsors ." I haven't been able to garner any more details as i've only just seen the above and am heading off out for a few hours. I did do a quick Google but nothing as yet online. I did check the New Zealand Herald website which gave good coverage before and after the GP, however, it would seem the article was in the printed version's 'Weekender' and one presumes that's a magazine? I know the promoter said it will take three years to pay but I'd certainly be interested to see what financial details it may provide as to the current costs of staging a GP.
  16. Then again that should allow for much needed extra heats to hold for the benefit of young riders etc. It would be interesting to let them go out first and get them to roughen up the track for the experienced riders. We all know throughout the history of Speedway one often gets little passing in the first few heats. Would be good for any televised meeting to see 'racing' underway from the first heats of a league meeting. Presently, newcomers to the sport, be it the Grand Prix or Elite League, tune in see no passing in the early races and change channels.
  17. Which one is you Dave?.......ok i admit that was a bitter jibe borne out of total all-consuming JEALOUSY.
  18. Well i for one found that an enjoyable start to the season. Great tv broadcast too from Sky. Good NIght/Morning/Afternoon all.
  19. Indeed, got to admit i couldn't care less myself about who knew what. Also too be honest i'm well chuffed Sky have given us this meeting LIVE so they can do and say whatever they want, they can do no wrong in my eyes tonight/today. It's an entertaining GP so far even ahead of the semi-finals and final.
  20. Sky wrong again a point will not be enough for Emil if Jonsson wins his race. And i say that very sleepy and bleary eyed. Andreas would have 2 WINS in his 7 points. Take it back Emil would edge out Lindgren on their records. Oh well at least Harris didn't make me eat humble pie lol. My eyes are shutting now zzzzzzzz. EDIT my EDIT i was right and Sky were wrong. Slep deprivation is powerful.
  21. Doesn't the fact he's had two engine failures likely indicate a probable cause as well?
  22. Chris Harris has to be the worst advert ever for Sports Psychology. No matter how distant behind the winner of a race he'll finish or how poor a meeting he is having he insists on shrugging his shoulders and says....."we'll just go out win the next one"! It's gone on for about three years from what i can see, it's absolutely hilarious at times. Dontcha dare win the next race Chris and leave me eating humble pie.
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