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Everything posted by manchesterpaul

  1. Heat 15 another addition to a great night once again of GP speedway. Maybe we should all let Sky* know what an entertaining series this is. Can you ever imagine not getting to see this season's GP's so far, and goodness knows what's ahead for the rest of the year. * or whichever tv station provides your coverage....ok or whichever site provides your streams too (but don't let the tv stations know) lol.
  2. Woweeeeeee told ya! Different reaction from Nicki Pedersen than from Holder in similar circumstrances.
  3. How many years you've been waiting to retell that one lol. Back to the speedway, very unfortunate Holder got himself excluded just now as he looked as if he could go on and win the race. Glad to hear Hampel 'only' got a dislocated ankle.
  4. Lol! Do hope you don't own a cottage or holiday home in the valleys there's quite an incendary history with those who criticize them or they take a dislike to lol. I'm ok because i've declared my love for Bonnie Tyler many a time.
  5. Wasn't suggesting it broke any rules, but might have been a different use of hands between Pedersen and Holder, punching instead of shaking lol. Hmmm i was going to comment last GP that Chris Harris was out of order not giving any interviews when things were not going right. We wanted to know what his thoughts were and what they were trying to do to correct things. Now that he has won a race it appears he can't wait to grab a reporter and wax lyrical. Bit of a poor Arsene Wegner type of attitude to his responsibilities. However, great to see him perform well.
  6. Heat 5 turned out to be as good as it looked it would be, certainly incident wise. Greatest credit to Holder for an amazing race to get back up to second place, also for his sporting reaction to some cut throat racing by Nicki Pedersen. I do wonder if Nicki would have reacted the same if he was on the receiving end of 'that' move. Yeah absolutely heartwarming to see such a good crowd despite the Denmark match clashing. Plus Heat 6 making it look like we got yet another Great Prix.
  7. If Hampel's injury is as bad as commentators saying it's a great shame for one of the GP's favourite riders. I would have thought Bjerre was slightly to blame more than it it being first bend bunching. Certainly that's one of next season's GP nominations taken care off.
  8. I dearly hope it will be but there is a slight side event scheduled at the same time on television, namely, the European Championship Football match between Denmark and Holland (or more correctly The Netherlands, but try tellling that to the 'World Soccer' magazine editors, they seem to be resolutely and determined to stay in a time warp despite most other forms of European media falling correctly into line.....oooops i digress lol)! Will be a great show strength for the sport in Denmark if it is a well filled stadium.
  9. Was wondering why you switched from Swedish to Danish, Duhhhhhh! ok i get it now, it the Danish GP. Will be interesting to see how you cope with the British GP in Cardiff does 'Google Translate' do Welsh!!!
  10. Put them online so AVAILABLE as of NOW! You can directly download them from the top of the following page. MiniMax Racecard 2012 DANISH Grand Prix Basic Version MiniMax Racecard 2012 DANISH Grand Prix
  11. Can anybody confirm what time the draw takes place? We've had the usual conflicting times on the official website yesterday, as in main home page saying 13:00 Local TIme and upon clicking on the draw link it said 17:15. Just gone there now and both pages saying 17:15 Local TIme Grrrrr messing up my plans lol lol.
  12. Also on Wednesday the - televised free online - Danish League match clashes again with the national football side's match against Portugal. I'm ok though i'll watch both at the same time. I'll watch the SGP alongside the Denmark Vs Holland game too. Who said men can't multitask!
  13. Available in the afternoon following the draw on Friday are the TWO different versions of the MiniMax Racecard.   You can directly download them from the top of the following page   MiniMax Racecard 2012 DANISH Grand Prix Racecard   Basic Version MiniMax Racecard 2012 DANISH Grand Prix Racecard
  14. Is it not worth looking out for the repeat then, did the racing improve/appear? I didn't get back home in time today to watch this.
  15. Nooooo!i ain't falling for that......you fibbing to taunt me because i can't see nada lol.
  16. Ok i so got to move to Sweden. Is Agnetha Åse Fältskog still a very 'fit bit'? or is around 62 years too much age to weather successfully?
  17. It must be the satellite feed to UK tv ok it back no it's not back, they're showing a previous week's action as a filler for now
  18. Uh oh tv feed in UK possibly gone down are you all ok still in Sweden and Poland? Maybe someone/thing shot satellite down...hmmm do i prefer to be invaded by Russians, Chinese,Americans or Aliens?
  19. Hmmm Interflora doesn't always work. I've had my lady more than once harumphhhh! and utter something about you can't buy me with flowers. Although, normally i have sinned in some way - and undervalued the sin.
  20. For certain the final is the superior and more appealling meeting, but if one can watch both at the same time, this one will lol.
  21. Starting to think in a Grand Prix week his teams need to use some Greyhound Racing tactics. Have a mechanical hare with a SGP logo adorned jacket on streakng ahead of him.
  22. I hope N-K isn't doing an E.K. a sudden big increase in form lol. I am joking i'm sure he's all legit. Yes indeed, but i'll be watching both on my computer is my point. Many thanks for the info, i had seen R&R ask about it somewhere, but i had't seen a positive reply the last time i saw the thread. Therefore, i was presuming it wasn't being covered.
  23. I'll be watching the free Danish TV League stream (i think that meeting starts at 5:30pm UK time?) but also, first time in a while, will be searching for the Swedish meeting stream. Hopefully, there will be more than one option available. I've never used Coolsportz so i'll look out for that too.
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